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Mr. Green Gaming


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xpr0legendx last won the day on April 2 2019

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About xpr0legendx

  • Birthday 03/04/1998

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  1. I might visit the NL this summer, message me on DISCORD 

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  2. Of course! How can I forget your gorgeous Garchomp
  3. xpr0legendx - Added
  4. Kodauer used to run the official mrgreen server, but stopped due to a few things. Can't remember what they were, but I believe he made a thread about it somewhere. After that mrgreen (Ywa at the time) was no longer willing to let us use the domain name play.minecraft.nl, which was the reason I, together with some other admins, decided to run a server that was not affiliated with mrgreen. I mainly did the configs of plugins while others made the spawn area for the server. And yeah, minetest is quite fun
  5. Interesting. The Minecraft server Mr. Green used to have was unique and in my opinion the best server I have ever seen and played on. There is no server that comes anywhere close to the theme Mr. Green used to have. It was a faction wars server, with limited plugins, but the ones it did have made it a very special server. The majority of the servers you see today have 'kits' that allow a quick start and let you start with powerful items. The server of Mr. Green had none of that. It was about grinding, building a base with your faction members, raid and defend your base against others. If that's what Hazardous ment when he created this poll, then I will vote yes. And I believe I speak on behalf of a lot of other people that used to play on the minecraft server when I say that.
  6. Let me know when you do
  7. A long time ago, shortly after the 'official' server went down, I requested to relaunch an official minecraft server for mrgreengaming. This request was declined by Ywa, despite his promise to, and I qoute, "will do my utmost best to make that happen", with 'that' referring to bringing back the minecraft server. I will state the reason for his decision below. The reason there has never been a new 'official' server is because Ywa wouldn't gain anything out of it. When I asked him if we could use the domain of the orginal 'offiicial' server (play.minecraft.nl), his response was the following: "I've had a thought about it. I'm not going to rent the domain for when I have no benefit for it". Even though we were willing to pay for the all of it, the fact that he couldn't gain anything through possible donations (which we were planning to cover our costs with, atleast for a part), made him flat-out deny my request. In the next couple of years my attempts to relaunch a new server haven't worked out very well. The fact we lost most of our playerbase and that we weren't able to use the old domain reduced our odds of succeeding by a lot. Glad to see that some of the old minecraft people are still around! Perhaps we should create a Discord group for all of the old minecraft players? PM me on this forum or on skype for the invitation link For those who are not familiar with Discord, it is basically a chatting app for the PC and phone, much like Skype, but better! Edit: Instead of sending a pm, you can use the link below to join the discord channel https://discord.gg/bc35Njj
  8. Forgot my skype password, sent you my new skype & Discord username in a pm

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    1. Kodauer
    2. Kodauer


      wait i dont see a message

    3. xpr0legendx


      whoops! guess i forgot to send the message :unsure:

  9. Make a new topic with all the details? :-)
  10. Didn't read all posts, but I recommend looking at your CPU temperature while playing the game. Might happen because your CPU is overheating
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