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Mr. Green Gaming

About KOTH server

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This message is wrote just for YOU on the other side of that screen!

Ive personally invested all my time playing TF and now Im pissed that youre not playing with me on that wonderfull mrgreen KOTH server! 300 hours a week aint that much to dive into a such brilliant game.

Those bots are really doing their best, but still it feels too cold to play against em. Im blasting them endlesly from right and left, but the blood scatters in the wall and the bodyparts all around me feel so generic. Theres no love nor warmth in them. They take the punisment too easy, they wont ragequit or type those silly comments on the chat while at their peak level of anger and hate towards me.

It used to be such fun at the server and I want those times back! ASAP! Whole Leather Gnomes |LG| team would enjoy to take a beating of our life, but that aint gonna happen with those bots around!

As a spokesman of our insanely awesome team I would like to make few suggestions to ADMINS.

no1 How about adding a votemap option in the servers!! It would be easier to keep the players in if they can choose what to play.

no2 Other thing is autobalance! When playing with LG puddies we try to keep the game balanced, but it seems that when there are only few of us playing in the server its hard to manage. Those games usually at some point end when other team has been baseraping the other for few rounds. In koth maps the action is always right behind the first door so even the most minor differences in the balance might affect the game too much. There is "autobalance" after the whole blue team has left the server and the numbers are uneven.

no3 Bots sometimes gives me the "what the fuck feeling" its might say that there are 12 players online and when entering the server it might be one lonely fellow and seven bots. Everytime that happes I feel more distant from that awesome server. You would need to get a tiny group of guys there playing from 5 p.m few hours for few weeks and it just might do the trick better than "cheating" that there actually are someone playing.

If you dont have that tiny group you always could make a somekind of silly games for every month. Give earbuds to someone whos invested the most playing in the server or something like that. I could give few hats for that kind of purpose myself. I dont know if the stats work so that it could count all the dominations against me, but if it can I can give my earbuds to the person who dominates me the most next month.

no4 One of the most annoying things that keeps the ppl out of the servers is that they seem to crash too often and when theyre full theres a minor lag that scares some people off. I dont know if theres much to do than change the operator, but could you make some awesome whizzard spells and get rid of it. Thanks!

Oh and you could come to play with us as well sometimes.


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Shit man, Buds are worth like $25

Correct me If I'm wrong, but isn't Map voting already enabled on the server, I remember it was definatley enabled during and before the Halloween event, Maybe not though, Havent been in Koth for a while.

I've looked around the TF2 section and havent found any topics regarding autobalance, But I know It's a bit of a problem in arena too, I'm pretty sure clavus has said something about this (Regarding arena most likely) And nothings been changed so far.

Normally It wouldn't be a problem, but when you get things like Clan-stacking, Or an Axon on your team, things like Auto-Scramble are really needed. Either that or shorter Round times.

Personally, I don't like the idea of bots, and I think it turns people away more-so than 3 or 4 humans in a server, But Bots in the past have been shown to maintain server popularity.

I haven't had a problem of crashing often, What you're talking about may be a problem between Clients and TF2 rather than Clients and the server, If it was the server, Clavus can't really upgrade RAM for minor problems like that, It's a huge chunk of money, and without many donations It can be a hard thing to sort out.

If you're interested in other conec

Edited by Vegeta7141
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I think there's too few KotH maps to really warrant map voting. And autobalance is already enabled. Someone just has to die first on the overcrowded team.

Could we try that votemap for a while? And I guess by talking about autobalance I really mean scramble :E Autobalance works out, but it just evens the numbers but wont actually balanace the teams.

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Shit man, Buds are worth like $25

Correct me If I'm wrong, but isn't Map voting already enabled on the server, I remember it was definatley enabled during and before the Halloween event, Maybe not though, Havent been in Koth for a while.

I've looked around the TF2 section and havent found any topics regarding autobalance, But I know It's a bit of a problem in arena too, I'm pretty sure clavus has said something about this (Regarding arena most likely) And nothings been changed so far.

Normally It wouldn't be a problem, but when you get things like Clan-stacking, Or an Axon on your team, things like Auto-Scramble are really needed. Either that or shorter Round times.

Personally, I don't like the idea of bots, and I think it turns people away more-so than 3 or 4 humans in a server, But Bots in the past have been shown to maintain server popularity.

I haven't had a problem of crashing often, What you're talking about may be a problem between Clients and TF2 rather than Clients and the server, If it was the server, Clavus can't really upgrade RAM for minor problems like that, It's a huge chunk of money, and without many donations It can be a hard thing to sort out.

If you're interested in other conec

Voting is not enabled on koth servers. Havent really tried out arena that much. And yep by talking about autobalance I really ment that auto-scramble after one of the teams takes massive beating. And about crashing, it has informed few times that server will be shutting down in 10 secs or something like that, but does that without any warning as well. That happens about one time every evening and empties the server for sure and that sucks. And Im somewhat aware that admins cant to anything about these matters concerning a minor lag and some of the supprise shutdown and thats where Im kinda hoping for those amazing wizzardpowers to come in play :EE

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This message is wrote just for YOU on the other side of that screen!

Ive personally invested all my time playing TF and now Im pissed that youre not playing with me on that wonderfull mrgreen KOTH server! 300 hours a week aint that much to dive into a such brilliant game.

Those bots are really doing their best, but still it feels too cold to play against em. Im blasting them endlesly from right and left, but the blood scatters in the wall and the bodyparts all around me feel so generic. Theres no love nor warmth in them. They take the punisment too easy, they wont ragequit or type those silly comments on the chat while at their peak level of anger and hate towards me.

It used to be such fun at the server and I want those times back! ASAP! Whole Leather Gnomes |LG| team would enjoy to take a beating of our life, but that aint gonna happen with those bots around!

As a spokesman of our insanely awesome team I would like to make few suggestions to ADMINS.

no1 How about adding a votemap option in the servers!! It would be easier to keep the players in if they can choose what to play.

no2 Other thing is autobalance! When playing with LG puddies we try to keep the game balanced, but it seems that when there are only few of us playing in the server its hard to manage. Those games usually at some point end when other team has been baseraping the other for few rounds. In koth maps the action is always right behind the first door so even the most minor differences in the balance might affect the game too much. There is "autobalance" after the whole blue team has left the server and the numbers are uneven.

no3 Bots sometimes gives me the "what the fuck feeling" its might say that there are 12 players online and when entering the server it might be one lonely fellow and seven bots. Everytime that happes I feel more distant from that awesome server. You would need to get a tiny group of guys there playing from 5 p.m few hours for few weeks and it just might do the trick better than "cheating" that there actually are someone playing.

If you dont have that tiny group you always could make a somekind of silly games for every month. Give earbuds to someone whos invested the most playing in the server or something like that. I could give few hats for that kind of purpose myself. I dont know if the stats work so that it could count all the dominations against me, but if it can I can give my earbuds to the person who dominates me the most next month.

no4 One of the most annoying things that keeps the ppl out of the servers is that they seem to crash too often and when theyre full theres a minor lag that scares some people off. I dont know if theres much to do than change the operator, but could you make some awesome whizzard spells and get rid of it. Thanks!

Oh and you could come to play with us as well sometimes.



But seriously, good ideas. I haven't played TF2 in a long time. By the way, do people still play in PayLoad? Or is there even a PayLoad?

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Disclaimer: this message may or may not contain hidden messages?

KotH server is pretty much done at the moment or at least one foot in the grave and heading for inevitable doom. That's a shame cause it was one of the better tf servers out there in its heyday. The mods are cool, the players were cool, reasonable ping, insta respawn. I don't like bots either but whatever, maybe it's better to have bots to lure people in than an empty server cause nobody's gonna join a 0/24 KotH by oneself.

It seems that the biggest obstacles of keeping players on the server are unbalanced teams and server reboots. Maybe there's nothing that can be done about reboots and that's that, but the fact is that the server does reboot quite frequently and after restarting maybe 25% of players come back, tops.

The other thing: unbalanced teams. Most of the time maps go through with the other team dominating and that sucks ass. Current auto-balancing doesn't help at all, cause it doesn't move the best players to the weaker team. At the moment better players switch teams if they feel like it, and sadly, that's not too often. Auto-balance should switch players based on game.me points or something but I guess that won't happen. What could happen though, is an implementation of a basic team scramble system. Scramble after a team loses two rounds in a row, add vote scramble, scramble after every round, whatever, just add the damn scrambling to the server. I don't think scrambling is too complicated to add to a server and it would improve the quality of game significantly.

Here is a pic of a goat (lol), if you are well versed in mind control anything can happen. Shit can get real for reals yo, u just wait!


Best wishes,

Bobby Jane

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Dat goat is illuminati?

On topic: I played on the koth server today and it was nearly full, or maybe completely full i honestly didn't check. But i can confirm that the problem with Green servers slowly loosing players is that people tend to group into one team which then totally owns the map, and the other team can't do anything and leave in the process. This is an issue on ALL the Green servers, maybe not so much on Arena but on the others it is and a votescramble would probably work here. (Why is it even removed in the first place, and disabled after an admin enables it is strange??)

I've tried to join the loosing team in the past but you can't do much since the team your in sucks big time, can't teamplay and your facing people who are all good and can do some basic teamwork at least, and here is where you'll loose many potential regulars.

Shouldn't the goal be to get more regulars on the servers, especially now that many have left? There is also the issue of rarely seeing admins online anymore.

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