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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AfuSensi

  1. 6/10 Bread in the oven baking..
  2. Removed.
  3. Unbanned, i don't mind you not agreeing with me. But disrespecting is another thing.
  4. I can't find the map, but rhino's should now be disabled in SH.
  5. And my ears.
  6. I added rhino to disallowed SH pickups, so they should automatically be removed now.
  7. They are nothing alike. Imo i like the timed perks, especially the burn up, because it gives me something to spend my GC on.
  8. AfuSensi

    Dumb Advertiser

  9. AfuSensi


  10. current: Quite an upgrade from last year
  11. Read this please: http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14407-future-of-mr-green/?p=121728
  12. The vehicle is picked when a player hits a checkpoint, so it's pretty much impossible to do this afaik. Plus the element of suprise will be gone(you can prepare for the handling changes etc).
  13. I was fixing it, then i got sick, ill finish it tomorrow.
  14. still sick as a dog pff

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CochonAlcolique


      as a fapping dog yes I know me too fap fap

    3. CochonAlcolique


      as a fapping dog yes I know me too fap fap

    4. Knul


      a dog isn't sick that much

  15. All right with you?! you reported a racing map with dm style. You should learn how to keep apart dm map and race map with dm objects. play with skill and you can pass this map easily. "You can win" is a good map. All right with you?! you reported a racing map with dm style. You should learn how to keep apart dm map and race map with dm objects. play with skill and you can pass this map easily. "You can win" is a good map. anyway bad map Just let the contribution managers judge if a map is bad or not. This thread is for reporting maps, not to argue about them.
  16. Wtf someone changed my name. *looks at vago neox*
  17. Back monday

    1. Reiska


      but monday is international chest day

  18. Can someone answer this? As far as i know, a DFF file can have collision inside of it (vehicles), or have a refrence to a seperate .col file (objects).
  19. What do you define as "serious race server"? (full ghostmode?, no lauging allowed?), and in my opinion, a high quality map is an objective subjective thing, there will always be different tastes in maps that people consider high quality.
  20. Thanks for the suggestions. I think 1, 2 and a variation of 4 will be great without being too overpowered.
  21. I'm rewriting and updating this script, if someone has an idea to add as a pickup, feel free to suggest it here!
  22. Should be all .dff's or none. Why? It's the collision that's the problem, not the DFF itself.
  23. I have it on ps3, but the loading time alone made me ragequit very quick. I'll be playing on pc though.
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