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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VTraxx

  1. Oh wow no problem for the late reply... EPICCCCC im gonna download it and test it this weekend thanks thanks thanks
  2. Can i request 3 more whitelist for some friends? : - dromexxvi - SamanthaNr1 - Celestrum - added
  3. Please add; Pauloman20 - Added
  4. Im not sure how many people like modded servers but i think if this splits the current ammount of players over 2 servers, 1 or maybe both will be quite empty then.
  5. Hmm not sure about this, i like the way minecraft is now. Personally i dont need the extra mods/options. And does this also means that we start a new map?
  6. Epic, thanks for bringing this server back!
  7. VTraxx - added
  8. Well he renting a minecraft server already for 3 weeks, and we playing on it..
  9. @Kodauer: Is the map from that era still available somewhere? (maybe as download) I remember Hulpje & me building a big building round building with some buildings on top of it. Would love to check how we build it. (as i'm only have this picture now)
  10. Just put minimum age to 18+ or 19+ and problem if solved
  11. Can the server get a reboot? it's quite laggy
  12. +VTraxx, building together with hulpje And just created my first working elevator During christmas holiday played almost all days :-D Im love it
  13. I have some questions so i post it here since i didnt see you for some days at the server (usa/europe time difference) 1. Is it possible extend the daytime? It becomes quite fast night. Sometimes i have the idea that i'm playing on a 24/7 night minecraft server . 2. Is it possible to lower the ammount of mobs (zombies,creepers etc). During nighttime there are 1000000 mobs, you cannot even walk 1 meter without getting a mob behind you. And last question, also on behalf of Hulpje. 3. Is it possible to extend the world(map) border with 15 blocks?, Hulpje build our base to close to the world(map) border (The noob..) and now we missing 15 blocks to finish our base/towers. Greetings!
  14. Also stole from my chest..
  15. I have a tool running that hides the icons that are not in the boxes on the screen :-p
  16. I'm not sure if you're still working on a fix, but just to be sure. I'm still getting the message that i'm not Whitelisted on the server :-(
  17. 1. VTraxx 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. If i have the time next to my job, yes 5. Not really a future plan
  18. Just played it on server, was a little bug as i set the gravity of the first version to zero ("0"). Its fixed with this version. So the map can be oversaved race-Tolanto-GravityFix.zip
  19. Hi there, i finaly finished a map Race +32 Spawns 18 Checkpoints Laptime: ± 2 Minutes Some screenshots: http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Thomas_Owner/library/MTA%20SA%20-%20Tolanto ----- Released maps: - Tolanto (version: 1.1) race-Tolanto.zip
  20. 7/10 - Nice track, but for me personal a little bit to soft. and boring.
  21. it's my birthday today.. hooreeh!

  22. Nah, ur a nice girl
  23. 1. Real name and age? Thomas, 21 years old.. (still 20 for 3 days ) 2. Where do you live? In the country of red tulips, cheese and whores ofcourse 3. Previous experiEnce with communities and boards? (you forgot an E..) I have a lot experience with boards and communities, visit a lot of boards to keep updated about new music, news etc. And i'm moderator at one of the biggest boards about hardstyle music 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) I'm working as an Servicedesk Engineer at a local IT Company. I first worked over there as an intern, but after my study i start working fulltime. And second i'm manager at a new hardstyle label. The label is called: VTraxx Records.. year great name i know.. ' 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? Nope, finished school -> start working 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? I'm addicted to hardstyle .. oh and i'm not good in writing stories about myself.. No picture, because i hate making pictures of myself *note; if you click on the link: LOVE.TO.PARTY!. you can find me somewhere in the movie !
  24. I've got no brains to think whats on my mind.

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