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Mr. Green Gaming

Easy way getting unusual haunted scrap metal


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There are 2 ways, easy (not real way) and not so easy (real way)

Not so easy way getting unusual scrap is hitting Houseman (Boss) with meele once, and then kill with others (you dont need to be killer) But dont die, otherwise you need to hit him again with meele.


1. Make own server and take event map (One with boss)

2. Wait until "Waiting for more players" thing passes

3. Open console and paste this code in

sv_cheats 1; noclip; hurtme -999999999; bot; tf_halloween_force_boss_spawn; sv_cheats 0

4. Find boss and kill it with MEELE

5. Suicide and you will get your metal

Script made 95% by me (friend told me command for spawning boss)


doesnt work for me, the boss doesnt spawn

Right map? not missing pieces of script? Did you waited until "waiting for more players" time passed?

They havent fixed it yet, tested.


What do you use the scrap metal for?


2 refined metals + Scotmans Skullcutter + unusual scrap = Horsemans axe (which is like eyelander)

OR 2.

4 refined metals + unusual scrap = Random halloween hat


This wont work for me... i clicked create own server, did everything you specified.. but nothing.. nothing happen's.. i dont think i can get achievment's when cheat's are enabled :o


to get it with the achievements it's best to type retry after using the script that way your game won't notice that the sv_cheats has been on. I use it for some achievements and it works. If you can't get connection to the steam servers use heartbeat and change map.


Okey, valve fixed it by making boss kill you instantly (not matter how much health you have)

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