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Mr. Green Gaming

Wessel Kompier

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Everything posted by Wessel Kompier

  1. Because he's entitled to. This forum is for topic, and if he's wants to make a post about something silly just let him.
  2. Seems legit.
  3. This guy is a fucking genius.

  4. You know that a MiniMap is allowed when it doesn't show players or mobs, right?
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Actually Storm, you look a lot like Butters. « Crew Clavus: No point in bringing this shit up. »
  7. Just to break the endless discussion about peaceful factions. I found this quite amusing
  8. Oke, but "where"
  9. So I recently bought JC2, and I would appreciate it if somebody could tell me where I can download the launcher in order to play?
  10. 23 Haven't played much these few days. My friend has a lot of problems with his account.
  11. Why is this another topic about Minecraft PVP? There are atleast 5 other topics regarding this issue. There is seriously no need to start a new one. Please just look through the Minecraft topics first before posting your problems.
  12. Disconnect your vibrator.
  13. Thor?
  14. Yes im sure there is a way to transfer the work you have done on to anther map but i am not aware how to do that I think some of the admins may have an idea Why should their/your base be transferred over? If that would happen, then everybody's base should be transferred over. Just that they are a big faction doesn't change anything.
  15. Wessel Kompier


  16. Happy birthday
  17. Mathijs made me bump this thread :'( He was yelling at me.
  18. Yeah I know. But I've changed that picture, because I was messing with my macros when I took that screenshot, but I forgot that you should show your "background" Not your programs
  19. I've installed a theme just like Cyrius. Just got it done, and messed around with the icons. Also, my background changes over time. ^ | | My favorite.
  20. Good luck!
  21. Lol
  22. Tomorrow is my last day in Turkey. It was a constant 30C which rises to 40C around 12:00 - 14:00. Not much sweaty balls going on, because when it gets too hot, I just walk off the hotels terrain and straight onto the beach
  23. Lol! But seriously. Where the fuck do you get all that money from?!
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