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Everything posted by AfuSensi

  1. Did you read this? http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14734-mapping-rules-for-mta/ So the answer is, use: <include resource="Puma-Markers" />Use the other method( that the author intended, if the map is for another server than mrgreen)
  2. 6.10 Some sweet soca music
  3. 7/10 http://youtu.be/Nxh0O-MLHWE?t=3m37s
  4. AfuSensi

    FPS kill

    Because 3 out of the 5 gamemodes in the mix server rely on players hitting eachother. So if someone has 20fps, even 25, the players with good fps will get pushed off much quicker, resulting in very unfair gameplay. We used to kick people for low fps, now that it changed to kill people start to complain lol. You can still make it depend on the gametype? It already is afaik ( i didnt make the script, nor do i ever have less than 35-40fps), Yes, thats a good idea actually.
  5. AfuSensi

    FPS kill

    There are more variables then the OS you're running. As i suggested already, lower your settings, disable the effects and check your cpu and gpu usage.
  6. AfuSensi

    FPS kill

    Because 3 out of the 5 gamemodes in the mix server rely on players hitting eachother. So if someone has 20fps, even 25, the players with good fps will get pushed off much quicker, resulting in very unfair gameplay. We used to kick people for low fps, now that it changed to kill people start to complain lol.
  7. AfuSensi

    FPS kill

    20FPS is very laggy and unfair for other players, what about lowering your draw distance?
  8. I need to get me one aswell, very exciting technology,
  9. Can I use .rar or .rar5 file types when compressing or it MUST be in .zip format? (i'm asking, because .rar makes the file smaller than .zip)
  10. With custom object, objects for the map itself is ment, not custom car mods.
  11. Update: Since the lua file is encrypted, i can't make it work for includes. So do it the way the author intended it. <script src="Puma-Markers.lua" type="client" /><file src="Icons/Teleport.png" /><file src="Icons/TeleportD.png" /><file src="Icons/SlowDown.png" /><file src="Icons/SpeedUp.png" /><file src="Icons/Stop.png" /><file src="Icons/Fire.png" /><file src="Icons/BlowUp.png" /><file src="Icons/Jump.png" /><file src="Icons/Flip.png" /><file src="Icons/Reverse.png" /><file src="Icons/Rotate.png" /><file src="Icons/CarsFly.png" /><file src="Icons/CarsSwim.png" /><file src="Icons/Gravity.png" /><file src="Icons/Magnet.png" /><file src="Icons/Beer.png" /><file src="Icons/Camera.png" /><file src="Icons/FlatTires.png" /><file src="Icons/Freeze.png" /><file src="Icons/GameSpeed.png" /><file src="Icons/Color.png" /><file src="Icons/Weather.png" /><file src="Icons/Time.png" /><file src="Icons/Text.png" /><file src="Icons/AntiSC.png" /><file src="Icons/X.png" />and put the files in your map folder. Its a shitty way to do it, but since the script is encrypted we have to use the autor's shitty way >.<
  12. Use: <include resource="map-Puma-Markers" />in your meta, ill make sure to upload it
  13. He does it like that because not every server has a copy of that resource.
  14. P.S. I hate when people talking about things they don't know. I want to punch them in face. The reason we do it with includes is because it uses the exact same script every time. So having 1 copy on the server instead of a copy for every map is much better.
  15. Random markers wasn't on race. I uploaded it to race too, so the first error should not appear anymore.
  16. I have the map. I will put it up for download eventually Also: I have every single map from the time I was admin, to now. I never got around to uploading them. I will put these all up for download here. Nice, i would be interestedin downloading it too =)
  17. Where did you get that from?
  18. The textures arent loading. Show me your script.
  19. Isnt deathmatch kinda the same as RTF but then with no respawn?
  20. Tbh im glad its gone, and i know im not in the minority.
  21. The image is broken, but i guess the wierd big ass pm gui right? Im on it.
  22. The maps "deleted" (with /deletemap) on race are not really deleted, but put in quarantaine. But i guess it is possible to have a list of deleted maps.
  23. RIP MC server and RIP steeno's unban topics.
  24. Unfortunately we do not have rights on IRC anymore, so we cant do much about it.
  25. Great video's christina, keep it up. SA looks so small from there.
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