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Mr. Green Gaming

Cenation "CnT|"

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1. Always wear your tag

2. Never ram, block, kill a clan member on purpose

(we are a team)

3. No fighting other clan members

4.If you permanently change your name in game tell us in the clan topic so i can update the member list

(try not to change it too often please)

5.If you leave the clan without announcing or got kicked because of a rule break, you will not be accepted back.

6.Once accepted you may give your opinion on other clan applications, but the decision will ultimately rest with the leader(s).




1- You need at least 1,000+ hours playtime.

2- Last punishment should be older than 15 days. (ban, mute, blocker)

3- You need to be active.

4- Don't waste your time applying, if you are Blacklisted.

5- Your English must be at least average and understandable.

6- You should have at least 750 wins in Never The Same (NTS) 

7- You should have at least 450 wins in Reach The Flag (RTF) .

8- You should have at least 600 wins in Destruction Derby (DD)

9- You should have at least 450 Flags captured in CTF.

10- You should have at least 500 wins in Shooter (SH) and 5000+ kills 

Exceptions can be made!



(NOTE: Once you apply to join CnT and are waiting for a decision, you are not allowed join or ask for another clan, or your application gets declined) 


1.1: Your account name:

1.2: Nationality:

1.3: Age:

1.4: Gender:

1.5: How many hours a week do you play:

1.6: Total playtime hours:

1.7: Your time zone (GMT+): 

1.8: Why do you want to join CnT (At least 40+ words):

1.9: Do you have any friends in CnT (If yes write their names):

2.0: Previous clans:

2.1:  Have you got banned before?:

2.2: If yes, why?:

2.3: Favorite Game Mode:

2.4: How good is your english?:

2.5: Screenshot of your stats (link): 



Current Members : 36

ae.png.df7ea1ec4f4e3871e4b19967bdda65af.png Cena (Founder)
nl.png.fee1fe67ea82cb3573d563d0b0a425de.png Haze

ro.png.b10d7eb58eaf7941e4bcd54de770479b.png :Dan 

nl.png.fee1fe67ea82cb3573d563d0b0a425de.png KBWY

sa.png.d55eeacb3b01f5853c28f26e64dea588.png Rami

hu.png.8e201e2d359585508abee926065f0765.png Goph

ro.png.b10d7eb58eaf7941e4bcd54de770479b.png iry

ru.png.ec9bebf8554a32659efcf4b4811c9294.png 0rangeghost

ru.png.ec9bebf8554a32659efcf4b4811c9294.png Pig

ae.png.df7ea1ec4f4e3871e4b19967bdda65af.png Ahmed

nl.png.fee1fe67ea82cb3573d563d0b0a425de.png Nibje

lt.png.892348acd4d4d8cf5fa443b580e78403.png Kneelz

in.png.732d35196194b76c818f5172031fce76.png B0$$

fr.png.9e82fca907f03f5bd2907bb0ee1e8330.png :BYEBYE

kz.png.663b38c3f4232bb67a03ce66b723bd0d.png CLU3KID

kw.png.944d9843ae47323fcf72faac9cfb31b8.png Stig

lt.png.892348acd4d4d8cf5fa443b580e78403.png Pizdy

gb.png.c7b0ec7310726604a2647dcd8a735c4d.png Mclovin

hu.png.8e201e2d359585508abee926065f0765.png Galla

hu.png.8e201e2d359585508abee926065f0765.png M10

in.png.732d35196194b76c818f5172031fce76.png Bond

kw.png.944d9843ae47323fcf72faac9cfb31b8.png Thugking

pl.png.0a7d7ebbf5f0158718b722559076fd31.png Husiekk

tr.png.b509f63e9b2e1db57f8ddf0ec5db3d3b.png Selim

si.png.5c2b2894bf7e1bcc36503b1f122de99c.png P0L

pl.png.0a7d7ebbf5f0158718b722559076fd31.png AlieN

eg.png.16d87170753e639d1a963471e9680fff.png Meme

ru.png.eb2fe8c36a3b4bda6786a7af4a83ba38.png trhrd

mk.png.335f35e90b17fa0d205d9c25e25467fb.png pekipeki4

mk.png.335f35e90b17fa0d205d9c25e25467fb.png Capo

nl.png.fee1fe67ea82cb3573d563d0b0a425de.png Purple

pl.png.9ca434090ca982296ef9fd6b57859a51.png Witcher

it.png.002724cb3b9a74483d46af8806254f2e.png Moses

Sandro (Albania) VJLkTCV.gif

Rami (Saudi Arabia) zZDcmOY.gif

Rayan (Saudi Arabia) zZDcmOY.gif


Kicked and Former CnT members: (Total: 11)


Afro (Poland) xM8DUZs.gif


PROCENT (Latvia) 7K0h1x4.gif


Stroth (Netherlands) XVRDBMn.gif


Auriz (Lithuania) OzX7aBe.png


F1MADKILLER (United Kingdom) cqK5oaV.gif


RealBosnia (Germany) OaX2yg4.gif


Jikay (Germany) OaX2yg4.gif


AndreW (Russian Federation) 8US6ip3.gif


Tommy (Russian Federation)  8US6ip3.gif


Personalizado (Mexico) gc3kIKK.gif


Henry2Pwned (Estonia) L2iuLGG.gif


cz.png.1c115e98cc71c6f49677e1450e75d8f3.png Laca

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