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Mr. Green Gaming

Minecraft - FACTION WARS


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Jinrai you talk so much rare shit it's unbelievable, I'd love you to meet awesomeo_5000 in real life, he'd tower the fuck over you, you wouldn't have your big words then.

Stop making excuses for how crap you actually are at this game and face facts...

PS: Nothing you say has ANY evidence or backing at all...


Fail troll is fail. Before you troll take the safety of your keyboard and right properly sometime yeah?

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It looks a little different now.

You know, for such tough talkers. You really don't deliver on expectations. You all logged out when we started attacking, I thought you were feared and awesome?Also. Delivered on the promise I'd tnt your base Jinrai. Next time, if you're going to make fugly ass water protecion, at least make sure you cover it properly.

There we have it. We have attacked you, now what else have you got to say to me or make grand claims to?

Whilst in combat, one of their members was excessively relogging. There were more occasions but I was distracted in battle.


1. internet tough guy 604 up, 49 down

Someone filled with anger who never had the chance to throw it back on others because he or she is physically inferior.

A.K.A. The result of having been bullied at school as a young child, or simply the result of all IDIOTS out there who are so immature spiritually that they can't bare having the truth said to their faces.

These people usually frequent chat rooms and online forums for the sole purpose of shit talking and gloating to complete strangers to fill the void in their life, something that dosen't impress someone in the REAL WORLD. They also like to troll areas in chat and games, so they can compete with other lifeless internet whores for the sole purpose of determining who is the biggest nerd of them all. These people talk about how much ass they kick and how they could take on the world single handedly, when in reality, quiver at such ideas of someone who dosen't like them finding them in their parents basement where they thought they were safe. Internet Tough Guys should be regarded as the lowest form of life on Earth. 99% of the time they are liars, who will make completely bogus claims of being 7 feet tall, 400 pounds of pure muscle, and bench 7000. Also probably bragging about how good he is in a game and how many items or skill he has.

In truth internet tough guys are rather sad individuals with little or no dignity or charm.

Dude, really, thats so stupid from you. It's just the same as one girl in our class sais that smoking and drinking is awful, while she does that herself too much.

Edited by Mr. Darkness
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Dude, really, thats so stupid from you. It's just the same as one girl in our class sais that smoking and drinking is awful, while she does that herself too much.

But she does know every downside to it, and she does know how hard it is to stop smoking, so I'd say she's more than allowed to say that.


I remember the good ol' times when this topic was about minecraft

Edited by BouweV
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Dude, really, thats so stupid from you. It's just the same as one girl in our class sais that smoking and drinking is awful, while she does that herself too much.

But she does know every downside to it, and she does know how hard it is to stop smoking, so I'd say she's more than allowed to say that.


I remember the good ol' times when this topic was about minecraft

Wrong. She kept doing it saying "GAH NEVERMIND" as she didnt want to stop saying that to us when we were for a walk with friends several times, but on lessons she was like full of emotions "OUR COUNTRY... HAS BECAME SO AWFUL! ITS FULL OF DRINKING PEOPLE! THATS DISGUSTING!"

We all were like "you drink and smoke yourself you stupid whore (she had like 9000 boyfriends (with which she had sex permamently))".

Also that drinking is not as addictive as smoking.

So yeah, lets get back to topic.

Edited by Mr. Darkness
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well hes right about me being a hypocrit, but i think he also takes this a bit too serious ^^

rly im just trollin, its a game, who cares

For some reason I think you are trolling now, and were serious before.

I honestly think you are the one who's taking this too serious. (No-one will beat Drainal tho)

^ That.

the only time i was serious is when i told awesomeo that i was trolling and making enemies

to make the game more interesting, if i want no resistance id go singleplayer. also

that we [the faction] just started yesterday really, and that he shouldnt expect much of a fight yet

since we have little to no resources. i mean i was on the days before, but alone, and doing nothing

but building that tower a bit. we found our first diamonds yesterday, and have been mining a lot today,

plus repairing the base ^^

other than that its just mindless trolling and foulmouthing. nothing more ^^

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To get back to MC. Anyone ever tried HD texture packs? I don't think I'd play faction wars with it on. But it give Minecraft a different feel.

The top one is 'Synthetic Reality' and is pretty freaky to see.

The fallout-esque one is amazing. It's called Last of Days and makes me want to play single player all over again with this texture pack equipped.

The other one is Kaynecraft, and is one of a few I could actually online with. Definitely worth looking up.














Edited by awesomeo_5000
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To get back to MC. Anyone ever tried HD texture packs? I don't think I'd play faction wars with it on. But it give Minecraft a different feel.

The top one is 'Synthetic Reality' and is pretty freaky to see.

The fallout-esque one is amazing. It's called Last of Days and makes me want to play single player all over again with this texture pack equipped.

The other one is Kaynecraft, and is one of a few I could actually online with. Definitely worth looking up.

you are scaring me with these pic's just take it on the regular minecraft :D
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To get back to MC. Anyone ever tried HD texture packs? I don't think I'd play faction wars with it on. But it give Minecraft a different feel.

The top one is 'Synthetic Reality' and is pretty freaky to see.

The fallout-esque one is amazing. It's called Last of Days and makes me want to play single player all over again with this texture pack equipped.

The other one is Kaynecraft, and is one of a few I could actually online with. Definitely worth looking up.

Ooo, I love those gold blocks.

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Gonna record my MineCraft textures n stuff and upload it :V - Nevermind, too much effort.

For Awesomeo: Download this minecraft.jar ( http://www.mediafire.com/?2ixbybzlcqzhk27 ) and whack in a texture pack you like (I'm using this at the minute but if youre on a low res screen it looks a bit grainy, some parts of it look really good though http://www.mediafire.com/?6s8xsanuwmpx2r8 ) . For best effect see what it's like at day time, night is a bit odd.

Im waiting on the release of the realistic water shader, a more stable bump mapping shader and things like dynamic shadows and just generally better compatability, then it can be awesome! (even with the default minecraft textures).

Also, run this if you want to give minecraft more memory. This will assign it 4GB of ram instead of the standard 1 or whatever it is.

Edit: Infact, after I've put it up, do you wanna talk to me about some good texture packs Awesomeo? Then we could make like an ultimate minecraft.jar for people on l4g to download and have an epic minecraft! I can put the cape mod in it and stuff too, (was thinking of installing zombe mod and using the thing that tells you how many arrows you have and stuff cause thats a cool feature but people would probably just take advantage of that and edit the config of it)

Edited by Dr.Minky
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Screenshot whoring again. It's Christmas! So I made a snow globe complete with flashing lights.



Also, I'd be happy to recommend texture packs as I try them all out but I don't know how many people would feel secure downloading a jar from 'some guy off the internet.' If they don't know you well.

There was that whole controversy over the hack clients going rogue and stealing passwords and stuff.

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Only for l4g people that want it I was more thinking :D Tell me what you think of the shaders in there, they are coolest at daytime/sunset and when youre outside. Inside gets a bit annoying with how its configured at the minute

- 'cool story' after DobbyBen fell into lava and lost all the resources they had left

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I like sheep.

Do you like sheep?

If so then we like sheep.

If not then you don't like sheep :(

Omg, a spam account with a Sheep fetish. :o

Edit: oh, it's a real person. :V

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