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Everything posted by Balmung
Lol The ladies is only good for 3 things cooking, cleaning and sex Agreed Disagreed. You forgot caring for the offspring. and don't forget. Happy birthday Sneed and Darkness!
Now wheres my Giant Guniess hat.
The IRC, most admind sdtill moderate from there when they are not in-game.
I can only name 23 characters, mainly ones from Valve games, that and just randoms from any random game travis TouchDown, PW and Some othe the ones.
Happy Birthday Clavus
Hurr Hurr I should be getting it tomrrow, Express delivery from Amazon US. XD Came out yesterday and usually takes 1-2 days
The thought occured to me whislt playing on Dark Carnival today, bwosed over the topics here, didn't see anything similar so away I post! Heres my Special Infected Idea Flamer HP:150 Description: Dressed in a circus uniform, representing a Fire Breather from a Circus Attack: Shoots Short distance flames to ignite players, the flame can also be used to set fire to any Propane Tanks/Gas Cans/Oxygen Tanks Etc. Upon Death: Once teh Flamer dies It'll explode form all the gas inside of it, this explosion, damages nearby players and will explode any destructables, nearby. CoolDown time(VS) 10 Seconds Pros: -Pretty unique in the sense that it burns players, which teh other infected can't do, with the exception of the spitter. -A good way of finishing off those low health players. Cons: -Very Similar to the spitter and the Boomer. -Useless in alot of situations, Can't really do any major damage to survivors unless you stalked tehm from on a rooftop. Feel free to give feedback/criticisms, and even suggest your own Infected.
Lol played a game in PL yesterday, about 5 of us went engie, and 4 of us camped in the same area, It took one ubered Heavy and a spy to take us down, so yeah, theres really no over=powering with several enginners.
As usual when replying to these I can't vouch for anything MTA related. But for TF2 I can, and Although I've only played a game with a few times, due to differing servers, You're a good person and good luck with your application On a side note, I was under the impression that Tf2 admin applies to all the TF2 servers, could be mistaken though.
I think the results clear. the votes 17 - 14 and I don't think any one else is going to vote,.
Although I was a bit hesitant to post this so soon after the first, I've decided to go through with this, after all, It's a big thing for me and I can't sit about dawdling on making a decision. Gameserver: Team Fortress 2 - KotH, CP/CTF, Arena Servers Age: 16. Country of origin: England Link to SteamCommunity profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Left2Rage Being a second application I've pretty much said what I needed to before, Feel free to recap on that Here However I would like to add serveral points. As I'm appling for server admin. I have been constantly asking myself if this is the right course of action or not. Never actually experiencing being an admin before, I don't feel as though I quite know what to expect, but I do have a good idea in my mind of what it might be like, I feel It's like being of the solver of disputes, say, a person of a neutral stance, both abiding and enforcing the rules to the near letter, yes there are instances where one may have overlooked something, leading to a wrong decision, but I would be mentally prepared for any mistakes and troubles that could be cause either from my mistake, another admins mistake, or simply that trouble making user. Looking at the only given reason for my application being declined previously, I feel that it is now void, the last few weeks in the server I have seen less admind in-game, and when trouble has occured I've not heard a peep from any admins who may be lurking in the IRC, Whilst understanding that admins have lives too, It does seem that as the Admin activity gets less, the amount of trolling and in-game flaming increases. My final thoughts on the matter are that although this has been a very quick re-apply in terms to how long ago my last one was a declined, and although there is much less content regarding my thoughts here, I do have to say that It's just how I roll think things through, a bit of an insight to who I am, as well as an application. And once again thank you for reading and your comments and questions would be really helpful.
lulwut I can't vouch for in-game but I recall seeing you on either the ShoutBox and/or the IRC, if you just try to more active there you'll have a better chance at getting that positiong. And good luck to you.
3rd screenshot. Is that indoor snow? D:
I'd go for 1 month when he has 4 bans on record.. Id say a permaban with 4 But I am known to be harsh on the odd occassion :V I kind of agree error. He is becoming more and more of a pest. I doubt this would be his last ban after it has been lifted.
Yeah, got real lucky on No-Mercy Rooftop, but I managed to get it with 2 of my friends and a bot. XD Just got to try and get 'What Are You Trying To Prove' now, I got No-Mercy on Expert. XD And then It's off to get distinguished/Legendary Survivor
Yay! Another UKian, I don't paly CSS so Of course I never would have seen you in game, but this appears to be your first visit to the forum, best way to increase your chances is by being morea ctive on here and on the IRC. Pretty sure someone else will be able to explain more for you but Good luck.
I think my longest on L4D1 is about 14 Mins on Light house,, and my longest on L4d2 is about 35 mins,bOn the finle of swamp fever.
I Play L4D more than L4D2 because I prefer L4D Campaigns and character, The new Special infected are pretty cool though, and I gotta love Boomer Bile, so yeah, I'll add you and perhaps we can play sometime.
I feel oblidged to reply. Edit: Lul my hair isn't usually that short, but I got it cut, but now people at school said I look likea shark because of how I gelled my hair at the front. QQ
I'ts beginning to look alot, like, Dustbowl~
Ohai dere Misa Campo. I luuuurve Misa Campo, seriously, I like memorised her details and bio and stuff, I'm always on her blog waiting for updates. @_@ I think she must get tired of my Fanmail though. but yeah, I LOVE MISA CAMPO
Wow the'yre all amazing, I really love the ones redgord did though, Especially the one with the suit, is he a loan-Shark?
Oops forgot to specify who, I'm talking about Omnipwn