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Mr. Green Gaming

The BIGGER Picture.

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Posted (edited)

Hello Luke Nukem here bringing another one of his wonderful so called ' Bull shit conspiracy's ' This might seem mainly U.S.A 's side, but it involves many other places.

So after many hours of reading ' complete crap ' in my eyes about what's going on in the world today, I think we are all missing the bigger picture here. I will miss some major topics from this because it could go on for a while. Don't judge me on this it's only a conspiracy, but also we can't deny it not being true.

Okay then....

1) The U.S. Government has been spending money as if there are ' no consequences of doing so ' or they don't seem like they have to repay others before spending. Even to they owe trillions of $ to other countries they don't even seem to give a rats??

2) The U.S. presidential race is waste of time and a complete joke, but if we think about it it's for entertainment purposes, which leads me to think there will be no need for an election in 2012???

http://www.terravivos.com/home.htm Seems false, but I will use it.

3) I feel deep down that fear and conspiracy's are moving about, in all parts of the world.

4) Norway and other countries have been building underground bunkers, on a mass scale???


5) The U.S. Government has been constructing underground bunkers for many years now, but over the past decade America has suddenly started to pressure contractors to pick up the work and start working again.

6) Hollywood has been making movies left and right about "Hostile" Alien invasions and apocalyptic scenarios?? - Making our brains think about if we were actually in that situation -

7) The entire world is at the tipping point of economic collapse, which everyone knows should've happened years ago, but the system is being " held up " by bailouts??

8) The media is keeping the populations of the world zombiefied with video games, electronics and comfort, as if there is nothing wrong? Lately sales that we see around us on TV, Internet or bill boards which is 90% consist of.

- Mobile phone sales etc...

- Vehicle sales

- Video Games and Console Systems

- Fast food.


What do all these things have in common might you ask?? They keep us preoccupied so that we care about nothing else. I will not even mention the many 2012 prophecies because I believe they've just been worked up by the media and Hollywood.... So I am a bit stuck on what to believe anymore.

This is just a thought and another one off my many conspiracy's

Nukem x

Edited by Luke Nukem

Everyone knows that Saturn's moon, Titan, is mostly composed of methane. Now you blind sheep might be thinking: "Isn't that quite normal for a gas planet?" Well, you obviously don't see the bigger picture.

Keeping dairy animals is only mean of living for some people. Cheese, milk, leather, beef, all manner of products are made from cows. But U.S. government, those greedy masterminds have made an alliance with titanians, who are herding cattle in Titan! Ask yourself: From where else would all that methane come from? Soon, the government, aided by eeeevil corporations will start selling piss-cheap milk, soon collapsing the world economy with their underprized products!

And where's the catch? Without monetary economy, all the debts of U.S. are abolished! Isn't it crystal clear?


It's not a conspiracy if it's true! Trust me, this shit was prophesied by Ptolemaios, mayas and Howard the Duck.

Don't make me chuckle. Humans are yet too unadvanced and too uncontrollable to reach Saturnus's friends. Even if they could, I would sabotage their act of powerful eagerness.

Posted (edited)

Just a quick reminder what are people's thoughts on this matter I have happened to bring to the forums in these very dark times?

Also this Topic might as well become the ' BIGGER picture ' Conspiracy thread from now on.

P.s Humans could possibly have the technology to reach deeper parts of space we will never know? Baron your idea sounds like a joke? :S I would like to read this.


Edited by Luke Nukem

Why even bother with this shit? Blabla US government.. blabla end of the world.. blabla economic crisis

Honestly? Tell me.. how much can you do if there will be an apocalypse caused by our economy or just different ideologies? Who gives a crap? Everyone will have to deal with it, once it comes. Why worry over stuff that might not even be true? Do you find your regular days so lifeless and dull that you have to keep your head occupied with these idiotic theories? Just live your life and discover the beauty in it. Be happy!

(All of the questions are rhetorical, I am not expecting an interview)


4) Norway and other countries have been building underground bunkers, on a mass scale???

Sauce please? I've heard nothing of this....

The rest of the things you said are all things that has been happening ever since the industrial revolution, you're just being paranoid. The only thing I've noticed lately is that the US is controlling their people and the media like crazy, but I think that's just because they're afraid of a civil war (which they deserve, because the justice system in the US sucks).

Posted (edited)

Iran just threaten to cut of the strait of hormuz after oil sanctions on iran from th EU. Now if 2012 is going to end this is going to be the cause.

Edited by Griffon

Oh... I have a vision... it is all so clear... there is a war coming... it won't take long... somewhere between 2015 and 2020... watch out... it's coming... and all the last safe places will be vulnerable... and the humans will go too far this time...


Everyone knows that Saturn's moon, Titan, is mostly composed of methane. Now you blind sheep might be thinking: "Isn't that quite normal for a gas planet?" Well, you obviously don't see the bigger picture.

Keeping dairy animals is only mean of living for some people. Cheese, milk, leather, beef, all manner of products are made from cows. But U.S. government, those greedy masterminds have made an alliance with titanians, who are herding cattle in Titan! Ask yourself: From where else would all that methane come from? Soon, the government, aided by eeeevil corporations will start selling piss-cheap milk, soon collapsing the world economy with their underprized products!

And where's the catch? Without monetary economy, all the debts of U.S. are abolished! Isn't it crystal clear?

1) The Saturn's moon Titan is not a gas object. It was proven that the atmosphere in it is deep, even tho it has surface and even water volcanos.

2) Humans create methane... not going to tell it's resource.

3) US are fags.


1) The Saturn's moon Titan is not a gas object. It was proven that the atmosphere in it is deep, even tho it has surface and even water volcanos.

Every gas planet, from giants to anything smaller, does have some sort of co... Are we starting to dioscuss serious stuff here?


1) The Saturn's moon Titan is not a gas object. It was proven that the atmosphere in it is deep, even tho it has surface and even water volcanos.

Every gas planet, from giants to anything smaller, does have some sort of co... Are we starting to dioscuss serious stuff here?

Even the sun has a surface. If you go deep enough the gasses will be so dense that you could theoretically stand on it.


1) The Saturn's moon Titan is not a gas object. It was proven that the atmosphere in it is deep, even tho it has surface and even water volcanos.

Every gas planet, from giants to anything smaller, does have some sort of co... Are we starting to dioscuss serious stuff here?

Even the sun has a surface. If you go deep enough the gasses will be so dense that you could theoretically stand on it.

But sun isn't a planet.


Why even bother with this shit? Blabla US government.. blabla end of the world.. blabla economic crisis

Honestly? Tell me.. how much can you do if there will be an apocalypse caused by our economy or just different ideologies? Who gives a crap? Everyone will have to deal with it, once it comes. Why worry over stuff that might not even be true? Do you find your regular days so lifeless and dull that you have to keep your head occupied with these idiotic theories? Just live your life and discover the beauty in it. Be happy!

(All of the questions are rhetorical, I am not expecting an interview)

I tend to see it as an interest nothing else. If I choose to like looking into things that might not even be true then I will :D

Posted (edited)

*may I just clarify, although this is in the ProdigalSons thread, he does not speak on behalf on the ProdigalSons in the matter of conspiracies*


Edited by Dr.Minky

*may I just clarify, although this is in the ProdigalSons thread, he does not speak on behalf on the ProdigalSons in the matter of conspiracies*


I think barely anyone cares where this post is :L!!


*may I just clarify, although this is in the ProdigalSons thread, he does not speak on behalf on the ProdigalSons in the matter of conspiracies*


I think barely anyone cares where this post is :L!!

It was more s confirm that me and Peon don't believe half 99% the crap that you say is a conspiracy ;v


*may I just clarify, although this is in the ProdigalSons thread, he does not speak on behalf on the ProdigalSons in the matter of conspiracies*


I think barely anyone cares where this post is :L!!

It was more s confirm that me and Peon don't believe half 99% the crap that you say is a conspiracy ;v

Peon has many of his own ;D


1) The Saturn's moon Titan is not a gas object. It was proven that the atmosphere in it is deep, even tho it has surface and even water volcanos.

Every gas planet, from giants to anything smaller, does have some sort of co... Are we starting to dioscuss serious stuff here?

nah, just sometimes its fun to argue :P

So what I wanted to tell is that Titan is only a few smaller than Earth, but it has a surface, not like gas planets do. None knows if saturn or jupiter do have surface. We can only know that in the centre of it there is... something.

Posted (edited)

Who the fuck gives a shit. Alien and stuff invading the earth, economic collapse.

It's all a joke, if the eart was to end in 2012 we would properly already see the signs of it..

1. So, you say we have an economic crisis, well, we've had them before, it's natural.

2. Norway, US along with Russia and China and the rest of the world have been having nuclear safe bunkers since the 60's and 70's due to the cold war. Theres two nuclear bunkers in Denmark called "Regan øst (Regan east)" and "Regan vest (Regan west)" It was common to build huge bunker facilities during that time.

Besides, that bunker in Svalbard, is to preserve seeds, and not some idiotic goverment official or queen.

Regan west was declassified recently, and the press was allowed to get down there and take pictures:




Short video of the bunker, where the press gets a guided tour

Edited by Danni

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