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Mr. Green Gaming

Pokémon Heart Gold-Soul Silver

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The further I get into the game and save, the more my game crashes. I might have to take it back. I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but everytime I save, it freezes and walk into a pokécenter.

Sure It's a legal copy? Sounds exactly like the error on the ROMs

Just a quick update, this week they're distribuing the Pichu Coloured event, so you have to follow my tutorial but you will get Pichu instead of Arceus Michina (each week the Distributed pokemon changes).

Lol If you need any of the events just ask me. XD I have em all a few times. :P Got my shiny Pichu of Wifi on several games, same with most events, I'll happily trade for a pidgey

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I may be going completely offtopic, I am sorry... :(

But I urge you to watch this, it is the best Pokémon episode ever, plus I got my avatar and my nickname from it... well, at least from one of the Pokémon in this episode.



(If you have freetime, you should watch the two episodes before this one too so you can catch up with the storyline a bit again. The episodes before this one are classic too)

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  • 1 month later...

If anyone needs any legendaries or wants to battle give me a shout?

Ill post my Friend code or something tomorrow :)

I have a celebi lvl 36, Ferraligator 32, and some other 20-30s :o

8th gym atm, cant wait to have beaten the Elite four since I have enough points for a Shiny Stone to get my togikiss :D

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