1. Real name and age? Thomas, 21 years old.. (still 20 for 3 days ) 2. Where do you live? In the country of red tulips, cheese and whores ofcourse 3. Previous experiEnce with communities and boards? (you forgot an E..) I have a lot experience with boards and communities, visit a lot of boards to keep updated about new music, news etc. And i'm moderator at one of the biggest boards about hardstyle music 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) I'm working as an Servicedesk Engineer at a local IT Company. I first worked over there as an intern, but after my study i start working fulltime. And second i'm manager at a new hardstyle label. The label is called: VTraxx Records.. year great name i know.. ' 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? Nope, finished school -> start working 6. Describe yourself with 3 words?
7. Anything else you wanna tell us? I'm addicted to hardstyle .. oh and i'm not good in writing stories about myself.. No picture, because i hate making pictures of myself *note; if you click on the link: LOVE.TO.PARTY!. you can find me somewhere in the movie !