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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AfuSensi

  1. AfuSensi


    He is racist towards me and everyone in the server too. I really dont know whats wrong with him. He is calling everyone kids but then goes on being a nazi homophobic kid himself.
  2. 3 new trailers
  3. AfuSensi


    Lol so you call being latin a race? Im from south america, even tho im not latin i know the history of the americas. @pers its not racist, but how i see it mexicans are very mixed people. Claiming that there is no black in mexico is just crazy.
  4. Hulpje, play in mix some more, i bet you are not going to find it fun to be blocked with a rhino.
  5. AfuSensi


    Here in Mexico we dont have black guys, im lucky Thats not true. Do some research before you say something stupid.
  6. I dont think its fun if someone tries their best to fuck up your races all the time, but the definition of fun vary's alot.
  7. The video is just one little example of a big troll. I know you dont mind blockers but for 99% of the players it takes 1 blocker to annoy the living hell out of us.
  8. Yep, this is basicly what he does every time.
  9. How come your upload speed is higher than your download speed
  10. Why so mad angus? He has the right to report you when you do something against the rules no?
  11. Yea thats what i've been using, puma marker seems more complicated to me.
  12. Got a VDSL connection.
  13. http://youtu.be/MYxAiK6VnXw?t=2m37s
  14. Yep i noticed this too. Its very annoying because i always have bad luck and get the boat that cant fit at that cp lol.
  15. It wasnt that this time.
  16. Lol, you're 28 days too late. xD
  17. Not a good idea imo.
  18. Of course you dont, but what if you where a person that plays on mta all the time but just cannot afford to get a better pc.. So then you cannot play the game anymore because everyone else doesnt care about the people that cannot afford a better pc.. To me this is not just a game, its a community. I come to Mr.Greens for the people that play there.. I also come because the server is fun... If you make the game unfun for people they leave and then the community starts to fall.. Same thing happend to ALW server.. Now no one plays there anymore... i tought you where devending one for your "clan"members and my excuses its just the hate that those people have returned in game's and they ar axsepted the's days....... What country does that belong to then slakkers, iv been trolling since 1995, and have never seen that term used.. This is what slacker means..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slacker So I really have no idea what the hell you are talking about? Have someone translate what your saying please because im tired of guessing. You can still play the game if you can only go to 45fps, but if you can go to 45fps there is a very big chance you can go to 60fps. Its 15fps for christ sake.
  19. Seriously, i dont see the problem. When you cant run MTA you have a pretty horrible pc.
  20. AfuSensi


    That gives us no excuse to go yolo on everybody.
  21. Its already added. So i see no reason why it would be different.
  22. Good luck
  23. I agree anyone with over 100 ping shouldnt be let in... That way we can get ride of all the laggers at once and cater to the 10%'s Also anyone under 60fps shouldnt be let in. FPS is something that is your own fault, they should check their settings. Ping is something alot of people cant do anything about if that player lives far.
  24. AfuSensi


    Hi and welcome.
  25. I'd say max 3 seconds in mp3. That doesnt take up that much space i think. The admins? Thats true, so wouldnt it be a nice idea to make it more than the custom paintjob (wich is 15k already), and limit it to 1 per player. No idea, but alot of the custom horns that are available now arent used eighter, based on what i hear when someone fails ^^. If its the same as custom paintjob it shouldnt be a big problem right?My attempt to aswer your questions, its just how i like to see it, but the decision is not mine.
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