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Mr. Green Gaming

Ozzy Osbourne - Dreamer

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Sure there are :V

They are awesome songs for 40th century :henk:

Where in the year 3901-3999 were you? :V

OT: His songs are good, but I don't really listen to them.


So why do you think ther awesome for 3999 year :V

Ther for 4999 year! listen! :yay:

Oh my goodnes why do i spam so many smileys like girls???




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Sure there are

They are awesome songs for 40th century :henk:

Where in the year 3901-3999 were you? :V

OT: His songs are good, but I don't really listen to them.


So why do you think ther awesome for 3999 year :V

Ther for 4999 year! listen! :yay:

Oh my goodnes why do i spam so many smileys like girls???




So were retard spammers? :V

Btw, It would be nice if there would be "Worlds Songs *year*". It's kinda Eurovison but in whole world. All the world comes in best theatre (actually its opera). I think its a great idea, but some countries wont accept the deal and its sure thing.

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