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Mr. Green Gaming

Add a ping limit,!

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OK terrible idea


Pitchforkgasm here.. this isn't the Bastille


It is probably a south american indian/mayan ethnic cleansing.


Which is fecking terrible as it would kill many legendary south americans among them greatari/greatanus


And it would kill the night scene, comprised entirely of Che Guevaras taking a break from their mandatory brazilian tranny murdering or whatever oral sex Cristina Kirchner decrees for the week.


In FFS gaming ping limit is 300 to 350


So what you're proposing is a terrible idea as that would seem like the standard.


However, and this is a big however, when I was on a crappy internet with a wildly oscillating ping, FFS could detect packet loss or something, and that would boot me. That only enhanced my love affair with mr green, where i spent a year generously offering a wildly unstable ping to my poor mrgreen victims. Thats not the case now as i'm on normal wired net these days.

Edited by TheMoose
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 where i spent a year generously offering a wildly unstable ping to my poor mrgreen victims.

You monster!

I do think that the ping limit and min fps scripts need some tweaking, but it's hard to notice the bugs when i never go above 20ms ping or under 30 fps.

A number of players were complaining about some bugs with it though.

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You monster!

I do think that the ping limit and min fps scripts need some tweaking, but it's hard to notice the bugs when i never go above 20ms ping or under 30 fps.

A number of players were complaining about some bugs with it though.



It's just that sometimes there's an EXTREME lagger who can't be killed and is all bugged out. Other than that, this is a rage/hate thread.

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FPS limit would be better than ping. I see high ping all the time with no problems, it;s the people with a fps below 20 who lag everything.

high ping does nothing on race when you're playing the half of the map on ghostmode while laggers are still on the last positions.

meanwhile on mix [DD and SH] them laggers always kill you.


True Mix and Race need different things.

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Yeah I think they're confusing fps issues with ping issues and blowing out of proportion the issue that pops every now and then of some guy who happens to have timed out. if an admin paid attention to this it would be devastating and kill of a fuckton of transcontinental ppl


Btw on ffs it's 350, not 300. On this conncetion I'm on 50 and I very rarely find anything to complain about on the theoretically SH and DD modes...That might change in a week or two when I move again, this time to a worse copper internet, but not as bad as the terrible one I had last year.

Edited by TheMoose
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Hello guys.


Im here a person who usually has a ping around 90 and can be stable for a while and then for like maybe 10 seconds my ping goes fu**ing crazy like to 1000 or more but then it comes down to normal in a matter or seconds. OFC i get the high ping message but it has become invisible to my eyes.

I dont know if anybody notices it but even with my time by time unstable ping nobody said anything to me yet. Also have some fps troubles sometimes as my PC freezes... -.-


Anyway I also have trouble with some guys who really lag hard and they only have pings above 200, I really dont understand it. I cant race behind them as they just make me crash into them and its really annoying.

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imo they should be killed for unstable ping as well.


Then i cant play anymore.



Stop touching the server in that aspect, we didnt need a ping killer, fps killer and shits, since admins listen to players, players keep crying about everything. In a future the "personal dimension" that said BobTaylor a long time ago will become true... if you dont want all of this you can set all the server in ghostmode like all the race servers and lose all your active players.

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imo they should be killed for unstable ping as well.


Then i cant play anymore.



Stop touching the server in that aspect, we didnt need a ping killer, fps killer and shits, since admins listen to players, players keep crying about everything. In a future the "personal dimension" that said BobTaylor a long time ago will become true... if you dont want all of this you can set all the server in ghostmode like all the race servers and lose all your active players.

We do need it, as a matter of fact its been there for ages, but used to kick instead of kill.
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FPS kill is bugged I got Xfire running FPS stuff and it registers more FPS than the ingame one does and kills you to often when your at 25 FPS on the limit, disable FPS kill or lower it down to 24 so the stupid thing won't kill you at the right FPS as often

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imo they should be killed for unstable ping as well.


Then i cant play anymore.



Stop touching the server in that aspect, we didnt need a ping killer, fps killer and shits, since admins listen to players, players keep crying about everything. In a future the "personal dimension" that said BobTaylor a long time ago will become true... if you dont want all of this you can set all the server in ghostmode like all the race servers and lose all your active players.

We do need it, as a matter of fact its been there for ages, but used to kick instead of kill.

But just ping kicker and was 350ms.

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imo they should be killed for unstable ping as well.


Then i cant play anymore.



Stop touching the server in that aspect, we didnt need a ping killer, fps killer and shits, since admins listen to players, players keep crying about everything. In a future the "personal dimension" that said BobTaylor a long time ago will become true... if you dont want all of this you can set all the server in ghostmode like all the race servers and lose all your active players.

We do need it, as a matter of fact its been there for ages, but used to kick instead of kill.

But just ping kicker and was 350ms.


It's the same script.

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My ping is usually at 41ms, so for me there's no problem about changing maximum reachable ping that therefore kills you while you're playing. To begin, many players that I know and they usually have around 250 to 350 of ping, they would be killed if you change the value. Sometimes my ping gets higher, around 400, when it really starts to lag. The fact is, those guys who have around 300 of ping, (often on shooter) their car blown gets delayed by the ping and it kinda annoys since he can still run away with 0% of health for 5 seconds, or be shot for its rocket. I think, the ping shouldn't change, all is fine. It wouldn't be fine if its ping it's too high and the value reachable doesn't get changed, then it's when really visible that players are glitched by high ping.

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  • 2 months later...


imo they should be killed for unstable ping as well.


Then i cant play anymore.



Stop touching the server in that aspect, we didnt need a ping killer, fps killer and shits, since admins listen to players, players keep crying about everything. In a future the "personal dimension" that said BobTaylor a long time ago will become true... if you dont want all of this you can set all the server in ghostmode like all the race servers and lose all your active players.


A solution needs to be found, because you got players ramming you with a bike and pushing you like they had a tank.

 I know, i know San Andreas multiplayer clients (MTA OR SAMP) never really managed to fully sync this, but we need to at least find an solution to stop these things from happening.

 If ping limit cant be set because of people from other parts of the world, then hire an army moderators, then make them stay in spectating mode in turns so they can /k these guys.

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