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1. Your ingame name: lars010

2. Date of your ban: I don't know, 14-12-2011 or 25-12-2011

3. Who banned you (only if you know who): i don't know

4. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): i don't know

5. Reason why we should unban you: i don't even know why i am banned

why am i banned?

yesterday i logged out at i think 9 o'clock in the evening and i just tried to logg in but it's not possible.

can you tell me why i am banned?

Edited by lars010
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Please state your faction also, and have you tried getting on when the server is actually up?

i tried i think 30 mins ago to logg in

The server is not online, please wait until it's back, we do not have an estimate to when it will be back so just be patient. Thanks

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Please state your faction also, and have you tried getting on when the server is actually up?

i tried i think 30 mins ago to logg in

The server is not online, please wait until it's back, we do not have an estimate to when it will be back so just be patient. Thanks

i'll wait

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Please state your faction also, and have you tried getting on when the server is actually up?

i tried i think 30 mins ago to logg in

The server is not online, please wait until it's back, we do not have an estimate to when it will be back so just be patient. Thanks

now it says 'you are banned from this server'

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Please state your faction also, and have you tried getting on when the server is actually up?

i tried i think 30 mins ago to logg in

Tell him what faction you are in. Edited by Guest
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Please state your faction also, and have you tried getting on when the server is actually up?

i tried i think 30 mins ago to logg in

The server is not online, please wait until it's back, we do not have an estimate to when it will be back so just be patient. Thanks

it was turdys

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Corby banned you guys for exploiting the duplication exploit.

i know who was duplcating! it was madgoblin, i didnt want to report him cus they said they would kick me from the faction when i did

can i please get an unban, i'm innocent!

Why should you be unbanned for hiding a duper? If you did report them I would of likely disbanded the faction anyway leaving you without one. You do realise in modern day law you would be prosecuted for aiding a criminal? Its the same principle.

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Corby banned you guys for exploiting the duplication exploit.

i know who was duplcating! it was madgoblin, i didnt want to report him cus they said they would kick me from the faction when i did

can i please get an unban, i'm innocent!

Why should you be unbanned for hiding a duper? If you did report them I would of likely disbanded the faction anyway leaving you without one. You do realise in modern day law you would be prosecuted for aiding a criminal? Its the same principle.

you've got a point. next time i'll report

I think we shouldn't be that harsh, after all most of our players are underage. But next time do report dupers. I'll unban you lars010.

thank you clavus, thank you!

can my friend elelcooldee be unbanned too please, i told you it was madgoblin who did it so elelcooldee is innocent too

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