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Mr. Green Gaming

Minecraft - FACTION WARS


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clavus can u PLEASE set this to true

"territoryDenyEndermanBlocks": true,

We maked some epic mobtraps but endermans fuck everything up..

its soo annoying.

after 5 mins its like cheese :s

Clavus! U must do that ! <3

Just when i fix all holes 2 mins later another 100 holes.


Please set it to true :3

And another thing why palading got 2 spawners and grass and others like us nothing...

Thats not realy fear cuz we all want food and feathers.

more RAGE lol.

and start it back up plz :D


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clavus can u PLEASE set this to true

"territoryDenyEndermanBlocks": true,

We maked some epic mobtraps but endermans fuck everything up..

its soo annoying.

after 5 mins its like cheese :s

Clavus! U must do that ! <3

Just when i fix all holes 2 mins later another 100 holes.


Please set it to true :3

And another thing why palading got 2 spawners and grass and others like us nothing...

Thats not realy fear cuz we all want food and feathers.

more RAGE lol.

and start it back up plz :D


If you are talking about your underground mob grinder, it wasnt really the endermen. We kinda crashed in there xV

And we get lovely stuff because we made 3 statues for the gods. One of them is taller than all our buildings :V

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clavus can u PLEASE set this to true

"territoryDenyEndermanBlocks": true,

We maked some epic mobtraps but endermans fuck everything up..

its soo annoying.

after 5 mins its like cheese :s

Clavus! U must do that ! <3

Just when i fix all holes 2 mins later another 100 holes.


Please set it to true :3

And another thing why palading got 2 spawners and grass and others like us nothing...

Thats not realy fear cuz we all want food and feathers.

more RAGE lol.

and start it back up plz :D


If you are talking about your underground mob grinder, it wasnt really the endermen. We kinda crashed in there xV

And we get lovely stuff because we made 3 statues for the gods. One of them is taller than all our buildings :V

I am not talking about that one underground but the tower.

they flood it all and mobs dont fall down now roffl.

i hope he fix it soon <3

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A lot of new faces on the server. And some people claiming they killed Rangers multiple times last map, even though we were only on for any mentionable amount of time when PVP was turned off. It's also flattering to see imitation factions cropping up, on our local map alone we have Xrangers and Awesomeo. You guys <3

Out of sheer boredom, we will occasionally be on this world, however we won't really be doing much. We hope to return to MC full force with the full release and new world.

As much as I tend to dislike servers with such a feature, what would everyone's thoughts be on a whitelist?

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A lot of new faces on the server. And some people claiming they killed Rangers multiple times last map, even though we were only on for any mentionable amount of time when PVP was turned off. It's also flattering to see imitation factions cropping up, on our local map alone we have Xrangers and Awesomeo. You guys <3

Out of sheer boredom, we will occasionally be on this world, however we won't really be doing much. We hope to return to MC full force with the full release and new world.

As much as I tend to dislike servers with such a feature, what would everyone's thoughts be on a whitelist?

Love it. It is actually a great idea, the server wont be as much full as earlier, because there are less random new people, and less hackers :awesome:

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I realise there are about a million suggestions at the moment. But what would everyone's thoughts be on the following donation rewards:

A basic material store:

Now there is a God faction, and with a couple of admins, it could be feasible. People would make green coin purchases for say, 20 stacks of smooth stone and post in a donations topic. Then when the next available god or admin notices it they can fulfil the deal. Obviously buying ores would be unbalanced, so it would be limited to things like grass blocks, food and basic building materials.

Trans-world bases:

I never really want to build anything too big as of late, as I live purgatory with all the MC updates and map resets. For the more frequent players, perhaps every time there is a world change they could pay coins to have their base MC-edited into the new world. It would be quite costly, with the idea that the larger factions have each of their members contribute to help cover the cost. This would also help in having huge creative bases with mazes and more intricate workings. The only down side is the transfer of materials. There would have to be rules to the transfer, such as no placing of ore blocks.

Reserved Slots:

Just an idea - I have no idea how practical it'd be in a real world. But on other servers I've seen if a donator connects whilst the server is full, a non donator is kicked from the session. You could sell 1, 3, 7, 14 and 30 day slots.

Coloured names:

Doesn't appeal to me what-so-ever. But for some reason it's a big hit on other servers? Could be another avenue to increase donations.

With the potential increase is donations, the server could be improved to accomodate more players in a stable environment as well as set up servers for other games and expand l4g :)

Edited by awesomeo_5000
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With the potential increase is donations, the server could be improved to accomodate more players in a stable environment as well as set up servers for other games and expand l4g :)

I've been saying this for a while! Suggested some ideas to Clav but I dunno if he liked them or not. I think the package idea is good though, where for example €5 gets you full iron, some whatever materials, a couple of diamonds and 1 safe chest thats kept at the spawn or something, then for €10 you get full diamond armour, a double chest, more resources and a name change if wanted or something like that, (the name change thing would be good I think?)

What do you think of that idea? :P

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With the potential increase is donations, the server could be improved to accomodate more players in a stable environment as well as set up servers for other games and expand l4g :)

I've been saying this for a while! Suggested some ideas to Clav but I dunno if he liked them or not. I think the package idea is good though, where for example €5 gets you full iron, some whatever materials, a couple of diamonds and 1 safe chest thats kept at the spawn or something, then for €10 you get full diamond armour, a double chest, more resources and a name change if wanted or something like that, (the name change thing would be good I think?)

What do you think of that idea? :P

As been said before gr8 idea but don't start selling ires or safe chest

Just sell building materials as said. It's faction wars not buy dia and store em at spawn (;

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With the potential increase is donations, the server could be improved to accomodate more players in a stable environment as well as set up servers for other games and expand l4g :)

I've been saying this for a while! Suggested some ideas to Clav but I dunno if he liked them or not. I think the package idea is good though, where for example €5 gets you full iron, some whatever materials, a couple of diamonds and 1 safe chest thats kept at the spawn or something, then for €10 you get full diamond armour, a double chest, more resources and a name change if wanted or something like that, (the name change thing would be good I think?)

What do you think of that idea? :P

I, unfortunately don't like it. Donations shouldn't be game changers. Just hassle savers. I could walk into a server having never played, pay 10 euros and have my faction in full armour and raiding everyone. If there is ever a store established, ores shouldn't be sold - in any form. Paying a euro to save your self mining and smelting 25 stacks of cobble? Yeah. Paying a euro to dominate a server? No.

And name changes would be problematic. There are already imitations of factions, there would soon be imitations of players and a lot of confusion. Plus, we wouldn't know who to hate if people went and changed their nickname.

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With the potential increase is donations, the server could be improved to accomodate more players in a stable environment as well as set up servers for other games and expand l4g :)

I've been saying this for a while! Suggested some ideas to Clav but I dunno if he liked them or not. I think the package idea is good though, where for example €5 gets you full iron, some whatever materials, a couple of diamonds and 1 safe chest thats kept at the spawn or something, then for €10 you get full diamond armour, a double chest, more resources and a name change if wanted or something like that, (the name change thing would be good I think?)

What do you think of that idea? :P

I, unfortunately don't like it. Donations shouldn't be game changers. Just hassle savers. I could walk into a server having never played, pay 10 euros and have my faction in full armour and raiding everyone. If there is ever a store established, ores shouldn't be sold - in any form. Paying a euro to save your self mining and smelting 25 stacks of cobble? Yeah. Paying a euro to dominate a server? No.

And name changes would be problematic. There are already imitations of factions, there would soon be imitations of players and a lot of confusion. Plus, we wouldn't know who to hate if people went and changed their nickname.

Ah but thats the point! People do that anyway, they'll come on and within a couple hours have full iron/diamond and start killing people, the people that donate are obviously not gonna be those type of people, so the way I see it you at least have people playing fairly and the server gets helped out! And the pack thing would have to be made balanced ofc, not just like €1 for everything..

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