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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by wooozie

  1. ill stop cryin about maps, but i hate seein those 2 deleted...
  2. workin on mapreports would be the easiest solution.
  3. most of ivans maps are still there alenators maps are still there...fuckin VIRUS X IS STILL THERE all the shitmaps are still on the server, there was absolutely no reason to delete a map like ufopia. and the last map of 2010 by pachanga was a fuckin awesome map, probably disliked for the freeway part (that you can skip if you know the map) this makes no sense at all, by that logic you can delete all of ywa's maps and most hydra maps.
  4. both maps were perfectly fine and had no stupid song download either. if you want to delete maps, start with the shit of yvancrisis, edokadovski, tyson and so on, dont start with maps that were always on the server.
  5. 5/10 for those pants and her slutwalk
  6. why are maps like "pachanga-the last map of 2010" and "ufopia" deleted? there are literally hundreds of pointlet shitmaps that have been uploaded between 2014 and now, and the most oldschool maps get deleted? seriously, is this some kind of joke?
  7. pretty sure that has been posted before, but 10/10, ofc
  8. how is that a remix? its the original with a werid video.... 6/10
  9. 80s? isnt that more like 70s? theyre also german produced, which is just odd. 4/10
  10. lolwtf, is that a swedish accent? funky/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wUeCX11no4
  11. resampling old songs to get views on youtube/10
  12. first of all, youre not buyin them. second, why dont you just deny setting the map to be annoying?
  13. youre just way over your head in this one. dont fuck with the server, period. esp if youre admin and supposed to encourage ppl to join, not make them leave.
  14. dont let people buy i wanna find my destiny to fuck the game up. moshpit started it and now retards like grander are doin the same (buy the map and not play it)
  15. gc payments are finally arriving
  16. yuck/10... hardstyle seems to be big in eastern europe/south america? welcome to the 90s i guess. and if youre wonderin, where that sample is from:
  17. you say good old song and post the reamped version lol, 6/10
  18. defend the followers of the death cult and youre as guilty.
  19. poor people of korea and vietnam got bombed with napalm, europe had a shitty whole 20th century and now the muzzies get a free pass? its sickening. destroy a few cities in the middle east and see how they like it.
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