Darkstar Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 (edited) This is basically what can happen in the IRC, when Redgord gets hold of his happy peelz: Quote [22:17] <+Redgord> GUYS[22:17] <+Redgord> WHERE ARE SCOUTS PANCAKCES[22:17] <+Redgord> HES CRYING GODDAMMIT[22:17] <+Redgord> GIVE THEM BACK[22:17] <@Axon> I[22:17] <@Axon> EAT[22:17] <@Axon> YOUR[22:17] <@Axon> PANCAKES04[22:17] <NeO_Poittry> is it u error? XD[22:18] <+Redgord> WHO THE FUCK IS POTTRY[22:18] <+Redgord> HARRY POTTER[22:18] <NeO_Poittry> lol[22:18] <+Redgord> GIVE SCOUT HIS PANCAKES[22:18] <@Dusty> LEAVE HIM BE FIEND[22:18] <@Axon> Harry Potter is a faggot[22:18] <NeO_Poittry> no. i wont[22:18] <NeO_Poittry> well. kinda[22:18] <+Redgord> SO IS THE ONE WHO STOLE PANCAKES[22:18] <NeO_Poittry> but shh[22:18] <@Axon> Well, I prefer Scrumpy03[22:18] * MrWhoopee sets mode: -v Redgord[22:18] <Redgord> I[22:18] <Redgord> EAT[22:18] <Redgord> YOUR[22:18] <@Dusty> DAMN YOU MRWHOOPEE[22:18] <@Axon> ALALALALA[22:18] <NeO_Poittry> lol. a friend of mine call me hairy poterry03[22:18] * MrWhoopee sets mode: +v Redgord[22:18] <+Redgord> SAUSAGE[22:18] <NeO_Poittry> and another is called scout[22:18] <@Axon> BACON[22:18] <NeO_Poittry> o.0[22:18] <@Dusty> Penis?[22:19] <+Redgord> YOU GUYS ARE TWISTED WICKED MINDS[22:19] <+Redgord> I AM THE ONLY SACRED[22:19] <@Dusty> I know..[22:19] <@Axon> LOL NO[22:19] <@Axon> YOU WATCH ANIME 24/7[22:19] <+Redgord> FUCK OFF[22:19] <NeO_Poittry> o.0[22:19] <+Redgord> I DOWNLOADED A WHOLE SERIES[22:19] <@Axon> THERE IS A WORLD OUTSIDE THE SQUARE METER WHERE YOU'RE SITTING[22:19] <+Redgord> 2 MONTHS AGO[22:19] <+Redgord> AND I HAVE ONLY WATCHED A SINGLE EPISODE[22:19] <+Redgord> A SINGLE[22:19] <NeO_Poittry> naruto ftw ^^[22:19] <+Redgord> EP[22:19] <+Redgord> I[22:19] <+Redgord> SODE[22:19] <+Redgord> NARUTO[22:19] <@Axon> O M G[22:19] <+Redgord> WHAT THE FJKJGJJLG[22:19] <@Axon> HE'S IN CARDIAC ARREST[22:19] <@Axon> CPR[22:19] <+Redgord> GASP[22:19] <+Redgord> GASP[22:19] <@Axon> 360 JOULE[22:19] <@Axon> CLEAR![22:19] <+Redgord> REMEMBER ME[22:20] <@Axon> BZZZZZZZT[22:20] <+Redgord> AS AN HERO[22:20] <+Redgord> *EXPLODE*06[22:20] * @ERROR just stands back and watches this RAEG-fest[22:20] <@Axon> DAMN SUICIDE TERRORISTS06[22:20] * NeO_Poittry walks away to mta slowly[22:20] <@Axon> REDGORD WAS A FANTASTIC MAN, UNTIL HE BLEW HIMSELF UP, THEN HE BECAME A DICK.[22:20] <NeO_Poittry> as a dick u mean lol[22:20] <+Redgord> I BECAME A DICK06[22:20] * @ERROR offers Dusty celebrations[22:20] <~Ywa> [22:20] <+Redgord> WHICH HAS ATTACHED ITSELF TO AXONS RIGHT SHOULDER[22:20] <@Dusty> YUM[22:20] <@Axon> DICKSHOULDER[22:20] <@Axon> O FUCK NO[22:20] <NeO_Poittry> o.0[22:20] <+Redgord> O FUCK YES[22:20] <+Redgord> MY [22:21] <NeO_Poittry> im at mta toddles[22:21] <+Redgord> BRO06[22:21] * @ERROR then offers Dusty buttsecks02[22:21] * NeO_Poittry (NeO_Poittr@gtanet-FE8A304F.netvisao.pt) Quit (Quit: Visit www.left4green.com or www.mr-green.nl)[22:21] <@Dusty> YUM[22:21] <@Axon> REDFORD IS ATTACHED TO MY SHOULDER[22:21] <@Dusty> We scared him off.06[22:21] * @Axon USES LASER SURGERY TO REMOVE THE PENIS01[22:21] <@ERROR> Dr.Redford I presume?[22:21] <@Axon> WHO WANTS TO PLAY SOME SYNERGYERYT[22:21] <+Redgord> I AM REDFORDS SOUL[22:21] <+Redgord> AND I'M TRAPPED IN THIS WILLY[22:21] <@Axon> REDGOAT[22:21] <+Redgord> I NEED A NEW BODY[22:21] <@Axon> SYNERGYNERYIZER?[22:21] <~Ywa> ...06[22:22] * @ERROR bitchslaps you all[22:22] <+Redgord> SO WHAT'S UP ANYWYA[22:22] <@Dusty> Calm down, ladies.01[22:22] <@ERROR> except for Dusty[22:22] <~Ywa> 01[22:22] <@ERROR> and Ywa[22:23] <~Ywa> Yes my dear?[22:23] <+Redgord> WHO NEEDS TO CALM DOWN[22:23] <+Redgord> WHO[22:23] <+Redgord> NEEDS TO[22:23] <+Redgord> I GOT THIS KNIFE RIGHT HERE[22:23] <@Axon> NOT IT[22:23] <+Redgord> WHO'S READY TO CALM DOWN01[22:23] <@ERROR> im not gonna bitchslap you ywa [22:23] <@Axon> I GOT A GAUSS RIFLE, BITCH[22:23] <~Ywa> DoDS 01[22:23] <@ERROR> CALM DOWN. APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FORHEAD[22:23] <+Redgord> I ALSO GOT THIS S&W M500 01[22:23] <@ERROR> FOREHEAD*01[22:24] <@ERROR> i have a MAC Cannon if that helps[22:24] <@Axon> I have a Fat Man[22:24] <@Axon> Launches mini nukes01[22:24] <@ERROR> Fat man scoop?01[22:24] <@ERROR> bah[22:24] <~Ywa> Retrieving server info...[22:24] <+Redgord> I ALSO HAVE PLENTY OF GRENADES04[22:24] * @Axon backstabs ERROR[22:24] <+Redgord> JUST LIKE IN MW2[22:24] <@Axon> MW2 SUCKS[22:24] <~Ywa> Sending client info...06[22:24] * @ERROR uses DR & faster cloak regen[22:25] <+Redgord> *THROWS A HUNDRED AND TWO GRENADES TOWARDS AXON*06[22:25] * @Axon uses Pyro Jetpack[22:25] <+Redgord> FEEL THE POWER OF THE BUTTON "G" [22:25] <@Axon> *THROWS A KNIFE TO REDGORD'S FACE*[22:25] <+Redgord> ARGH[22:25] <+Redgord> MY DICK FACE[22:25] <@Axon> HOW YA LIKE ME NOW SOMALIA, FRIKKIN' LOSERS[22:25] <+Redgord> IT IS DESTROYED[22:25] <@Dusty> I might order this and put it on my wall.[22:25] <@Dusty> http://www.premieran...php?item_id=407[22:25] <@Axon> Mob Barley is win01[22:26] <@ERROR> would you be getting baked underneath it?[22:26] <+Redgord> I MIGHT ORDER THIS AND PUT ON MY WALLhttp://www.datzhott.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/andy-dick.jpg[22:26] <+Redgord> http://www.datzhott....6/andy-dick.jpg[22:26] <+Redgord> SO BACK TO REALITY[22:26] <+Redgord> I GOT A KNIFE IN MY FACE[22:26] <@Axon> If I had that on my wall, I'd wake up and get existential every morning[22:26] <+Redgord> AND I'M STILL TRAPPED IN A DICK[22:26] <+Redgord> I NEED SOME FUCKING HELP06[22:26] * @ERROR is exiting this reality06[22:27] * @ERROR has left this reality to a better one06[22:27] * @Axon travels to a parallel universe without Redgord, Hitler or Bush.[22:27] <@Axon> It's... beautiful [22:27] <+Redgord> GODDAMN06[22:27] * @ERROR joins Axon, as that seems incredibly nice[22:27] <+FadeNoir> o.o[22:27] <+Redgord> I'LL JUST HOP INTO THIS PARTICLE/MATTER DIFUSION DEVICE[22:28] <+Redgord> AND BECOME SOMETHING ELSE[22:28] <+Redgord> HAHA[22:28] <+Redgord> *PRESS BUTAN*[22:28] <@Axon> NOW YOU'RE AN ANAL HAIR[22:28] <+Redgord> FUCK06[22:28] * @ERROR eats Redgord's diffusion device[22:28] <+Redgord> I MUST'VE CALCULATED IT ALL WRONG06[22:28] * @Axon DIVIDES BY ZERO[22:28] <@Axon> *poof*[22:28] <+Redgord> AXON IS [22:28] <+Redgord> OH MY[22:28] <+Redgord> GOD06[22:28] * @ERROR watches a rip in time and space occur[22:28] <+Redgord> HE IS DRAWN IN ANIME STYLE[22:28] <@Axon> WHY AM I ALL 2D[22:28] <+Redgord> I'D BETTER JUST SHOOT MY HEAD OFF[22:28] <+Redgord> OH WAIT[22:28] <+Redgord> I'M ANAL HAIR[22:28] <+Redgord> FUCK01[22:29] <@ERROR> you'll have to burn yourself instead06[22:29] * @Axon USES THE TRANSGOMIFIER GUN ON REDGORD, AND TURNS HIM INTO A DUCK[22:29] <+Redgord> LOOKS LIKE I'M A DUCK06[22:29] * @ERROR uses the wabba-jack on Axon[22:29] <+Redgord> I'D BETTER THROW UP ON MY CHILDREN SO THEY GET FOOD, OR IS THAT A SEAGULL01[22:29] <@ERROR> Fuck. He's a Daedroth now...[22:29] <@Axon> YOU SIT ON WATER ALL DAY[22:29] <+Redgord> AND I CAN'T DROWN06[22:29] * @Axon AIMS AGAIN, NOW REDGORD IS A LITTLE GOLDFISH06[22:29] * @Axon FLUSHES REDGORD DOWN THE TOILET[22:29] <+Redgord> NOOO[22:30] <+Redgord> MY WEAKNESS06[22:30] * @ERROR uses the wabba-jack on Axon[22:30] <+Redgord> HAS BEEN FOUND[22:30] <@Axon> What the hell is a wabbajack[22:30] <+Redgord> AND I AM NOW IN A POOL OF SHIT AND DESPAIR[22:30] <@Axon> A K A THE SEWERS01[22:30] <@ERROR> http://theelderscrol...a/wabbajack.jpg[22:30] <+Redgord> HELP AN GOLD FISH[22:30] <@Axon> MY MUSIC COLLECTION IS 15191 SONGS LARGE01[22:30] <@ERROR> THE WABBAJACK. The most pointless weapon in Oblivion[22:30] <+Redgord> MY MUSIC COLLECTION IS ONLY 5000[22:30] <@Axon> OBLIVION SUCKS[22:30] <+Redgord> I MEAN[22:30] <+Redgord> 7000[22:31] <@Axon> IT'S BELOW 9000!!!01[22:31] <@ERROR> 5454 songs :3[22:31] <+Redgord> OH WAIT[22:31] <+Redgord> I GOT MORE ON EXTERN[22:31] <Prismaa> oblivion sucks, but morrowind doesnt[22:31] <+Redgord> IT MUST BE AT LEAST[22:31] <+Redgord> OVER 10001[22:31] <@ERROR> i like oblivion's fast travel[22:31] <@Axon> IS IT ALL CAPS DAI TODAI?[22:31] <@Axon> I LIKE FALLOUT 3'S FAST TRAVEL[22:31] <+Redgord> ALL OF YOU GUYS SUCK,[22:31] <@Axon> YOU CAN SHOOT RADSCORPIONS AND WEAR A SCIENTIST SUIT01[22:32] <@ERROR> Hello. This is the internet police, we are here to arrest Axon & Redgord of the charges of being douchebags[22:32] <+Redgord> I'M A GOLDFISH, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID[22:32] <+Redgord> SO FUCK OFF06[22:32] * @ERROR arrest's Axon & Redgord[22:32] <+Redgord> FUCKING[22:32] <@Axon> FUCK[22:32] <+Redgord> I'M A GOLDFISH STOP[22:32] <+Redgord> YOU CAN'T DO THIS06[22:32] * @Axon BREAKS THE HANDCUFFS WITH AWESOME INTERNET POWER[22:32] <+Redgord> LET ME CALL MY ATTOURNEY01[22:32] <@ERROR> YOU ARE A GOLDFISH. YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS.[22:32] <@Axon> CATCH ME NOW BITCHES[22:32] <+Redgord> GO AXON[22:32] <+Redgord> I MEAN[22:32] <+Redgord> HELP ME AXON06[22:32] * @ERROR permabans Axon from the internet[22:32] <+Redgord> MY FINS ARE IN THESE MICRO HANDCUFFS06[22:33] * @Axon SCOOPS REDGORD AND PUTS HIM INTO A FISH BOWL[22:33] <@Axon> TOUCHDOWN![22:33] <+Redgord> AXON HAVE A PROXY YOU GIANT JEW06[22:33] * @ERROR points at Axon01[22:33] <@ERROR> HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX04[22:33] * @Axon USES HAX TO REFLECT THE PERMABAN TO ERROR06[22:33] * @ERROR is unaffected![22:33] <+Redgord> AND THEN YOU TURN ME BACK TO HUMAN06[22:33] * @ERROR used Splash!06[22:33] * @Axon TURNS REDGORD INTO SPONGEBOB[22:33] <+Redgord> FUCKING FUCK[22:33] <+Redgord> I HATE BEING WATER BASED CREATURES[22:34] <+Redgord> LIKE ANAL HAIR AND GOLDFISHES01[22:34] <@ERROR> Oh I am so glad mIRC keeps the logs06[22:34] * @Axon TURNS REDGORD INTO A HELICOPTER[22:34] <+Redgord> HELL YEAH[22:34] <+Redgord> BLACKBIRD DOWN[22:34] <+Redgord> OH I MEAN[22:34] <@Axon> NO PILOT THOUGH[22:34] <+Redgord> UP[22:34] <+Redgord> LOL[22:34] <@Axon> SO YOU'RE STATIONARY FOR NOW01[22:34] <@ERROR> Is redgord a chocolate helicopter?[22:34] <+Redgord> GODDAMN SHITCUNTS06[22:34] * @Axon STEPS INTO REDGORD01[22:34] <@ERROR> If so, you have a Coach after you[22:34] <@Axon> :3[22:34] <@Axon> TAKEOFF[22:34] <+Redgord> ARGH THAT FELT GOOD[22:34] <+Redgord> OI[22:34] <@Axon> WHAT[22:35] <+Redgord> CHECK THE REARVIEW MIRROR06[22:35] * @ERROR aims the SAM's at Redgord06[22:35] * @ERROR fires06[22:35] * @Axon DEPLOYS FLARES[22:35] <+Redgord> AHA06[22:35] * @ERROR fires more SAM's06[22:35] * @Axon FIRES TWO ROCKETS AT THAT DAMN SAM06[22:35] * @Axon DEPLOYS SECONDARY LOAD OF FLARES04[22:35] <@Axon> ERROR BLOWS UP06[22:35] * @ERROR uses Iron Man[22:35] <+Redgord> I CAN SHIT FLARES ALL DAY LONG BABEY[22:35] <@Axon> FFFFFFFFFFFFF06[22:35] * @Axon USES BATMAN01[22:35] <@ERROR> I am Iron Man01[22:35] <@ERROR> [22:36] <+Redgord> I AM STILL A HELICOPTER[22:36] <@Axon> Batman owns the living sh*t out of Iron Man[22:36] <Prismaa> (\ö/) Batmaaan06[22:36] * @ERROR watches Coach run after Redgord as a chocolate helicopter[22:36] <@Axon> What would Batman do? -Dr. McNinja[22:36] <+Redgord> GODDAMN[22:36] <+Redgord> MAY DAY[22:36] <+Redgord> MAJOR BLACK OBJECT IN SIGHT[22:36] <@Axon> PEOPLE CALL ME COACH[22:36] <+Redgord> NEED ASSISTANCE[22:36] <@Axon> I GUESS HE WANTS SOME GOOD OL' FASHIONED COLA06[22:36] * @ERROR uses LA riots![22:36] <+Redgord> DON'T USE THAT FOOTBALL06[22:37] * @Axon USES 1907 SF earthquake![22:37] <@Axon> Hey Redgord, L4D2?01[22:37] <@ERROR> It's Super-effective![22:37] <@Axon> Or is your PC too shit[22:37] <+Redgord> TOUCHDOWN HUH[22:37] <~Ywa> [22:37] <~Ywa> Redford PCs ®[22:37] <+Redgord> I'D BETTER JUST GIIEAT OUT[22:37] <+Redgord> AS A HELICOPTER01[22:37] <@ERROR> Look out Redgord! A wild ywa appeared![22:37] <@Axon> FOOTBALL[22:37] <@Axon> YEAH[22:37] <+Redgord> TO MY SECONDARY PARTICLE/MATER DIFFUSION DEVICE[22:37] <+Redgord> LOCATED IN[22:37] <+Redgord> WINLAND[22:38] <@Dusty> Right, I'm off. Gonna go watch a DVD.06[22:38] * @ERROR has already eated the second one[22:38] <@Dusty> Na-night xxx[22:38] <+Redgord> FUCKING01[22:38] <@ERROR> Night mah lover[22:38] <+Redgord> I'LL GO TO THE THIRD THEN[22:38] <+Redgord> HAHA06[22:38] * @Axon USED THE THIRD TO BUILD A TIME MACHINE06[22:38] * @ERROR boomer bile'd that one[22:38] <@Axon> Sorry[22:38] <+Redgord> FUCKING[22:38] <+Redgord> OKAY[22:38] <+Redgord> MY LAST WEAPON06[22:38] * @Axon TRAVELS TO 1789 TO KICK SOME FRENCHIES[22:38] <+Redgord> IS TO SELF DESTRUCT, AND RELEASE MY COCKPIT[22:38] <@Axon> WAIT01[22:38] <@ERROR> Axon is now the Uber-President of France[22:38] <@Axon> YOU A R E THE HELICOPTER[22:38] <+Redgord> WHICH CAN BE TRANSFORMED INTO A HUMANOID[22:39] <@Axon> YOU CAN'T RELEASE THE COCKPIT IF YOU ARE THE HELI[22:39] <+Redgord> FUCKING[22:39] <@Axon> I want to play L4D2[22:39] <+Redgord> MY 4TH PLAN FOILED ONCE AGAIN[22:39] <@Axon> Anyone?06[22:39] * @ERROR begins to eat the helicopter[22:39] <+Redgord> FUCK01[22:39] <@ERROR> OM NOM NOM[22:39] <+Redgord> OKAY, I'LL JUST DIE RIGHT ON THE SPOT[22:39] <+Redgord> I SEE NO FAITH IN HUMANITY NOR HELICOPTERS06[22:39] * @ERROR is 1/2 way through the helicopter![22:39] <+Redgord> GODDAMN SHITCUNTS[22:40] <+Redgord> I REGRET EVERYTHING I SAID[22:40] <+Redgord> LET ME LIVE[22:40] <Prismaa> to teh bed i goes[22:40] <+Redgord> *RELEASES COCKPIT WHICH THEN TRANSFORMS INTO A HUMANOID, DEFYING EVERYTING AXON SAID JESUS*06[22:40] * @Axon USES CHAOS CONTROL TO TELEPORT REDGORD TO SOME LOUISIANA SWAMP.[22:40] <+Redgord> LOL06[22:40] * @ERROR uses Cloud Strife[22:40] <+Redgord> I'M A TRANSFORMER GUY NOW[22:41] <+Redgord> GET OUT[22:41] <+Redgord> I'LL BECOME A MOTORCYCLE[22:41] <+Redgord> YEAH06[22:41] * @ERROR then gets into the DeLorean and travels 30 mins into the past[22:41] <+Redgord> AND GET OUT OF LOUISIANA SWAMP[22:41] <+Redgord> ALLRIGHT, I'M A HELICOPTER![22:41] <+Redgord> LET'S GET OUT OF HERE AXON[22:41] <@Axon> KAi[22:41] <+Redgord> FIRE FLARES[22:41] <+Redgord> AND STINGERS IF POSSIBLE06[22:41] * @Axon REALISED THAT THE CHOPPER HAS NO GAS[22:41] <@Axon> FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF--06[22:41] * @ERROR waves his "wand" and makes Redgord a human again[22:41] <+Redgord> THEN THIS MUSIC STARTS[22:41] <+Redgord> [22:41] <@Axon> Funny thing to do:[22:42] <+Redgord> OH GOD NO SHIT[22:42] <@Axon> Read A Harry Potter book[22:42] <+Redgord> I'M FALLING[22:42] <@Axon> And change all "Wand" into "Wang"01[22:42] <@ERROR> harry then grabbed his wang[22:42] <@Axon> "Then Harry Potter waved his wang and spoke the words..."[22:42] <+Redgord> HELP ME EIRIN[22:42] <+Redgord> *EIRIN APPEARS*[22:42] <+Redgord> THANK FUCKING GOD01[22:42] <@ERROR> Erin is currently unavailable right now[22:42] <+Redgord> *EIRIN DISCONNECTS*[22:42] <@Axon> FUFUFUFU[22:42] <+Redgord> WHY DO I HAVE TO SAY "FUCK" EVERYTIME SOMETHING BAD HAPENS[22:43] <@Axon> BECAUSE FUCK IS THE F-WORD[22:43] <+Redgord> CAUSE I GOT A BAD VOCABULARY FAGGOTS[22:43] <+Redgord> OKAY[22:43] <+Redgord> I'M STILL FALLING[22:43] <+Redgord> AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE AXON IS[22:43] <@Axon> [22:43] <+Redgord> AND BANG[22:43] <+Redgord> RIGHT INTO THEGROUND[22:44] <+Redgord> LOOKS LIKE I'M LOCATED IN 'MERIKKA[22:44] <+Redgord> AND[22:44] <+Redgord> NO[22:44] <+Redgord> IT'S COACH[22:44] <+Redgord> HE'S RIGHT NEXT TO ME[22:44] <+Redgord> SLEEPING[22:44] <+Redgord> OH GOD[22:44] <+Redgord> IF I MOVE, HE'LL PROBABLY WAKE UP AND EAT ME01[22:44] <@ERROR> WARNING. BLACK MAN IN BASE[22:44] <@Axon> OPPOSITE DAY!03[22:44] * Redgord is now known as SOLDIER[22:45] <+SOLDIER> BLACK MAN IN THE BASE?03[22:45] * SOLDIER is now known as Redgord03[22:45] * Axon is now known as DEMOMAN[22:45] <+Redgord> YES[22:45] <+Redgord> BLACK MAN IN THE BASE[22:45] <@DEMOMAN> STICKY TRAP EVERYTHIGN[22:45] <+Redgord> HELP03[22:45] * ERROR is now known as Announcer[22:45] <~Ywa> http://www.youtube.c...h?v=uqBSvLtj7OQ[22:45] <~Ywa> Rainbow in the sky :')01[22:45] <@Announcer> ATTENTION. BLACK COACH IN BASE03[22:45] * Redgord is now known as Coach03[22:45] * DEMOMAN is now known as SaxtonHale[22:45] <+Coach> MY FRIENDS[22:45] <+Coach> CALL [22:45] <+Coach> ME COACH[22:45] <@SaxtonHale> SAXTON HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALE[22:45] <+Coach> *THROWS FOOTBALL*[22:45] <+Coach> YEAH!01[22:46] <@Announcer> WARNING. Saxton Hale killing hippies[22:46] <@SaxtonHale> POOR MONKEY[22:46] <+Coach> SAXTON HALE[22:46] <+Coach> I CHALLENGE YOU[22:46] <+Coach> ON A BATTLE OF LIFE AND DEATH03[22:46] * Ywa is now known as TheAnnouncer06[22:46] * @SaxtonHale BEATS THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF COACH[22:46] <+Coach> FUCK[22:46] <~TheAnnouncer> OVERTIME[22:46] <+Coach> *DISINTEGRATES*01[22:46] <@Announcer> Fucking hell. Wheres the damn proper video for Bliss03[22:46] * Coach is now known as Redgord03[22:46] * Announcer is now known as ERROR[22:46] <+Redgord> SAXTON HALE03[22:46] * TheAnnouncer is now known as Ellis[22:46] <@SaxtonHale> HELEEEEEN[22:46] <+Redgord> MY HEERROOO[22:46] <@SaxtonHale> ARE YOU STILL HAVING SEX WITH HANDSOME MEN?[22:46] <+Redgord> WHAT03[22:47] * SaxtonHale is now known as Nick[22:47] <+Redgord> I'M NO WOMUN![22:47] <@Nick> SCREW THIS[22:47] <@Nick> THIS IS ALL GOING TO HELL[22:47] <+Redgord> SAXTON HALE WAS NICK ALL ALONG[22:47] <+Redgord> OH THE HUMANITY[22:47] <+Redgord> I'D BETTER GET OUT OF THIS BASE[22:47] <@Nick> IF ANYBODY SEES A MEN STORE LET ME KNOW I'VE GOT BLOOD ON MY SUIT01[22:47] <@ERROR> Team Dick is re-united[22:47] <+Redgord> *GRABS DEMOMANS STICKY LAUNCHER*03[22:47] * Nick is now known as DrRedford03[22:47] * Ellis is now known as Zoey[22:48] <~Zoey> GAME OVER MAN[22:48] <~Zoey> GAME OVER!03[22:48] * Zoey is now known as Ywa[22:48] <+Redgord> *AND BLOWS A HOLE INTO THE HALF LIFE 2: EPISODE 2 CAVERNS FILLED WITH GRUBS"03[22:48] * DrRedford is now known as Louis[22:48] <@Louis> OH NOOOOOOO[22:48] <@Louis> OOOOOOOOOOH[22:48] <@Louis> PFFFFFFFFFF[22:48] <+FadeNoir> ooooo[22:48] <+Redgord> LOUIS[22:48] <@Louis> PILLS HERE![22:48] <+Redgord> WHY AREYOU DOWN IN THE CAVERNS[22:48] <+Redgord> ARE THERE PILLS HERE[22:48] <+Redgord> I DESPERATELY NEED SOME 03[22:48] * Louis is now known as Francis[22:48] <@Francis> I hate hospitals[22:48] <+Redgord> WE[22:48] <@Francis> And lawyers and doctors and cops[22:48] <+Redgord> ARE[22:48] <+Redgord> IN A CAVERN FRANCIS[22:48] <@Francis> I hate Louis01[22:48] <@ERROR> YOUR01[22:48] <@ERROR> FRIENDS03[22:48] * Francis is now known as hAxon[22:48] <+Redgord> ARE ALIVE?[22:49] <+Redgord> I KNEW IT01[22:49] <@ERROR> hAxon?[22:49] <@hAxon> Yus[22:49] <+Redgord> THEY MUST BE HERE AND THEY WILL HELP ME[22:49] <@hAxon> I WANT TO PLAY LEFT FOUR DEAD ONE[22:49] <+Redgord> I'LL JUST STICKY BOMB EVERY GODDAMN ANTLION GRUB TO DEATH THEN CONTINUE MY QUEST[22:49] <@hAxon> REDOGORD ?WANANA PALY!ç[22:49] <+Redgord> I'M BUSY hAxon I'M KILLING ANTLION GRUBS[22:49] <+Redgord> AND I'M LOOKING FOR MY LOST FRIENDS[22:49] <@hAxon> ANTLION GRUBSA RE INNOCENT[22:49] <+Redgord> THEY ARE CLOGGING THE WAY[22:50] <+Redgord> WITH THEIR SHIT ANDDD THEMSELVES[22:50] <@hAxon> I wanna see a rainbow high in the sky[22:50] <@hAxon> I wanna see you and me on a bird flying away[22:50] <@hAxon> -flying away-[22:50] <@hAxon> And then i hope to see your smile every night and day.[22:50] <+Redgord> *GASP*[22:50] <+Redgord> THAT'S WHAT MY MOTHER ALWAYS TOLD ME03[22:50] * hAxon is now known as Axon[22:50] <+Redgord> WHEN I WAS A CHILD[22:50] <@SkyNet{HuN}> asd[22:50] <@SkyNet{HuN}> stop saying "sky" XD[22:50] <@Axon> I wanna make looove to you[22:50] <@Axon> Need you to tomorrow[22:50] <@Axon> I wanna feel the sunshine after the rain[22:50] <@Axon> We can reach out for the sky[22:50] <@Axon> No more pain and no more sorrow[22:50] <@Axon> For you I am the one that i could never be, never be[22:50] <+Redgord> NO MOTHER[22:50] <+Redgord> PLEASE DON'T[22:50] <@SkyNet{HuN}> highlight kills me!!![22:51] <+Redgord> *SUICIDE*[22:51] <+Redgord> I JUST TOOK AN END TO EVERYTHING[22:51] <+Redgord> MY FRIENDS SHALL FOREVER BE LOST[22:51] <+Redgord> AND SO WILL MY WILL OF LIFE[22:51] <+Redgord> SINCE I AM DEAD[22:51] <+Redgord> LOL[22:51] <+Redgord> - THE END -01[22:51] <@ERROR> np: Bliss - Muse "Origin Of Symmetry"[22:51] <+Redgord> LET'S PLAY SOME MOTHERFUCKING Lämnad åt döden 1[22:51] <@Axon> GREAT[22:51] <@Axon> YTEAAAAAAAAAAASDQ Edited December 28, 2009 by ERROR 401 Quote
BlueYoshi97 Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 I'm not gonna read all that 12 o'clock. Quote
Ywa Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 On 12/27/2009 at 11:01 PM, BlueYoshi97 said: I'm not gonna read all that 12 o'clock. DO IT! Quote
Dusty Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 I love my subtle, "Gonna watch a DVD. Na-night xxx" Quote
BlueYoshi97 Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 On 12/27/2009 at 11:05 PM, Ywa said: On 12/27/2009 at 11:01 PM, BlueYoshi97 said: I'm not gonna read all that 12 o'clock. DO IT!Y-y-y-yes mmmmmmmmmmmmister Ywa! tee hee hee Quote
TheGreenGrasshopper Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 so first you start with scouts pancakes, then penis and then you go totally rndm right? Quote
Darkstar Posted December 27, 2009 Author Posted December 27, 2009 That would be correct. But the "random" as you quote it is actually redgord overdosing on happy peelz Quote
Chikennugget1 Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 (edited) Why do the funny conversations always start so late?When I come (the few times I come) it's basically:Someone: !rtdSomeone: !rtdSomeone2: Fuk u glitcherSomeone3: ofuk turret it killed mehSomeone4:LOLOLSomeone5:SHUTUP!!!But oh wait, that's on the #mrgreen general channel right? I'm pretty sure I don't see a lot of conversations during the day :/ Edited December 27, 2009 by Chikennugget1 Quote
Ywa Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 On 12/27/2009 at 11:34 PM, Chikennugget1 said: I'm pretty sure I don't see a lot of conversations during the day :/In the evenings it's active. Quote
Chikennugget1 Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 I must get an IRC client for Ipod, but they aren't free, except one but the last time I tried it it didn't seem to work Quote
Notte Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 The free One don't work on Mr. Green Channel :S ask toaster he got one for 2€ that work Quote
bastardman Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 "LET'S PLAY SOME MOTHERFUCKING LÄMNAD Ã…T DÖDEN 1"It should be "Lämnad åt döden 1", which means "Left for Dead 1" in swedish Quote
Nobana Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 It took me over 20 minutes to read that, but it was worth it! Quote
Chikennugget1 Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 On 12/28/2009 at 12:03 AM, Notte said: The free One don't work on Mr. Green Channel :S ask toaster he got one for 2€ that work I don't want to pay because 1)I don't have my own credit card, 2)I won't pay for a thing that should...no,MUST be free.This is lame that we must pay to get an IRC. Quote
Deluvas Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 Lol, Redgord and Axon, you just made my day.. Quote
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