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Mr. Green Gaming


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About jillesstijn64

  • Birthday 11/26/1999

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  • Location
    The Netherlands

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  1. Don't know if I have time to play a lot, but the map looks really interesting, IGN: jillesstijn64 -Added
  2. Damn this sounds exciting, any news already on when it will be up?
  3. yay nobbi <3
  4. Kod is probably too busy with school, I think its better if you do it… + Kod can't always be online when he is needed, since he doesn't live in Europe
  5. Checked out the minimap, looking damn good kod!
  6. you guys are actually still alive? Lol
  7. Goodbye, think I'll leave the MrGreen community soon as well (if I didnt already?). Had lots of fun playing with you, and I would like to thank you for having this great experience together Good bye, and good luck with your life! I hope we can talk every now and then via Skype, and then not with Kod his weird subjects. Even though it was the funniest experience Ive had in a while -So sad to see the old community dying...
  8. Yup those talks tho... But if someone elss could host something It'd be nice
  9. Probably doesnt matter, he never plays anyways...
  10. SkyBlue you're da real MVP <3 No offense Kod
  11. Maybe remove the platform which is next to the farm?... It's 2 high, so that shouldn't be a problemErhm... yesterday I saw a few pigmen there... just fyi
  12. Maybe remove the platform which is next to the farm?... Sure. I will upload one here. I'm not sure if it works actually - I just checked and there's an issue, I'll have to ask jiles to come fix it. Steenooo it wont work, I also had to make something which I had to remove later on again... So a WE copy isnt very useful. Just go to youtube >> Iron Titan
  13. Doesnt it work because you get only a small amount of gold or because you get no XP, when its the first, it is working, but when its the second it isnt
  14. Sure. I will upload one here. I'm not sure if it works actually - I just checked and there's an issue, I'll have to ask jiles to come fix it. Well, since I made it with the help of a yt tutorial, I dont know how it works... previous time something was wrong with it too, didnt know how to fix that either, it just fixed itself I suppose
  15. I wont mind helping you if needed!
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