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Mr. Green Gaming

Admin App


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Hey everyone My Names Rildur :D people tend to know me from the Infected Wars Server as the guy that screams funny comments :P

Age: 18

Date of Birth: 07.07.1990

Country of origin: United Kingdom

Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:

My real name is Henry Burden (very british i know) in my spare time i like to drink with mates and start fights in bars :P i also play ALOT of infected wars (78% of achievments! damn those babies...) il be 19 this year so im gettin prepared for mass drinkage ;) i was in the british TA (Part Time Army) for 2 years recently quit due to real life problems. i was a corporal so i have a very mature structure but can still have a laugh with friends and others around me!

What does it take to be a good admin?

1. I understand whats right and wrong within the game and gamemodes and will see to it that sudden problems will be fixed straight away.

2. I have a great sense of humour which i think every admin needs but not to much of as a job needs to be taken seriously with full respect.

3. I know alot of players within the Infected Wars Community that i get on very well with i believe this would help me as most of the players have my respect and vice versa.

Wow, fits me exactly! Who would have thought?

I spend a total of 4 Hours a day (roughly) on the infected wars servers.

I have a mature approach to things due to my army days, i know how to lead a team and respect those around me.

I once punched a midget for spilling my drink.

I think id make a great admin which will give the community many fun and excited times!

Additional info:

I own Admiral <3

Error 401 is my lover <3

Steam ID:


I Hope you enjoy my application as much as i did writing it! see you on the infected wars servers ;)

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Hey everyone My Names Rildur :D people tend to know me from the Infected Wars Server as the guy that screams funny comments :P

have you found your penis yet?

Error 401 is my lover <3


and youre my sexy bitch <3

I believe that gay marriges are illegal in the UK? ;)

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Hey everyone My Names Rildur :D people tend to know me from the Infected Wars Server as the guy that screams funny comments :P

have you found your penis yet?

Error 401 is my lover <3


and youre my sexy bitch <3

I believe that gay marriges are illegal in the UK? ;)

i believe that its called a civil partnership, if it was to be called a gay marriage, the archbishop would be quoted saying: OMGWTFGTFO!

lulz :gmod:

also, if clavus or ywa sees this, could it be moved to the right part of the forums please!

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lol dont worry guys i found my penis :D so many rofled at that :( and the cover me im scratching my balls :P think admiral went into a laughing fit :P

i couldnt concentrate for the next 5 mins after that, haha

admiral has been declined for admin


mines still there D:

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lol dont worry guys i found my penis :D so many rofled at that :( and the cover me im scratching my balls :P think admiral went into a laughing fit :P

i couldnt concentrate for the next 5 mins after that, haha

admiral has been declined for admin


mines still there D:


i <3 ridlur

Not rildur

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Rildur i love you...and cheated on me WITH ADMIRAL AND ERROR!!!

Still nice to see you joined forums, Think you'd be great with admin.

P.S. Your voice is sexy....especially when you do Dr.zoidberg impressions.

^^ damnit damnit damnit!

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