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Mr. Green Gaming

Crowhunter's admin app.

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Gameserver:Infected Wars


Country of origin:England.

Link to SteamCommunity profile :http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198004196810

Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Iv been playing Infected wars for a while now. I currently have 100+ hour's on the server and had about 200-300+ before all the stat's got reset. I think I'm fit to be a admin because I am an Active and dedicated gamer, I enjoy playing infected war's and I enjoy the community,I would also like to be an admin because It would be a new experience for me.I Think I'm mature enough to take on the duty and the weight that need's to be carried by an admin like new everyday task's, Such as sorting cheaters and abusers, Exploiter's ect. I Have also recently been using IRC whilst I'm not on GMod. This is a great way to chat to the players and find out what's happening on the server. But as every server does, There are hackers. I Don't take thing's to seriously. meaning if someone's joking about me I wont go rage and Flame them. I can take thing's as a joke and ignore people that don't like me :D, although I seem to get along with most others. And Finally A bit about myself.

My real name is Tom and I'm from England, Near London about 30 miles off.

I'm 15 and go to school, Currently in year 10 moving up to year 11 in 2 weeks (That's the last year)

I don't consider myself An Addict to the computer. There's just nothing to do in my village(Is my excuse anyways)

I used to play WoW for a few year's but I got quite bored of that after a while, I got extremely bored of not doing anything.

I Like most type's of games. Except one's that require thinking xD. Like tomb raider, I don't have the patients for games like that xD. Like fast pace shooting. play some Strat's.

I also Do like most music. Except Rap and stuff on the lines of that. So I like Dubstep and kinda layed back music like sigur ros.

I'm Willing to give everything a try, not matter what it is. I'm also quite comedic :D

Posted (edited)

Gameserver: Gmod servers/Infected Wars


Country of origin: England.

Link to SteamCommunity profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198004196810

Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:

Iv been playing Infected wars for a while now. I currently have 100+ hour's on the server and had about 200-300+ before all the stat's got reset. I think I'm fit to be a admin because I am an Active and dedicated gamer, I enjoy playing infected war's and I enjoy the community,I would also like to be an admin because It would be a new experience for me.I Think I'm mature enough to take on the duty and the weight that need's to be carried by an admin like new everyday task's, Such as sorting cheaters and abusers, Exploiter's ect.

---------I Have also recently been using IRC whilst I'm not on GMod. This is a great way to chat to the players and find out what's happening on the server.

But as every server does, There are hackers. I Don't take thing's to seriously. meaning if someone's joking about me I wont go rage and Flame them. I can take thing's as a joke and ignore people that don't like me :D, although I seem to get along with most others. And Finally A bit about myself.

My real name is Tom and I'm from England, Near London about 30 miles off.

I'm 15 and go to school, Currently in year 10 moving up to year 11 in 2 weeks (That's the last year)

I don't consider myself An Addict to the computer. There's just nothing to do in my village(Is my excuse anyways)

I used to play WoW for a few year's but I got quite bored of that after a while, I got extremely bored of not doing anything.

I Like most type's of games. Except one's that require thinking xD. Like tomb raider, I don't have the patients for games like that xD. Like fast pace shooting. play some Strat's.

I also Do like most music. Except Rap and stuff on the lines of that. So I like Dubstep and kinda layed back music like sigur ros.

I'm Willing to give everything a try, not matter what it is. I'm also quite comedic :D


Fix'd a bit.

E: Oh and good luck of course :D

Edited by Nobana
Posted (edited)

Hehe,Thank's For that, my paragraphing inst that brilliant.

Edit: To the post above. I had been on before the server reset a long time ago, I also used a different steam account a few weeks back for a while also. It was a friends called darkra, But I had been playing it consecutively for a few months originally.

Edited by Crowhunter666
Posted (edited)

My real name is Tom and I'm from England, Near London about 30 miles off.

I'm 15 and go to school, Currently in year 10 moving up to year 11 in 2 weeks (That's the last year)

I don't consider myself An Addict to the computer. There's just nothing to do in my village(Is my excuse anyways)

I used to play WoW for a few year's but I got quite bored of that after a while, I got extremely bored of not doing anything.

I Like most type's of games. Except one's that require thinking xD. Like tomb raider, I don't have the patients for games like that xD. Like fast pace shooting. play some Strat's.

I also Do like most music. Except Rap and stuff on the lines of that. So I like Dubstep and kinda layed back music like sigur ros.

I'm Willing to give everything a try, not matter what it is. I'm also quite comedic :D

If you were called James you would actually be the same as me. But I don't live near lon-don.

Think yourself lucky :')

Edited by Burn

I haven't seen you online that much, not much in IW either, but you're a cool guy ;p

Good luck :)


What do you mean haven't been in long. Iv Had about 400 Hour's Including the wipe O_O

I'm Sure that's more than long enough. :/

What i mean is that i have played IW almost every day the the last year, and i have just seen you the last 3 weeks.

And 400 hours before the server got restarted? Bullshit. If you was soo active I would have heard about you.

People have to stop bame the server reset xD I bet you dont even know how long time ago it is


lol i have not seen you playing much and you tend to lie (guessing) because you say you have 400 hours. we don not need anymore admins for gmod. your app was good but i think you want this admin for the lols for admin is not meant to be fun for you need to dedicate yourself and spend much more then 100+ hours on the server. im sorry if i am being mean but i am not trying to it is just the truth. you are a good player and i respect you because you are part of our community but i do not think you are fit for admin in my opinion.

~John Caveson~


lol i have not seen you playing much and you tend to lie (guessing) because you say you have 400 hours. we don not need anymore admins for gmod. your app was good but i think you want this admin for the lols for admin is not meant to be fun for you need to dedicate yourself and spend much more then 100+ hours on the server. im sorry if i am being mean but i am not trying to it is just the truth. you are a good player and i respect you because you are part of our community but i do not think you are fit for admin in my opinion.

~John Caveson~

Saying I tend to lie, When you have only read like one or two post's?

Do you even play IW?

Also Admin for the Lols? Yes, I only want admin so I can ban the whole server and no-clip out of that map. /Facepalm.


You are friendly but you are active IN THE LAST WEEKS.

Haven't seen you before June and I have been playing IW for 1.5 year.

Good luck.


Bah, I don't see why everyone goes on about play time. Surly it is Seriousness of the task on hand.I mean, Just because you have played a game for a long time, Doesnt mean you are Good at it.or If you havent played it for as much time as other's that you don't understand it. Within reason, Admin's need to be active. And I'm extreemly active, Isnt that kinda what counts?


Bah, I don't see why everyone goes on about play time. Surly it is Seriousness of the task on hand.I mean, Just because you have played a game for a long time, Doesnt mean you are Good at it.or If you havent played it for as much time as other's that you don't understand it. Within reason, Admin's need to be active. And I'm extreemly active, Isnt that kinda what counts?

> Being an admin doesn't mean you have to particularly be an expert player.

> You've sort of contradicted yourself when you say play time doesn't matter, yet being active does. Having a higher play time tends to mean you're active.

Posted (edited)

Well yea I see what you mean,I have been active recently. On Gmod and IRC alike. And I didn't say I was an "Expert player" far from it. I just enjoy playing it :D

That's good. Playing for fun is the best.

But 106 hours is enough for an admin?

Edited by Messy
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