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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mwebs12

  1. Don't you hate it when you wanna raid, you end up getting ALL the way to the base, and see that the people you're raiding are neutral, but.... you realize you aren't a fac. moderator.

    1. awesomeo_5000


      f leave, f create PWNAGE, f enemy, profit?

  2. tekkit.rawcritics.com:25565 (or :25569) I used to play on this server all the time, but I got griefed, and ragequitted forever. Try it, the community is very kind, no messy spawn, and everyone let's you go see their houses, and you trade with people and such, even the Admins helped me get started.
  3. Corby is gay. (I saw Jantiors To Do List)

    1. Corby


      Outrageous, and I repeal it.

  4. Thanks Star, It was an awesome birthday.
  5. I'm 14 now! :D

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. terminator


      I agree with Griffon theres always 16 year olds commenting and calling others kids and stuff wtf? lol

    3. Raptor


      Damn children... Wait no :c

    4. RedGander


      14 is not so young. That's pretty close to average player age on the MC server in any case.

  6. mwebs12

    So sad :'(

    So.... When the next map is here.... My main account mwebs1 will be unbanned? >.<
  7. What about Demacia? Aren't they feared too? : And this is just my 'opinion' but what about all the other old map factions? E.g: Prodiguild? meh i don't know, just a thought.
  8. I'm back from my ban, can't wait to see all my friends again :o

    1. Wessel Kompier

      Wessel Kompier

      Can I be your friend?

  9. I believe that's the whole point Mathijs It's supposed to be difficuilt
  10. mwebs12


    Minecraft: Session Servers Down Aug 11 2012 06:04:49 by Castiana As noted on Mojang's site the Minecraft session servers are currently offline preventing players from logging in to any Minecraft server worldwide. We're tracking the status of the issue and will update this post as new information becomes available. This issue also causes 503 errors. Please refrain from contacting ticket or live support about this issue - it is out of our control and we're trying to help as many users as possible.
  11. Well, I kind of like the idea of having an Enchantment Tower and a Brewing Tower, it just makes it fair so that not everyone can just enchant whenever they like, it brings a challenge to the server. But I don't think we should get rid of it entirely, sure you can decrease the max enchant, but to get rid of it entirely would make players rage, and maybe even quit the server, it's just my opinion.
  12. 1. Your ingame name: mwebs1 2. Date of your ban: Last year, July? Around that time. 3. What game/server are you banned from: Minecraft 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) Clavus 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) X-ray 6. Reason why we should unban you: Look, It's been ages since i've played on this server, and now that Minecraft was updated to 1.3.1, all my friends from AvarAce have started playing again, and I cant get on to play with them, or help them start up, I know I used x-ray before. And I know i'm just a kid but it would mean a hell of a lot if you gave me another chance to play again. Thanks for your time.
  13. Since when was AvarAce re-created? (I vote for BlackBird, NyanCatz, Scourge, Left4green, Olympians and Ret)
  14. Can i join? Please D:
  16. Why did you not just leave that to yourself, now theyre not going to use there hacks as much anymore cos there scared your gonna record them
  17. Woah, thats A LOT of stuff, good job
  18. No.... NO NO NO, THIS ONE IS STILL GOOD.....
  19. Agreed
  20. Google images, i searched up UKF DnB and then yeah
  21. I have just heard Unison by Knfie party.... Theres....just no way to describe what i heard in that song

  22. mwebs12


    Im into Dubstep mostly, and sometimes DnB, I listen to: Skrillex Nero DirtyPhonics Knife party and thats just about it
  23. I can help you? But no i cant invite you to our faction, sorry :S Ask me any question in a message and i'll answer it
  24. I know i could, but i never will if i were to get banned... Id learn my lesson from being banned
  25. Well, id like to face the consequences..
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