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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Quert

  1. OFF-TOPIC (actually not very OT since it's about something in the previous page) : To Sneed (and any other who was randomly posting against me without reading what I've actually said). If you feel you're one of them, open this spoiler tag. Did you fucking read what i've replied in this post? Are you too fucking lazy to do that? THEN DONT FUCKING SHITPOST RANDOMLY! I support the idea they should put the god damn poison gasses in the spawns only! The fucking phrase you guys KEEP MULTIQUOTING (IMO just at the goal to troll me): "...should add poison gas in the place humans usually camp..." IS ABOUT THE MAP WITH THE CAR CRUSHER ONLY! And its not just what i've said, It's something I've heard from Pufulet himself ingame! (Copy-Pasted this from the edited post in the previous page [the fourth one from me]) (Sorry but I REALLY HAD to type the stuff above, got fuckin' angry annoyed with the fact that they're too lazy to read ALL and then reply without knowning anything) No fuckin' offense. 'Nuff said. IN-TOPIC: Perk: Accuracy bonus with any firearm Perk-Aura: Teammates standing within (you choose how many units) get damage bonus. Not stackable Active skill: Can kick a zombie to knock it down (they become ragdolls for a short time). Cooldown. Must stand still while performing this attack.
  2. What? surf_measuresurf? ain't that a little weird name?
  3. Rape every single, living cell on earth.. Or camp somewhere and have a tea time and quert doesnt seem to be able to see that HUMANS ALWAYS LOSE except on maps where all humans are forced into team work like on pub, its so small that you cant go anywhere else and any vaguely good team could survive that map I bet problems would be instantly solved if the DMG based SP gain system was used, because if I attack humans till i'm low on health (So I took dmg and someone earned SP's) and then go back to spawn to heal myself, both zombies and humans would be balanced. I still support the fact that they should add poison gasses. atleast in the spawns P.S: Re-read the piece of phrase from me (actually from Pufulet, he said it today ingame, in the morning I think) you guys multiquoted. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EDIT Did you fucking read what i've replied in this post? Are you too fucking lazy to do that? THEN DONT FUCKING SHITPOST RANDOMLY! I support the idea they should put the god damn poison gasses in the spawns!!! The fucking phrase you guys KEEP MULTIQUOTING (IMO just at the goal to troll me): "...should add poison gas in the place humans usually camp..." IS ABOUT THE MAP WITH THE CAR CRUSHER ONLY!!! And its not just what i've said, It's something I've heard from Pufulet himself ingame!!!!!
  4. I don't even think that Alpha HP is possible to get as poisonzombie, because if you get that bonus and die you will respawn without it, especially if it happens after long time (and you'd have to wait quite a while to unlock Poison zombie, no?) So it's possible only as Normal zombie (I think) About the DMG based SP gain, that's a good point. (I'll definely support that aswell ) If they used that system, no ANNOYING Kill Steals() would occur. So they could do something like 25 dmg = 1 SP and headshot damage x1.5 SP bonus
  5. Okay, I agree. Poison gas just at zombie spawn. It's fine to me just as long as there's an area where I can heal as zombie. Why is it supposed to be unfair? Even if they add them, very few zombies would do the "Attack - Retreat 'n' Heal" tactic anyway. And spawncamp is possible in any map except the ones where zombies come out of spawn and neither zombies nor humans can go back in. The Poison Zombie's 'portable' poison gas aura certainly used to be an unfair thing, both because it could deal AOE dmg, and heal zombies. But poison gasses are still and you can just avoid them, and zombies would have to run to them to heal. The goal of the game is to keep zombies away from you and survive as long as possible, right? So the result is still the same: Instead of dying, the 'smart' zombies (who want to do the tactic) go away to heal. What's the difference???
  6. i hope thats a joke... When I'm selected as first zombie in a map with poison gas, I usually attack humans until i've got <100 hp. Then I just go back to the gas area to get full HP. If I die I lose the max hp bonus, that's why. (That way they dont even get kills from me, therefore they dont get SP, they waste ammo so they just weaken themselves while I attack them) Don't see why they shouldn't add it. Today I've even heard Pufulet saying that he should add poison gas in the place humans usually camp (the map with the car crusher trap. the place upstairs, vent not included), so I dont see why the same thing shouldn't be done with other maps that are missing gasses
  7. Add poison gas in EVERY MAP (Some maps haven't got it at all)... so zombies can heal (and I can keep the First Zombie max health bonus without dying )
  8. *Only if the size of the signatures are limited to a certain amount? Otherwise the pages could end up massive if someone has some stupid ass signature You could still hide the signature if it takes too much space, don't see what would be the problem
  9. You mean like a faint outer-glow to make it stand out more? It is a bit dark.. Scoreboards meant to be the same graphic that Necro has on the menu screen in game but obviously I dont have the file, but I guess if he decides to put this in then he could send me it EDIT: Updated it now, this better? EDITEDIT: -derp i didnt activate the blood boarder red layer. EDITEDITEDIT: Actually.. I kinda prefer it like that, what do you think? Looks great, and I also think that it's better without the blood boarder, didn't like the random red crap too much
  10. Will there be a perk which augments character's "strength" so he can deal a little more melee dmg AND (especially) more drag/push power? "Freemans Spirit" is that perk Is it possible to have a list of all the available perks to preview? (if not, may I atleast know how many are there?)
  11. Looking forward for the big Zombie Survival update.

  12. Will there be a perk which augments character's "strength" so he can deal a little more melee dmg AND (especially) more drag/push power?
  13. Looks much better now
  14. Sounds interesting. Too bad it would take time to make a background for each map. As for the top 10 list, I think it's just useless , IMO they should remove it and maybe instead of it they could put random hints about human classes (so there are hints about humans on the left and hints about zombies on the right)
  15. Yeah, I would like this too, plus the chance to electro-shock them
  16. Just a question: Do players keep the weapon they've achieved the previous round? If not, they will never get full ammo (and not just a clip), which, IMO, is not a good thing, because I've noticed that the guns you pick up @ picture 4th and 5th you just get 8 / 0 (M3 shotgun) and 25 / 0 (scar)
  17. No cause people like you would fuck up every cade by un-nailing it. Its part of the game, and there wont be levels either. I'm pretty sure Tennis would fuck up every cade made by noobs. Sure, they do stuff wrong but if you take them their ability to cade, who is left to teach them? To not decrease popularity Necrossin shouldn't add or change things which would be "Noob-Unfriendly". Nawbs would just leave and the only ones left would be us. Make an interesting guide for new palyers. It's true, any "Noob-Unfriendly" feature wouldn't be a good idea, so it would be better if they could remove THEIR OWN nails... of course some noobs won't listen because they're selfish or fags, but then we couldn't complain that there's not a feature for that. I fully agree for the guide, even if most of them wouldn't bother reading it, atleast we can reply to their rages by just saying the link to it... -------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Ah, I see, that's an hammer. But what does it do? just an upgraded version of Nailing Hammer?
  18. Uhm.... What's Mr Sledge? I couldn't understand much of what you've said
  19. Dude you have to make a ban request for it, and this is a wrong topic
  20. May the following events happen this year: - Justin Bieber fails (well, he already does) and is forced to beg for money in the streets - The world does NOT end (it most likely won't , I dont believe in that bullshit) - I finally become the lord of the New World by using the Death Note I stole from Kira (random)
  21. Whut? Omg lol, when I saw this topic in the recent posts thing I thought it was a new one , I noticed just now that its old as hell, but.. why are there 71 pages of comments?
  22. If you did it so you can remove planks, but planks can only have a certain amount of nails put into them before breaking e.g. 5, then people could take down cades to let people through instead of trying to smash it like i often see them try and do, but it would make it less strong and cost them more nails + when stupid people nail things to useless places you could move it Uhm... actually I can't see if that's a point in favor or not, but I think it would be a nice idea to make planks replaceable exactly because ppl won't have to become insane and destroy them to pass through. [EDIT: well... of course only the one who spawned them should be allowed to remove them] "Supports" could spawn planks, then nail them somewhere.. and if they want to remove it they would need to remove nails (possibly make it take like 1-2 secs for each nail) and then take the plank, ofc the nails removed can't be re-used...
  23. I think there should be a chance to remove turrets/planks to replace them in another place. Of course, in order to prevent abuse, doing it requires a cooldown time and the turrets/planks replaced will be spawned with the same health as before (and not with full health).
  24. I would really appreciate a map with many secret doors / rooms , which can be used for a cade EDIT : duh, forget what I've just said.. i'd like a mall map aswell, like Shock120 said.
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