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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AfuSensi

  1. His job is to play MTA . word
  2. Why are you suprised by me playing at that time?
  3. Hahah 2:27, watch the chat. Perso got busted
  4. I could yes, but now people don't have to memorize a bunch of commands, and instead set their settings in a central place. I really do not see any reason to complain about this, other then to complain for the sake of complaining.
  5. I didnt mess up anything, i told you numerous times that everything is set in /settings now. No need to act like this bin, what is your problem?
  6. It's to mute all custom sounds, you can also set your sound volumes individual in the /settings menu, if you dont want everything muted. Plus it gets saved.
  7. 7/10
  8. I added it again fyi. I dont know why no one reads the motd when it pops up.
  9. Soundsoff got removed, (or part of it as i see now) because i was reworking the way sound was being handled on the server. You can perma mute cerntain parts instead of muting all sounds via /settings. Ill rewrite the command tonight, dont worry.
  10. This is impossible at the moment. MTA doesnt count nos as elements attached to players, so there is no difference between your nos and my nos. Would be very cool to do it, but its nearly impossible/not worth the trouble ATM.
  11. Santi, how do you get the "who killed who" in the chatbox? /settings, disable floating messages.
  12. It's impossible.
  13. I'd like to know the default draw distance as well. "100-10000" isn't very helpful in that regard. The default is whatever the drawdistance in the esc>settings menu is set to. I guess i can add a button to not set any draw distance(so it doesnt override the official setting).
  14. I'll look into it, i have the same problem on race. Should be fixed, let me know if you still have problems with it.
  15. Just switched everything to max in the mta settings, and i have 50-60fps now, how wierd.
  16. The problem in your МТА SA Settings, put "Draw Distance" to 100%, like on the screen.)) Relying on people to have their draw distance all the way up is not a smart thing to do, youre better off splitting the objects into smaller parts so that everyone can enjoy it instead of only people with high draw distance.
  17. Yea mine too. Goes down 10 15 fps
  18. New /settings
  19. A credit card is not required for paypal though.
  20. search "Jamba" on google Actually now that i think of it, i remember once i bought a ringtone way back, since then i never trust those things.
  21. Not for sms, but it is for phones. I never heard of somebody paying something via SMS.
  22. Paypal?
  23. Updated /admins command to show online killers too.
  24. You can also find other player's paintjobs, to see how its done in : MTA San Andreas 1.4\mods\deathmatch\resources\gcshop\items\paintjob
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