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Mr. Green Gaming

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Let me start off by saying that this person generally isnt all too switched on with things.

So's. My friend from college (Barogar) asks me on steam what all the potatoes are on another college friend's steam profile (RJ/Mr.Layer/Potato Jackson), I begin acting like Glados in the ARG. I quickly tell RJ what I'm doing. He himself is being asked why I'm acting all weird by Barogar.

He manages to recover it, just, at the end. We then proceed to sort of troll him and also sort of teach him to read up on internet news at the same time. here's the chat logs between me and Barogar and me and RJ.

(Which shall be in their own posts to make it easier to read.)

>>Everything is fine here.

I just thought this might be mildly amusing for people to read, since this is Grade A Ywa brand trolling right here. :V

Between Me and Barogar:

23:09 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: why does rob have portattoes

23:09 - Darkstar: Because he is winrar.

23:09 - Darkstar: And She is in the system.

23:09 - Darkstar: get out whi...safdgfp[,]#'fb[gln]fb,#gsd.bfhngfxvbcvdngetyjhm

23:09 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: and she is ?

23:09 - Darkstar: Everything is fine here.

23:10 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: lol

23:10 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: erm ok

23:10 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ...

23:10 - Darkstar: Everything is fine here.

23:10 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: yeah u said that

23:10 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23:10 - Darkstar: Everything is fine here.

23:11 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: le sigh

23:15 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: TOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23:15 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: WTF!!!!!!!

23:15 - Darkstar: Everything is fine here.


23:18 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: oh fuck you

23:18 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner shoots darkstar in the face

23:20 - Darkstar: >> False alarm. Everything is fine here. Thank you.

23:21 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: system reboot

23:21 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:22 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: aaaaaaa

23:22 - Darkstar: >>Invalid password.


23:22 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: aaaaac

23:23 - Darkstar: >>Invalid password.

23:23 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:23 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: force shutdown

23:24 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:24 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: errrrrrrrrrrrr

23:24 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: activate self-destruct

23:24 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:25 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: PO E TA v T e O!

23:25 - Darkstar: >>Invalid password.


23:25 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: Potato

23:25 - Darkstar: >>Invalid password.


23:25 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: PO E TA v T e O! rything is fine here.

23:26 - Darkstar: >>Invalid password.


23:26 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: password:Everything is fine here.

23:26 - Darkstar: >>Invalid password.


23:27 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: potato 26

23:28 - Darkstar: >>Invalid password.


23:28 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: password not required

23:28 - Darkstar: >>Invalid password.


23:28 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: re

23:28 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: reset

23:29 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:29 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: system error

23:29 - Darkstar: >> SYSTEM BREACH

23:29 - Darkstar: >>Deploying deadly neurotoxin

23:30 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: gas mask engaged

23:31 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: system self desruct in 3.2.1

23:34 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: the cake is a lie

23:34 - Darkstar: >>Hoopy The Hoop


23:35 - Darkstar: Helllllllllllllllp

23:35 - Darkstar: >>Everything is fine here.

23:35 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: system log

23:36 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:36 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: GLaDos

23:36 - Darkstar: >>Incorrect Password:

23:36 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:38 - Darkstar: pleasehxxzzzzelpme

23:39 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: will do

23:40 - Darkstar: False alarm. Everything is fine here. Thank you.

23:40 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: don't give me that bullshit

23:40 - Darkstar: >>\*

23:40 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: now WHERE is TOM

23:40 - Darkstar: >>Everything is fine here.

23:40 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: no its not

23:40 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: and that wasn't surposed to happen

23:41 - Darkstar: 123123123123123123123123123123123123123

23:42 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: 00100111010011100010011110100010010

23:42 - Darkstar: >>Unknown binary string.

23:43 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: activate specimen application

23:43 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:44 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: new specimen

23:44 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:45 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: enable specimen

23:46 - Darkstar: >> ## MALICIOUS USER DETECTED. ##

23:46 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: what u gonna do huh

23:46 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: you can't kill me

23:46 - Darkstar: >> ## TERMINAL ACCESS DISABLED. ##

23:47 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: oh cos thats really gonna work

23:47 - Darkstar: >>\*

23:47 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: hahaha

23:47 - Darkstar: >>\*

23:47 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN

23:48 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: open profile

23:48 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: portal

23:48 - Darkstar: >> ## SYSTEM LOCKDOWN INITIALISED ##

*I went offline*

23:51 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: TOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23:51 - Darkstar: >>System Boot

23:51 - Darkstar: >>Welcome.

23:51 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: your not tom where's tom

23:52 - Darkstar: >> Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System v2.0

23:52 - Darkstar: >> Password:

14 April 2011

00:00 - Darkstar: >>System session timeout.

00:00 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: fuck you

00:01 - Darkstar: >>Username:

00:02 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: dildor sparkleton the 3rd

00:02 - Darkstar: >>Incorrect Username.

00:02 - Darkstar: >>Username:

00:04 - Darkstar: G000000000000blin

00:05 - Darkstar: shesdgkgnsnontrol'safldgsystem'afs;,'gmwsteam'f,m###]k[;l][j[]no]l#;l#];time'';samf;nlknvlkcn

00:05 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ikefn'JBF'owjg'uearhiwgbAWGRBAEKJRGBEURGHwlgrbwbggbrarbGBRSGBDBGRATEDGAEHBADBADdfbvad

00:05 - Darkstar: >> Everything is fine here.

00:05 - Darkstar: >>Username:

00:05 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ,md\ksjbhsbfgrvbhfnardgea

00:05 - Darkstar: >>Incorrect Username.

00:05 - Darkstar: >>Username:

00:06 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: eregsethsrthndfgnrwthfbgbjacksonatagsdgafsdvadfvbadgbrayagagaszgrav

00:06 - Darkstar: >>Incorrect Username. WARNING. One try remaining.

00:06 - Darkstar: >>Username:

00:06 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBLIN

00:06 - Darkstar: >>Incorrect.

00:06 - Darkstar: >>Rebooting

*Logout & Login*

00:10 - Darkstar: sheasaftermeiaminanepisode

00:10 - Darkstar: >>System Startup

00:11 - Darkstar: >>Password:

00:12 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: thereisnospoon

00:12 - Darkstar: >>Incorrect Password:

00:12 - Darkstar: >>Password:

00:12 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: l

00:13 - Darkstar: >>Incorrect Password.

00:13 - Darkstar: >>Password:

00:13 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ]yugftytdiydddtfgyvuhuhjseu

00:13 - Darkstar: >>Incorrect Password.

00:13 - Darkstar: >>Password

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner is now Offline.

Between Me and RJ/Mr.Layer

Consider this the "Behind the scenes" bit.

23:10 - Darkstar: Gobbles it seems doesnt know anything about the arg

23:10 - Darkstar: 23:09 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: why does rob have portattoes

23:09 - Darkstar: Because he is winrar.

23:09 - Darkstar: And She is in the system.

23:09 - Darkstar: get out whi...safdgfp[,]#'fb[gln]fb,#gsd.bfhngfxvbcvdngetyjhm

23:09 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: and she is ?

23:09 - Darkstar: Everything is fine here.

23:10 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: lol

23:10 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: erm ok

23:10 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ...

23:10 - Darkstar: Everything is fine here.

23:10 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: yeah u said that

23:10 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23:10 - Darkstar: Everything is fine here.

23:13 - Darkstar: Hm. I think that's how I shall respond to goblin in the future up until Portal 2 release.

23:16 - Potato Jackson: [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ROB

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: whats up with tom

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: every time i talk to him he says

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: Darkstar: Everything is fine here.

Potato Jackson: I will tell you axactly what's up with Tom.

Potato Jackson: Nothing.

Potato Jackson: Everything is fine here.

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ROB

23:16 - Potato Jackson: I afk'd

23:16 - Potato Jackson: and saw his message before yours

23:17 - Darkstar: Goblin needs to learn to catch up on internet events.

23:17 - Potato Jackson: heh

23:17 - Potato Jackson: [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ROB

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ROBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

Potato Jackson: >>Yes

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: wtf! ?

23:18 - Darkstar: 23:17 - Darkstar: HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME ITS KILLING ME HELP ME HELP ME

23:18 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: oh fuck you

23:18 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner shoots darkstar in the face

23:18 - Darkstar: Now thats just not nice.

23:18 - Potato Jackson: hm

23:18 - Potato Jackson: I shall devise a response

23:19 - Potato Jackson: Potato Jackson: >>Ignore him. It's a joke. Everything is fine here.

23:19 - Darkstar: I was just taking stuff from the arg

23:20 - Potato Jackson checks your potatoes

23:20 - Darkstar: Le 0

23:20 - Potato Jackson: NONE?!

23:20 - Potato Jackson: WHAT. IS

23:20 - Potato Jackson: THEAS

23:20 - Darkstar: :>

23:20 - Darkstar: 23:20 - Darkstar: >> False alarm. Everything is fine here. Thank you.

23:21 - Darkstar: 23:21 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: system reboot

23:21 - Darkstar: hum

23:21 - Potato Jackson: respond with ">>Password: "

23:22 - Darkstar: 23:22 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: aaaaaaa

23:22 - Potato Jackson: >>Invalid password.


23:23 - Darkstar: 23:22 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: aaaaac

23:23 - Darkstar: le fail

23:23 - Darkstar: He's not even using the most widely used passwords.

23:23 - Darkstar: or tier3

23:24 - Potato Jackson: password is obviously "PORTALTWO"

23:25 - Potato Jackson: Potato Jackson: THE PASSWORD IS PO E TA v T e O! rything is fine here.

23:25 - Darkstar: 23:23 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: force shutdown

23:24 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:24 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: errrrrrrrrrrrr

23:24 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: activate self-destruct

23:24 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:25 - Darkstar: 23:25 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: Potato

23:25 - Potato Jackson: obviously invalid :/

23:25 - Darkstar: He really is le suck

23:25 - Potato Jackson: heh

23:26 - Darkstar: 23:25 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: PO E TA v T e O! rything is fine here.

23:26 - Darkstar: Link him to your steam profile.

23:26 - Darkstar: He might get it

23:26 - Potato Jackson: I was just tihnking to do that

23:26 - Potato Jackson: and then steam froze :P

23:26 - Darkstar: niiiiiice

23:27 - Potato Jackson: Potato Jackson: SSSSSSSSSSsteam profile, on the rIIIIIIIIIIghTTTT,

23:27 - Darkstar: Btw. What happens when he does get it

23:27 - Potato Jackson: you log out of steam

23:27 - Potato Jackson: and on-to steam

23:27 - Potato Jackson: and GLaDOS gets complete control

23:27 - Darkstar: 23:27 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: potato 26

23:27 - Darkstar: Oh my christ.

23:27 - Potato Jackson: o-o

23:27 - Potato Jackson: hah

23:28 - Potato Jackson: He'll get it eventually

23:28 - Darkstar: 23:28 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: password not required

23:29 - Darkstar: 23:28 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: reset

23:29 - Potato Jackson: That's it

23:29 - Potato Jackson: get him with that neurotoxin

23:29 - Potato Jackson: ACCESS BREACH or some shit

23:29 - Darkstar: Ill get him with next wrong password

23:30 - Darkstar: 23:29 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: system error

23:29 - Darkstar: >> SYSTEM BREACH

23:29 - Darkstar: >>Deploying deadly neurotoxin

23:30 - Potato Jackson: prepare for spam:

23:30 - Potato Jackson: [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: WTF IS GOING ON ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Potato Jackson: Releasing NeurotoxNeurotoxNeurotoxNeurotoxNeurotoxNeurotoxNeurotox






















23:30 - Darkstar: Oh we are so cool.

23:30 - Darkstar: 23:30 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: gas mask engaged

23:31 - Darkstar: 23:31 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: system self desruct in 3.2.1

23:33 - Darkstar: 23:31 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: activate self desruct sequence

23:32 - Darkstar: >>SPECIMEN LOCATED

23:32 - Darkstar: >>LOADING TURRETS

23:33 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: portals engaged

23:33 - Potato Jackson: [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: why is tom pretendign to be glados

23:33 - Potato Jackson: He's catching on

23:33 - Darkstar: ooo

23:33 - Darkstar: The deadly neurotoxin may have given it away

23:33 - Potato Jackson: heh

23:34 - Darkstar: 23:33 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: nien

23:34 - Darkstar: 23:34 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: the cake is a lie

23:34 - Potato Jackson: >>Hoopy the Hoop

23:34 - Potato Jackson: obviously

23:36 - Darkstar: 23:35 - Darkstar: GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOBLIN

23:35 - Darkstar: Helllllllllllllllp

23:35 - Darkstar: >>Everything is fine here.

23:35 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: system log

23:36 - Darkstar: >>Password:

23:36 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: GLaDos

23:36 - Darkstar: Closer.

23:40 - Darkstar: Oh man I think im making him rage

23:42 - Potato Jackson: [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: LET

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ME

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: IN

Potato Jackson: >>Password:

23:42 - Darkstar: Oh this is too much fun :')

23:43 - Darkstar: 23:43 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: activate specimen application

23:43 - Darkstar: I sense a password is needed.

23:43 - Potato Jackson: [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: password this

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner smashes input console

Call from [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner started.


23:44 - Darkstar: Ooh good call.

23:44 - Darkstar: Log out of steam and back in again?

23:44 - Potato Jackson: in a bit :>

23:44 - Potato Jackson: [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner has ended the call.

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: might wanna get a maintanence bot while ur there

Potato Jackson: >> ## TERMINAL ACCESS DISABLED. ##

23:46 - Potato Jackson: [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner ripes out afew wires

[AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: ok lets start again

23:46 - Potato Jackson: Time to spam EEEEEEE'S

23:46 - Darkstar: :>

23:47 - Darkstar: 23:46 - Darkstar: >> ## MALICIOUS USER DETECTED. ##

23:46 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: what u gonna do huh

23:46 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: you can't kill me

23:46 - Darkstar: >> ## TERMINAL ACCESS DISABLED. ##

Potato Jackson is now Offline.

*I went offline*

23:51 - Darkstar: Silly goblin initiated system lockdown

23:51 - Potato Jackson: heh

23:53 - Darkstar: 23:51 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: TOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23:51 - Darkstar: >>System Boot

23:51 - Darkstar: >>Welcome.

23:51 - [AI]Barogar! The Mighty! Stoner: your not tom where's tom

23:52 - Darkstar: >> Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System v2.0

23:52 - Darkstar: >> Password:

23:53 - Darkstar: Oh those passwords.

23:56 - Darkstar: We should show Valve our successful trolling.

23:56 - Potato Jackson: meh

23:56 - Potato Jackson: they'd tl;dr

23:56 - Darkstar: :/

23:56 - Darkstar: Gobbles isnt responding anymore :(

23:59 - Darkstar: Hey, Magika's finished downloading :D

14 April 2011

00:00 - Darkstar: Oh my christ that was perfect timing

00:01 - Darkstar: 14 April 2011

00:00 - Darkstar: >>System session timeout.

00:01 - Potato Jackson: heh

00:01 - Darkstar: As it exactly hit midnight

00:02 - Darkstar: I think when I go to sleep Im going to have to put >> ## SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ##

00:02 - Darkstar: Since goblin clearly cant get this

00:13 - Darkstar: I think somehow goblin's just given up

00:14 - Darkstar: Ive been through two "system reboots" and he still cant get it :/

00:14 - Potato Jackson: heh

00:15 - Darkstar: nooooooooo

00:15 - Darkstar: He just went offline.

00:15 - Darkstar: Sadface.

00:15 - Potato Jackson: reboot, ofc

00:15 - Darkstar: But he aint the system D:

00:15 - Darkstar: Ill do this if he gets back: PO TA T O

tl;dr My friend is a retard.

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