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Mr. Green Gaming

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Besides an admin calling me a little whore I get this:

If you're going to continue making childish threats I'll just ban you instead. Fight it out on the forum or get lost.

- Clavus

2011/10/11 freek wernas <[email protected]>

I do not risk getting a spammed threat becouse of childish attemps. One of you're admins made a mistake and you dont want to set it right?

Dutch law system huh? If for real I would have the right to seu you. But I like to keep it professional.

Kind regards,


Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 20:07:27 +0200

Subject: Re: Pedobears.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

You're not getting anything. Just post a complaint in the ban forum like the rest.

- Clavus

2011/10/11 Left 4 Green <[email protected]>


xsissel has sent you this email from http://forums.left4green.com/index.php.

Do you have skype? I really want to talk to you about Pedobears. I want a week suspention for the whole clan and a removed faction. I want your skype becouse I cant tell you why just like this.

Kind regards And sincerely,



Please note that Left 4 Green has no control over the

contents of this message.



Sounds like Clavus made you his bitch, bend over and take it like a man. :pipe:

When someone says stop making childish threats, you should stop messaging that person with complaints that should be dealt with through the formal in the usual procedure and maybe do what they say, specially when they own the forums and server :V


Quite frankly youre acting like an arse Xsissel.

Sorry to be so blunt here, but you're the main reason I made the "Dear All" thread shouting about all the inappropriate posts in the admin apps sub-forum. Throw around the threat of suing people all you like dear it's clearly getting you no love here.


As I mentioned before, you fuckers can all fuck off and the only thing that lasts me to do is destroy Pedobear, then im out of here. I clearely read the terms of use and the so called "admin" do not live up to those rules.


HATERS GUNNA HATE!! I made it pink for you because you are a fairy Sir. Xsissel maybe if you didn't go round thinking you were big on Faction wars and giving the good old big talk on the forums we might have been a bit more nicer to you. After all we hate people that big themselves up especially people like you. So before you waste any more of your precious Minecrafting time writing immature stuff on here don't bother. "

"you fuckers can all fuck off" Best come back EU! Very immature.

Luke Nukem, Peace.


I have no idea what xsissel's beef with everyone is. Whatever did you guys do to him? Can I get a clear fact-only summary?

And I'm seriously going to filter some of these retarded posts. Grow up guys.


Basically he thought he could be a big man and think that his clan on Faction Wars was superior. Following on from his most gracious immature comments he tried thinking he could over throw the Prodiguild A.k.a reformed boasters ourselves from Wezrines point of view sadly. The simple fact was he hated us as we have some sort of bonding with you admins as we know fellow greenies * Peon and a slight mutual bond with Darkstar through TF2 * which makes us look like we are friends making him feel left out and unwelcome which made him get angry and start raging like an immature little boy he obviously is.

In conclusion he felt left out, so he raged and tried acting hard to gain attention like a baby chucking its toys out of the pram as we brits like to put it.

Sorry for the problem we have caused for you Clavus on behalf of me and the fellow member of the ' Prodiguild '

For further issues please email me on [email protected] or Dr.Minky at [email protected]




who are you talking about again? You need some chillpills man.

Posted (edited)


"Edit" By now I kinda do.

Again, you raged. That is a bit immature again isnt it? Stop saying i'm very immature when you are the one who rages and makes childish comments.

Edited by ZomBitch

Okay. (Kinda weird that this story has not been told yet). You guys know pedobears right? They accused us False for hacking. Our whole clan got banned before we even saw the thread. The clan also got disbanded. They took our base. I got unbanned becouse what they said was hacking was just rendering lag. (this is the next day). I needed to send corby a mail with my clan members. I did. Wendsday (Yes in the building contest) my clan finally got unbanned. So after the building contest it only seemed fair we got our clan territory back right? No. We diddnt. So in other words, becouse pedobears (back then pokemon) falsely accused us, they got rewarded a full base with ALOT of diamond, gold iron etc.

That is why I "hate" the admin team so much. Becouse that happened and they got away with more than ever and we lost it all.

Posted (edited)

Okay. (Kinda weird that this story has not been told yet). You guys know pedobears right? They accused us False for hacking. Our whole clan got banned before we even saw the thread. The clan also got disbanded. They took our base. I got unbanned becouse what they said was hacking was just rendering lag. (this is the next day). I needed to send corby a mail with my clan members. I did. Wendsday (Yes in the building contest) my clan finally got unbanned. So after the building contest it only seemed fair we got our clan territory back right? No. We diddnt. So in other words, becouse pedobears (back then pokemon) falsely accused us, they got rewarded a full base with ALOT of diamond, gold iron etc.

That is why I "hate" the admin team so much. Becouse that happened and they got away with more than ever and we lost it all.

they probably thought you were hacking because you never took damage because you abused the godmode when you kept joining server. Only advice I can give is that you forget the past and build up another faction. Thats faction wars and it happened many times to my faction were I lost everything in the past worlds.

And dont abuse that function anymore.

Edited by Pufulet
Posted (edited)

Okay. (Kinda weird that this story has not been told yet). You guys know pedobears right? They accused us False for hacking. Our whole clan got banned before we even saw the thread. The clan also got disbanded. They took our base. I got unbanned becouse what they said was hacking was just rendering lag. (this is the next day). I needed to send corby a mail with my clan members. I did. Wendsday (Yes in the building contest) my clan finally got unbanned. So after the building contest it only seemed fair we got our clan territory back right? No. We diddnt. So in other words, becouse pedobears (back then pokemon) falsely accused us, they got rewarded a full base with ALOT of diamond, gold iron etc.

That is why I "hate" the admin team so much. Becouse that happened and they got away with more than ever and we lost it all.

they probably thought you were hacking because you never took damage because you abused the godmode when you kept joining server. Only advice I can give is that you forget the past and build up another faction. Thats faction wars and it happened many times to my faction were I lost everything in the past worlds.

And dont abuse that function anymore.

Once again you are making me mad. ONE of my team members was reported for WALLHACKING and the WHOLE clan got BANNED! Fighting pokemon we diddnt even USE godmode bug becouse we already QUIT DOING THAT!

"EDIT" He was just standing there when ryuushima or sommething log abused and becouse of the rendering of the map he saw him standing in a wall. It was lag for crying out loud!!

""EDIT"" If your car get's stolen. And the thief breaks your car, do you deserve a new one? YES YOU DO!

Edited by xsissel

Clavus can you actually delete this topic? Wezrine started it and isn't even in the prodiguild anymore and it makes us look like arseholes, not to mention the amount of spam on it. Plus If I were to start a personal faction topic that'd have some kind of use for it like base ideas or something like that so i wouldn't be able to repost one either.. Not to mention the amount of SPAMMY COMMENTS (looks at xsissle) on this post, it has no use.

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