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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nomerinos

  1. Spray i use bot i dont own gmod
  2. nice nice MiF
  3. Got to love this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvmIzxO0-n4
  4. 1st intro is just the best one ''nice intro you made there''
  5. Shoots a Headshot from 262m [uLTIMATE Impact!]

  6. Added u to Steam Friends (last message)

  7. Those who visit my profile wil be spammed , , with: Spam!

  8. Game is called Sniper: Ghost Warrior http://www.sniperghostwarrior.com/ it was recorded in a Demo version Full version coming out in these days, CoD does not have this effects in game, im afraid Thanx By the way
  9. Btw to keep this thread artistic Pictures i made and some random drawing http://remonvanmarwijk.deviantart.com/
  10. Not realy Artistic but Sadistic
  11. Lets just wait and wait.... waiting goes on.... until.... Engineer update appears!
  12. I guess i choose the side of the soldier demoman is kinda unhandy altough the scottish resistance is awesum
  13. recieved my mate request on steam?


  14. U should be ashamed of ur self denying my friend request on steam xD

  15. Some scraps u kno drawings sketches and stuff and more things messing with photoshop and stuff since my job is going to be graphic designer =) look here for some work: http://remonvanmarwijk.deviantart.com/
  16. i heard ur good at drawing send me some of your creations >;)

  17. Nice pics ;D
  18. I give it a 9,5/10 Great Sound Here is what i like
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