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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by _WhiteThunder_

  1. Netherwarts, blaze. stuff hard to get in the nether. No!
  2. I dont want him to lose admin I think hes good, I just think we need rules by clavus for admins not to vanish in the middle of a raid. or tp to us just to check out our loot...
  3. Okay I know there was a thread about this and I'm not here to rage, but maybe there should be some kind of rule that unless someone is hacking you can't vanish while raiding for admins, bc I was right behind math, and he vanished as I was about to attack. I know he prob didnt mean to do this, but it isn't really fair for him to vanish on raids. He can see what we are doing, setting up our traps etc. After I killed him he came to our base to look at the loot we got so.... meh. I STILL LUV U!
  4. Logged on 20 min too late... .noooooo. Anyways, looked fun! And to Griffon, why comment? Go be with your family, infact I just got back, and I'm gunna go launch some fireworks in mc.
  5. The second paragraph is what I am also wondering.... I have a single skele spawner (fail) and I sit there and after like 10 min it doesnt get any fuller but the mobs keep dropping into the killzone...?
  6. This, and why not make the voting rewards greater? Right now, its like a stack of stone = voting on all sites in a day (I think) Maybe people wouldn't donate the little amounts as much, but think of the people it might bring to the server...
  7. Ahahaha I nearly died laughing at that statement....
  8. I told you time after time, this is what happends when you don't moderate the server..... "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSXNsOadNII&feature=youtu.be" Video won't load unless you click on the link :/
  9. You wasn't there... They will need proof that i was there in freecam. (with their own video if they have it.) You recorded yourself freecaming. They would have seen the cobble block in your hand when you were right infront of them several times. Plus, there would be bubbles on your screen, which clearly there arn't. I tested this out on creative mode myself. Dude... i didn't said i used an invis pot... OMG THEN HOW DID THEY NOT SEE YOU? HMM?
  10. You wasn't there... They will need proof that i was there in freecam. (with their own video if they have it.) You recorded yourself freecaming. They would have seen the cobble block in your hand when you were right infront of them several times. Plus, there would be bubbles on your screen, which clearly there arn't. I tested this out on creative mode myself.
  11. Don't see much point in this, but I'll go anyways [epic narrorator voice] It was a cold, unforgiving, terrifying sunshiny happy day in the desert as I was gathering sand. I had but stone tools, and an iron derp helmet, when I looked up in horror seeing a glowing blue silhouette coming over the hill. I typed "hey buddy" and got a "fuck you" as he came sprinting my direction. I was in unclaimed land, so I took what little supplies I had from my chest and tried to make a run for it. He chased me a good 200 blocks when I ran into a dead end with extreme hills on 3 sides of me. I looked for any escape, there was none. I was trapped. I turned around as he came up to me and typed "die you fucking noob" and he hit me once with his enchanted diamond sword, which knocked me back into the cliff face. He ran up to me about to deliver the killing blow when he accidentally pressed Q and dropped his diamond sword. I picked it up, and didn't even realize until I had it in my hand. I then typed "run noob" as he took off. I chased him 50 blocks and then he jumped down into a cave system desperate to lose me. I eventually caught up to him at a dead end, then typed "no mercy" as I slashed him left and right with his own diamond sword. I got his pro 1 armor and he was carrying 13 iron blocks and 8 diamonds. It was a good start to a new server (not this one). Hope you liked it all was true just enhanced a little for entertainment.
  12. Voted for the last for the win. (it would suck if I got banned for joking...)
  13. No offense but I hate that idea. In my opinion the point of map reset is to keep all the factions from holding up in a water cube with a stack of diamonds and pro4 armor. Plus its always interesting to get a new start on things. Need I mention that the current map has spawn covered in lava holes by creepers and griefers? That's a lot of voting choices buddy, I'd lessen them for a more accurate answer.
  14. Mathijs is a jerk to anyone he deems "lower" than him. He flamed me for no reason randomly in chat. Later, He came to my base one day, and proceeded to flame me more hatefully, just because I wouldn't come out and fight his protection 4 butt. I don't think I even had armor at that point, which I made clear to him. According to Mathijs, if people don't fight him with nothing on, they're a bunch of scared little kids. I don't give a crap about this flaming/ranting, but personally I think it makes Mathijs a horrible choice for admin. An admin needs to kind/considerate and have unbiased judgement. Sure he might be nice to his 'friends,' but 95% of the players on the server aren't his 'friends.' I agree with Kitty, I stepped out of spawn at the start of this map, and within 10 seconds, Mathijs kills me. I eventually started up a mini DIRT house as a temporary shelter; I had nothing. He came with a bunch of his buddies, creeper'd into my dirt hut, and stole everything. Yeah it's a raiding server, got it. However, It's completely hypocritical for him to even start to blame other players for turning away our player-base when he's a large factor in it. I'm glad Mathijs records hackers and attempts to ban them. I don't know why anyone would want a bunch of v-clippers flying around. I do find it funny, however, how he treats himself like an admin. At the same time, I don't blame people for hacking. What else are they going to do when a bunch of protection 4 guys go slaughter them the second they step out of spawn? As Kitty said, we lack a "Middle Class." This. Couldn't have said it better. i think that mathijs will be a great admin. and that raiding/killing stuf that is part of faction wars, if you don't like faction wars why are you playing it? First of all, did you even read the thread? I NEVER said I don't like it, I just said its getting dull. And sure you think he will be a great admin bc u like him but 90% don't.
  15. Mathijs is a jerk to anyone he deems "lower" than him. He flamed me for no reason randomly in chat. Later, He came to my base one day, and proceeded to flame me more hatefully, just because I wouldn't come out and fight his protection 4 butt. I don't think I even had armor at that point, which I made clear to him. According to Mathijs, if people don't fight him with nothing on, they're a bunch of scared little kids. I don't give a crap about this flaming/ranting, but personally I think it makes Mathijs a horrible choice for admin. An admin needs to kind/considerate and have unbiased judgement. Sure he might be nice to his 'friends,' but 95% of the players on the server aren't his 'friends.' I agree with Kitty, I stepped out of spawn at the start of this map, and within 10 seconds, Mathijs kills me. I eventually started up a mini DIRT house as a temporary shelter; I had nothing. He came with a bunch of his buddies, creeper'd into my dirt hut, and stole everything. Yeah it's a raiding server, got it. However, It's completely hypocritical for him to even start to blame other players for turning away our player-base when he's a large factor in it. I'm glad Mathijs records hackers and attempts to ban them. I don't know why anyone would want a bunch of v-clippers flying around. I do find it funny, however, how he treats himself like an admin. At the same time, I don't blame people for hacking. What else are they going to do when a bunch of protection 4 guys go slaughter them the second they step out of spawn? As Kitty said, we lack a "Middle Class." This. Couldn't have said it better.
  16. Well mr wanna be admin, you get everyone banned and refer to maybe a few people being idiots, and now you call everyone on the server a hacking faggot. And I suppose you think you are above all of us? That you are mr perfect minecrafter, lol.
  17. Aren't you banned? White why you ask about that in this topic? He's going off topic aswell as you are, no offence since this isn't in a section where going off topic is a huge problem. You can ask him or advise him to stay on topic but it doesn't really matter since he can do what he wants. Technically you are going off topic too... Badass.jpg
  18. It's not about bringing in loads of new content, we just need more advertising at the least. It shouldn't take that long to list the server on a few sites (correct me if I'm wrong). I'd be willing to help anyway I can (besides funding, can't really afford it right now).
  19. In other words... 'let people hack and X-ray to ruin others fun so they have more fun.' logic fail. And you admitted to X-ray? Hope you get BANNED! Lol. But yeah Kod is right, if you want to keep this server alive, we NEED to do something. Just anything in the form of advertising is really needed for this server. I myself have been thinking of finding a different server, which is kind of sad... I miss when I would have to camp the refresh button for 10min trying to see 39/40 so I could get on. I really regret thinking back then, "omgz this server needz less pe0plezz." but, if the time has come, and the server is on its ending cycle, it's been fun (kind of sad I care this much about minecraft but meh)
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