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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VforV

  1. I used to be in this group for a while and even had it's tag in my name, but then I left it cause no mather how many people join this group, nothing will change.
  2. Yeah. First I thought you had to use it for something, but then it appeared useless. Btw, made a support thread for this on Xfire forums. XD http://www.xfire.com/xf/modules.php?name=F...ic&t=236426
  3. Some puzzles are really hard. I cheated alot using a walkthrough. I played for 3 hours or something and now I just made Mr. Whirly and chopped some zombies with it. This is not 'just another HL2 mod', it's really good made, on some puzzles I think 'damn, how did they think of th
  4. Just downloaded and played it a bit. It's pretty cool, and it took me a while until I solved the first puzzle. But on the part with the hanging container, one of the pieces fell down, so I have to start over again cause I don't have a savegame from just before that. :<
  5. I hate the way HLStatsX work, because of the 25 points per kill if someone with less points than me kills me, while you have to kill 12 people to earn those points back. I'd rather just see this system disappear. D:
  6. Never had any problems with it.
  7. XP lots of crashes? Lol. I'm using 7 too now, and if I can buy it cheap via school, I'll probably buy it. What I find stupid, why can't you use one key for 32-b and 64-bit versions.
  8. Well, accually I do care. That's why I hate EA. They do it with all their games: NFS, The Sims, FIFA, C&C etc. And since they published The Orange Box, things are changing at Valve (and the coming of L4D2 is the perfect example). Why couldn't they just update the game? I feel like I've payed to play a beta game, that will be left for dead (lol) after L4D2 comes out. They promised that they'd update the game in the future like they do with TF2. All we get is some bug fixes, and 2 new game modes that should have been in the game already when it came out. At first there was: Now there's:
  9. If he becomes admin, he can kick silly boys like him.
  10. One funny quote: On the internet, men are men, women are men and little girls are FBI agents.
  11. That's a good example what people mean when they say you 'kiss someone's ass'.
  12. The day before yesterday, Prisma, Rachel and me were playing at the PL server, around 0:30 am, and when it was cranetop, everybody left, there were only 6 of us in the server, and when the map changed again, more people joined. Even at 3 a.m. there were more people online than when it was cranetop! And don't say because it's a custom map. Hoodoo and Badwater are custom maps too, but the difference between those and cranetop is that they look like the official maps, and cranetop is just a crappy amateur map. No problem, dude.
  13. that and the bewbs, which everyone seem's to be transfixed on Well, that's what you think about it. Personally I think it's stupid how you all look at her now, like it's 'Oh, it's got boobs, yeah vote +1'. Sure, she shoudn't have mentioned it in the first place, cause she knew she'd get reactions on it, but when looking at a person to see he's a capable admin or not, you don't have to look if it's a he or a she, but if that person would be a good admin or not. She is very active and friendly, and I think she'd be a good admin because of that. Not because she's a girl, or has boobs.
  14. Yeah, but I wasn't that active at the time compared to now.
  15. Hmz, sound like a nice idea. Maybe I'll start working on my own ZS map again, that I haven't touched for a year now.
  16. # Gameserver: TF2 server(s). # Age: 19 (almost 20) # Country of origin: Belgium # Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Well, I'm VforV and I love FPS games. I played CS, Day of Defeat, and now I'm playing a lot of TF2. I have some server admin experience, I was a server admin on the Mr. Green CS 1.6 server almost from the beginning, untill that server went down. I am a trusted community member for a couple of years now. I can make myself clear in English, Dutch and maybe a little bit of French. The reason why I'm applying is that I do play a lot on the Mr. Green TF2 servers (they are the only TF2 servers I play on these days). Also, there need to be more admins, because the current admins aren't online that much. I've had seen it quite some times that there's an annoying player, AFK player, a blocker or a high pinger but no admin to kick him. I usually play on the payload server most of the time, or on the Arena server. But I have no problems playing on the CP server too. Cheers, VforV
  17. And bad news.
  18. Bump And why did you put this topic in the 'Server Admins recruit' forum. You should have put it here.
  19. But, they are the TopCrew, so they are admin of all servers anyway, and don't have to be active on every one of them (would be impossible). But, in return of that, they should 'hire' more admins (I applied but got refused, well, I wasn't that active at the time I applied but now I am, but I don't think they'll ever hire me..)
  20. Ywa is on vacation now.
  21. Then it's easy; give the inactive admins a warning (not on the forums) that they have to be more active, or that they will loose their admin status.
  22. Good player, plays a lot on Arena indeed.
  23. I like all the payload maps, except for pl_cranetop_b8. That map is way too large and is pretty amateuristic when it comes to the layout/structure/architecture of the map. Many people leave when this map is next. It'd be great if this one was removed.
  24. http://www.unlimitedxl.nl/69_1768.html
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