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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Quality

  • Birthday 03/27/1998

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    Seattle, WA

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  1. Quality


    I love this idea. I was just thinking about a ranked system so players have more things to grind for. +1
  2. Literally. Came back from inactivity and I must say, some maps are absolutely amazing, while some maps are just so, so, shitty! Imagine Mr.Green with 5 stars maps only. Hell, lets go even lower... a minimum of 3 stars our of 5 must be required to have your map on the server. or 3.5 stars? Or a ratio of more likes than dislikes? I'm sure there are methods it can be implemented. Some might argue that having shit maps is ok since everyone has different taste... or perhaps that you can train on these shitty maps? I don't know what the argument would be to keep these maps. Personally I'd be okay with having just good ass fucking maps playing each SINGLE time I race. Imagine. Maybe some troll maps here and there that are just for fun, but, 90% should be classic, easy/hard maps .. this way I don't have to hit my damn weed cartridge each time there's a shitty map so I have to press B. Already ran out of weed faster than I normally do. Thank u Mr.Green!
  3. it works fine, however when i try to do the alw clan tag, which is -]alw[- then as soon as I put the second bracket [ it says it's invalid. I'm assuming it doesn't work if you have more than 1 bracket ]]]]]]]]]]]
  4. @MoshPit -]alw[-Quality
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