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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sentra

  1. And you've forgotten to post the next "Would you Rather..?"
  2. Sentra


    Why imageshack is SO SLOW ?
  3. It slows my i7, goddamned i7 ! Maybe you'll think about it, ya?
  4. O my God.. facepalm TOR and KotOR, what is the difference? This game based on KotOR universe. Personally, I don't like MMORPG and this news was the worst I have ever seen before. But sure, it's EA.
  5. Where is my KotOR III ?! **** that shit, I want real KotOR. Even this game is cool, it won't replace this masterpiece..
  6. He blocks EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE ON YOUR PC lol. And his screaming is blowing your brainz.
  7. Holy damned shit :0 DON'T INSTALL THIS, it is dangerous for your head and for computer too. Kaspersky is very slow.
  8. Avast suxx, really. Personally for me, there was: "there aren't any viruses, it's all right, you can go sleep, bla-bla-bla". And, after some time, I got Trojan.Horse, shitty packer and one more bad guy. After messing with this shit, I got Avira (Premium Suite). And yeah, it works! I have used it for two year, and there isn't any viruses yet. Hell yeah :3
  9. Sentra

    Unban Me

    lol Think well in the next time before using this damned nawb tool.
  10. Maya's World End "should" be on December 21 2012.
  11. wow, mistake, sorry
  12. Waiting for mobile services.
  13. No, you mean it.
  14. Merry Christmas
  15. Удачечек, родственник :3 Я, кстати, сам с России) Good luck
  16. Я ЗНАЛ ЧТО Я НЕ ОДИН БЛЕАТЬ! Кревед :3 - I cannot resist it too запили мне плюсов побольше :3 I knew that there will be some russian-speaking users, ouyeah
  17. I've taken an arrow to the knee :[

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    2. Sentra
    3. Sacrevy


      I used to have a social life, then I took this forum in my brains.

  18. 1. Real name and age? Egor, 16. 2. Where do you live? Kiev, Ukraine (yah. yah, but we haven't too many bears and vodka, but we have our ukrainian moonshine :3 In our language, it's called 'samogonka' ) 3. Previous experince with communities and boards? A lot of. But they are ukrainian 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) Working as service manager (and studying, of course) 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? Yep, studying English :3 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? (looking forward to that one, lol) Okay. Maybe positivity, sometimes comic, interesting :0
  19. You can use some content from Dead Island. It will be nice, if you make a small map with ideas from this game. And I know that this topic is old :3
  20. Hmm. Okay, I can't connect with Opera. I will try with Chrome now. UPD: Yeah, yeah. Opera is stupid :[ Chrome works. Thank you.
  21. Can't connect the Steam account to L4G and access to my GC from the server too Will you fix it?
  22. Fav. clip. Hell yeah!
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