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Mr. Green Gaming


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Frizzy last won the day on November 1 2012

Frizzy had the most liked content!

About Frizzy

  • Birthday 11/02/1994

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  1. The first 2 are, yes. But looking back I'm quite worried that'll give NStylez an unfair advantage, seeing as how they're a jailbreak community. I'll probably give them a little twist.
  2. Gun Toss is pretty simple. Both players get a deagle and must throw it from a certain point in a certain direction, furthest wins. However, there are a number of tricks to getting off a good throw. Shot-for-Shot is also very simple. Both players get a deagle and are given an area to move about in. Then each player will take turns firing one shot a turn at each other. Whoever dies loses the round. Sudden Death Machine guns is something I made up that sounded fun. Both players get their choice of a Negev or an M249 and their health is set to 1. The map this is played on will likely be an italy because of its nooks, cranies, and open areas. This will make for a pretty tense match.
  3. Applications are now closed.
  4. Second place now gets Nuclear Dawn (we found a spre copy no one wants).
  5. D'awwww, thank ya

  6. Happy BBBirthday

  7. Very. It won't all be on one day, either. It'll most likely take as long as it takes. I want to keep it as fair as possible for everyone involved.
  8. Most likely within a few days of the tournament itself being set up. The length will depend on then umber of players. For those unable to participate the tournament will be delayed up to 2 days (this is also a flexible time, depending on circumstance). Overall I'm looking at the tournament being completed in no more than 2 weeks but no less than one.
  9. Game Explanations- Climb: A large number of blocks must be jumped to in a set order before reaching the end. Best of 3, 3 maps will be used. Cowboys VS. Indians: CT gets dualies. T gets AWP. Objectives are allowed. Best of 5. 5 maps will be played. Mini-Games: Best of 3. Games played will be Gun Toss, Shot-for-Shot, and Sudden Death Machine Guns Arms Race (to knife): First to knife level wins. 1 round. Winner takes all. Matches will be hosted in random order. The first match will be hosted tomorrow night 8-9 pm London time.
  10. I'll be able to join you guys next year, as I'm taking a gap year between school and university. My not crappy PC should also be here by then. EDIT: Assuming Ywa doesn't resume the quest next year.
  11. I miss Mr. Green. I've had such a stupidly huge amount of work to do that I really only get on at weekends. And usually when I'm on it involves admining a TTT, cs:go MG, or cs:go JB server. I still check back here but don't have the time usually to actually get on minecraft cause it requires time. And IW is dead again! D:

    1. rui_troia
    2. Frizzy


      It will be missed.

  12. Quert, a friend, and myself decided to play Magicka. 3 douchebags, one game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM7V50p-_uY&list=UUCemInfslhyGQVKmtm8KfFA&index=1&feature=plcp

    1. Frizzy


      Hooray for heartless backstabbing? :D

  13. What's happening with the Janitor's base? I assume that's being ported over? Also, I can't say I'm happy about the x-rayers getting unbanned myself. But it really does go to show not only how easy it is the cheat on minecraft, but also how common it is.
  14. If I may, Clavus. I have a few possible ideas for the moment. For one, a reduction is the swing rate. Followed by making it so blocking stuns the opponent (unable to take any action) for a moment, has a damage block rate of 100%, but is only usable for a split second and has a fairly decent cooldown. If you did this, though, you'd have to delay the attack so it came about half a second to a second after the actual swing. And buffing bows would help a lot, possibly by giving them 30-40% armor penetration. As bows are good against those without armor, but do nothing to people with diamond. Especially if they have protection. I'm fairly sure you wouldn't need a modding API for these changes, though I could be wrong. Also, it would help if making invincible bases were harder/impossible. Right now all you need to do is drop some water on your base and getting it is near impossible. If they go the extra mile and make the water go down to bedrock then nothing will ever get in. Though I've no idea how you'd stop this. You'd probably need a modding API here to make new weapons/items/etc to combat this.
  15. "Frizzy, there are already unofficial fixes to change the resolution and some other rendering quirks."

    I know, I pointed that out! Hence why I also gave a bunch of other reasons why you shouldn't get it. But most of all, I wouldn't simply because if you buy this they'll think they can just do it again. We need to show them that a port of this quality isn't the k...

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