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Mr. Green Gaming

Minecraft - FACTION WARS


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That was quoting Notch, in the video towards the end he says very soon, definitely within the next couple of weeks. Looks like our combat system will be totally done over. Eating will take time and it will all be way more complex. I wonder if there will be mods to revert to the current simplistic battle system?

The features don't excite me as much as a new world does! I want to build a new base :)

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Rangers base has also been subject to mountains. Touché on one of them, it's a pretty good mountain. Luckily for us we began our move out yesterday to the new super psychedelic house. (Pics to come)

Also included is a recently found picture of Ke$ha, actually looking hot for a change.






Edited by awesomeo_5000
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I can't wait for the map reset, TheProdiGuild have big plans for their base! I want to do lots more piston work too..

1.8 will be out in a couple of weeks but keep in mind that they have to wait for a stable bukkit plugin to be released, which from my experience of running servers can be a quick job or take a couple of weeks. This is quite a big update so it may very well take a couple of weeks unless notch has given them a beta to work with (hes done that sometimes before)

So anyway what I'm saying is dont count on it being in 2 weeks, and you may well want to keep a backup of your 1.7 game incase the server can't be updated (unless the server host (Clav?) wants to just upload the server as normal so people can explore and stuff if thats not a problem with when factions are installed)

Oh and, there will be strongholds added, people will be able to claim a stronghold and just fortify the entrance and have a huge fully working base.. Kinda unfair, but first come first serve I guess.

Well of course! You cant see her face, and her boobs are out? She still looks like if you touch her she'd be sticky though.

Edited by Dr.Minky
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We'll see how it plays out.

What, the server or Ke$ha?


By the way, heres some plugin suggestions from my experience of hosting, ones that don't affect the game play in any way and just add convenience or gameplay value cause I know its mean to be a fairly vanilla server.

- SimpleSignEdit lets you edit signs by right clicking on them, saves having to knock them down to have to type it all out again if you make a mistake

- A VERY dumbed down version of CraftBook or similar. Things like bridges may be abused in some way but other parts of it like the gates and lifts could be really neat considering people make castles and such (would only really benefit people with castles

- ChopTree, lets you cut down trees like cacti, i.e. you destroy the lowest block and the rest fall down. This helps stop people leaving the top of trees and doesn't really change anything apart from saving a few seconds of chopping.

- lpmcnavigator, makes the compass much more useful for servers like this. When you right click a compass it sets its destination to the place you were looking, so people can go out to find other bases to raid or whatever then can guide other people to it instead of wandering around for hours or using the online map to get to people, which can be annoying to do. Then if you left click it returns the compass to pointing at your spawn

- SimpleAlias, lets you change peoples names in the chat. Is just nice to have for people that dont want to use their normal name (doesnt affect banning or anything)

- longdistancetorch, lets you place torches that are far away instead of being a block away from you, which again is useful for doing large bases.

Edited by Dr.Minky
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Yes thats why I said they are suggestions Corby. But if all you have to do is download one file and drag it to the plugin folder and then you can have the really simple ones like sign editing and the compass add on, seems worth it to me. And I know Clav hates the trees being only cut at the bottom so thought he might find it useful,

With the CraftBook thing you can enable and disable things though which is why i think it should be added. For example it lets you do more things with red stone, like carry a signal through walls, things that are just useful and should be in the game anyway,

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There are too many mountains on the map! I understand the point of not making it bannable becouse its a way of raiding, but you cant protect you're base against this (unless you're gonna make an obsidian base o.O) But yeah. Look on the map. Great lord.

PS: I have a new avatar/profile picture.. check them out

« Crew Clavus: NUKED FROM ORBIT »^^

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