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Mr. Green Gaming

Fretta gamemode contest


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Posted (edited)

I agree with clavus 3rd idea the launching teamates would be pretty cool. But the wall thing is a bit like Fort wars.

I would have loads of props to make buildings

The idea of the game would be exactly the same as the idea number 3 the launching teamates would be a good way of getting there. But could you maybe make vehicles to get under the wall or past it. you have a limited amount of say explosives to destroy a bit of the wall to get your team through. But you can put turrets down to stop them But they are limited to.

but then have a turret system that kills people who spawnkill you (DOD)

Also make some npcs. if the server isnt very full. Because when there is not alot of people on the server it sucks.

You could put different weps in there not just a crowbar or submachinegun.

Like say an different melee wep a bit like (L4D2) and some different guns.

and use some weps that are place around the map which you may pick up a bit like (zombie survival)

Put lots of achivements in beaucause its always fun to try and get them.

and some !shop items which could help you like more turrets or different weps that you can unlock by donating.

That will help you to keep the server up and running.

Good luck clavus.

Edited by Nublin.Draco

Random concept #3:

Break the other team's stuff.

- 2 teams, separated by a wall of about 3 meters high

- Each team has a large set of crates (maybe other props) they need to protect

- Teams have a set of equipment:

  • A team cannon gun: right click 'absorbs' a team member, left click shoots him from your gun. This is the only way to get players over the wall.
  • A crowbar, to break stuff.
  • A submachinegun, to kill players that launch over the wall to your side.

- Once you're launched over the wall, you lose your submachinegun. You keep the team cannon and crowbar.

- Every prop that is broken respawns at side of the team that broke it.

- The team with the most props on his side at the end of the round, wins.

This actually sounds pretty fun. Mainly because of the player launching.

Ok, so I'm going to turn this idea in a gamemode. Now I need a name.


Random concept #3:

Break the other team's stuff.

- 2 teams, separated by a wall of about 3 meters high

- Each team has a large set of crates (maybe other props) they need to protect

- Teams have a set of equipment:

  • A team cannon gun: right click 'absorbs' a team member, left click shoots him from your gun. This is the only way to get players over the wall.
  • A crowbar, to break stuff.
  • A submachinegun, to kill players that launch over the wall to your side.

- Once you're launched over the wall, you lose your submachinegun. You keep the team cannon and crowbar.

- Every prop that is broken respawns at side of the team that broke it.

- The team with the most props on his side at the end of the round, wins.

This actually sounds pretty fun. Mainly because of the player launching.

Ok, so I'm going to turn this idea in a gamemode. Now I need a name.

"We've got a rocket to launch!"



- How big are the maps?

- What is the layout of the maps?

- When do you think the Alpha is ready, and we get to see some screens?

I'll probably have some gameplay done tomorrow. Map sizes are about that of a football field, with two separated sides (with a wall in between). I'm making some special entities to be used in the map (spawnpoints and an entity that helps determine which side is which). Once the specs are done I'll tell you how to make a map for it.

Posted (edited)

I think you should have like a spy game:


- about 4 to 5 spies

- The rest of the players are guards

- The spies can disguise as guards (Obviously) and must traverse a map with various environmental hazards.

- The guards have guns, but friendly fire is ENABLED. so 'spy checking' is not a good idea.

- The Spies objective is to get somewhere, or secure a certain object

- When all the spies, or the objective is complete, the game is over.

- The Spies are randomly selected, but cannot be chosen twice in a row

Also, heres another idea.


- Team based shooter

- Five teams of 3 (no ability to choose your team. To stop hardcore players banding together. Although, this may cause some players to stop playing. Could be done either by choice or randomly. how about both?)

- Upgrade using points that are gathered from kills and objectives (Think GC)

- A range of low level abilites as well as high level ones, to keep new players interested.So a range of powerful weapons for the n00bs, and lolcannons for the hardcores.

- Have titles for X amount of headshots, victories, clans

- Make PLENTY of unlocks. Weapons, perks, voice clips... the works.

- Ranks that ARE NOT generic. So no Pvt, Corporal. Think more along the lines of: One Man Army, Complete Saydist, Malevolant Dwarf etc

- Have custmoizable skins (Although, thats not necessary and would be though to code)

- Make it fun: Funny quips and plenty of blood.

- Classes? Maybe like. GRUNT: All round .PYSCO: Excellent melee damage. MARKSMAN: Assault rifles etc. PYROMANIAC: Loves explosives and fire. There is a lot of possibilites. The idea is not to be ordinary

-Plenty of game modes: Meat flag, DM, TDM, Capture the flag, Bomb squad (Blow some shit up), Killer (2 lives each) etc etc.

I know i would play this till my eyes bled.

However, Crash n Smash does sound excellent. This is just an idea: To be used or thrown away i dont mind. It was fun thinking of it.



Edited by The Lazy Peon

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