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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mr.reese

  1. unclear
  2. yes, but there is auto-repair (for example) in every 5 seconds. If your rocket hit the opponent's car at the moment when 5 sec passed and it get repaired he won't die. I think this is totally annoying because it could take the mood from playing. Sometimes i just rage quit because of this. I like it when my car gets repair when i almost die but if this goes with this "bug" then i vote for delete it.
  3. Could someone explain to me why auto-repair is allowed on the server? If you shoot someone in the right moment he won't die.... this is a joke...
  4. mr.reese


    this font size is enough reason to ban
  5. [RTF] Need for speed This map isnt made by maina and it say he's the author. is it ok in this way? i mean i could download maps and i could upload 500 maps with my name while i didnt make it. and how do i know that map isnt made by maina? He don't even know the song name for his own map.. [NTS] Lara la lara IS PURE SHIT AGAIN PLEASE DONT UPLOAD MAPS LIKE THIS
  6. Nope, i mean after you mute the song on a normal map then you can listen radio but if you mute the song on a qrew map radio isn't available
  7. [NTS] Thug life Are you serious with this one??? I mean who uploaded this map... This map is a really good example how far the shit maps can go... it has got car change after almost every checkpoints.... i just don't understand how can you name this nts... Also, qrew ALWAYS block the radio so if you muted his SHIT music you can't listen the radio, so PLEASE fix this .
  8. In my eyes the next things happening right now: There's a group of players (about 10-15 player) who want to force their shit maps to MIX. These players usually playing here since about a year (1 or 2 of them more) and they want to spread this DM thing on MIX. They say: why not? it's MIX it can take more gamemodes. Ye, The server name is MIX. But if you would make a tasty fruit juice with nice fruits and you would put a garlic into the blender then the juice will be TOTALLY BAD TASTE. Also, the garlic would be nice on a pizza or with some meat. So, i don't absolute have problem with the garlic, it's a nice vegetable but it's not suitable for a fruit juice. Please, don't change the server in a bad way...
  9. Shit maps to delete (mix): [RTF] lonely [NTS] I love infernus 1, [NTS] I love infernus 2 [SH] fronteras
  10. it's good in this way because CG balances gamemodes. SH won't be play too much now and nts usually dont get 3 rounds so it's totally in balance now
  11. Hey, When i joined the server this interesting bug happened to me. It wasnt the first time but i made screenshots now. I was a late joiner and this happened: You can see there's another guy who got the same. same if u respawn. That was okay to the next nts.
  12. Shit maps to delete (mix): [RTF]aggot [RTF]Who Will Win [CTF]Never the same [CTF]Revolution
  13. this is why dm maps sucks on the server. players couldnt finish [RTF] The Great Adventure map and this happened:
  14. mr.reese

    Unban: BoyKa

    Why megas? Why we have to tolerate someone who insult all the time even if he muted? If he can't behave why should admins allow him to play on the server? I think players here still get a lot of chance...
  15. I think we have to help admins and map managers. I'll get a paper and write down all of the shit maps which i meet on the server and need to delete. Let's do this all and the admins only need to check these maps not all of them and they'll have an easier work. They could decide about the maps' destiny.
  16. maybe server needs a 1-10 rate system in the future and delete all the maps below 3.5 or something like this
  17. Problems are: 1. There are maps which are classic maps what i think we should keep and have a lot of dislike. 2. Lot of maps have more dislike than like what maps are actually good but ppl dislike it because it's long etc... for example: NTS Marathon. 3. Lot of maps aren't actually good but people like it because they can like it with a button. (for example press L if you like it, and you just switch on the highlights and like the map.) 4. Lot of players only like a map because a player made it who they like. I think if the admins could make a team made of admins, mods or maybe some players which could decide about maps and we should trust in them they doing it in a good way.
  18. I think it don't need hard maps to be good. It don't need hard loops and jumps etc. I don't know how many players played MTA about 8-10 years ago. There were sooo gooood maps what i just can't find at "modern" mta. Like DM maps where u could grind with NRG on a fence, or grind with a combine upside down on 2 fence or pipe, or just a tricky, narrow map with a car, or the glasshouse map with the big plane ETC. If you remember these things you know what i'm writing about and i think these kind of maps should appear again. Maybe it's a really oldschool idea and maybe it's not possible to do it but i think these maps could be good for the server. Anyway, i don't think the server need DM style maps (except these old kind maps) because like Neox said, this server is not really about it.
  19. I have normal ping and still got these "crashes". Every cargame start my (and others) game freeze and about 10 sec later i can play again but most of the time I just "wake up" from the freeze and i'm already dead so i think not all of the players get this.
  20. I think ctf is a good gamemode. I really like it. I think the main problem is not the CTF mode, rather than players. How could u think that CTF would be good if all the players just go to the other team's flag, wait for the flag? All of the players should play CTF with a little brain and it could be way better! but a lot of players are so dumb it will never happen.
  21. Hey, Today on mix server LoS|TicTac was a totally asshole and i think he deserves a long mute or a little ban. I hope he won't do it next time and learn from it. (also 1 was first at nts and he came with plane and destroy me but i couldnt make screenshots.) (also he cried and insulted more but i think these screenshots are enough.)
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