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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AfuSensi

  1. Go to /settings> ui settings> progress bar and uncheck the enable checkbox. You only have to do it once since it saves your setting. I wasnt angry, its just very annoying explaining the same question to the same guy for more then 5 times.
  2. Whats the name of the map?
  3. Daym nice res man.
  4. It's an mta bug. Restart MTA and it should be fixed.
  5. Thats what i first wanted to do, but they do not have a free api like soundcloud. Plus 3rd party youtube mp3 streamers are laggy.
  6. Good luck!, Never had any problem with you and most of all, you're friendly.
  7. R.I.P John Holt

    1. Knul


      I remember his song on K-Jah West

    2. yyvsFijate


      Kalibwoy que si te puedes conectar para que le sigas ayudando a PAPIMAN y muchas gracias

  8. isnt a paintjob Then what the hell is it? A Shader, an ugly one too, wich can get seen as a paintjob too.
  9. It's not fun to see people with big influence on the community go. I hope you have a great life and good luck with your job And good luck to balmung!
  10. pRoberto
  11. I've had some bad conversations with you, when i asked you to stop playing your music trough your mic, i also remember you having to use a translator, i even banned you for it, and insultin me once. I hope you changed your ways, if so, good luck, if not then i wouldnt vouch for you.
  12. Playing with the new createEffect() function, farting nitro is now possible, yay! Btw did imageshack go bankrupt or something, all of their images seems to be down.
  13. The driving boat, its magic!
  14. Meh, not my taste. 4/10
  15. AfuSensi


    You have adware on your pc. Kaspersky won't do much about it, since these things can be a pain to remove. http://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Adware-Manually I've encountered these too when people ask me to remove the virus, but i usually just reinstall windows on that pc. Next time, dont blindly press next at an install and actually read it, since usually it's because people dont read that they install it with their software.
  16. There's a small percentage of maps that have the script, because it doesnt "auto generate". People actually need to set objects in the map to tell the script where to put the markers. The fps kicker is already set really low imo, seems like your pc or settings need some optimisation.
  17. I think it isnt really reliable, i prefer human judgement. In example, we had an anti tk script for CTF, first it was scripted to kick after 3 team rams, but that didnt work since people were getting kicked that didnt intend teamkilling.
  18. I have explained how to use it in your maps here: http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14437-random-markers-script/
  19. escape > settings > multiplayer > nickname Or with the command /nick nicknamehere in your console or in the chat.
  20. Car customizations arent tied to your username or serial, they're tied to your GC account. You should still have your stuff on your old account.
  21. I like this idea. The afk problem can be fixed by moving afk people to the spectator team.
  22. Show us a screenshot or copy&paste please.
  23. Show us your console (f8), it should say what mod is blocking your acces.
  24. AfuSensi

    Look at this

    As i said in the other ban request: Also, you can't talk shit to people and expect nothing back. This is pretty useless.
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