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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mr.reese

  1. No, just because u post is as a "record" and you are the most typical of them... I think 90 GC for nothing should be delete that's all. When i come to mta in the morning and see OMG there are 15 players that will be great and i go up and see: 12 afk and 3 playing.. i'm dissapointed all the time. Same when 40 players online, 100% only 30 or 25 playing... I don't really know what's the point of this.
  2. On the screenshot what dubstep posted we can see 7 players afk out of 11 what means 72.7%, so only 27.3% of the KoM members were playing. ​On this screenshot we can see 6 players afk out of 8 what means 75%, so only 25% of KoM members were playing. On this, we can see 5 players afk out of 6 what means 83.3%, so only 16.7% of KoM members were playing. SO, we could say that in average, about 75% of the KoM members are ALWAYS afk. These screens i made in one day, but they do this other days. I think this isnt religion for a professional team, and please remove 90 GC for AFK time.
  3. Vini....... you reall dont know why ? omg im crying.... and ur maps are shit
  4. I have an idea about it. Anyway, i vote for 'keep it the way is it now' but you could transform CG to a SH deathmatch mode what would be about 4 minutes and you have one car with respawn and who can kill more. but if u don't to this i think keep it like this.
  5. Actually that isn't too hard. you only have to get 2 nitros from random markers and dont make a mistake. i remember when i made that top3 i made a mistake.
  6. HAHA nice one
  7. Yes, and please delete Teleport, because sometimes you just teleport back and the car start moving sideways to the water. So annoying. Thank you.
  8. My new clan!
  9. I knew kalra is a big lagger, but when i played with him in a GM on race server he was behind me about 20 meters away and it said -0.7 sec and i was like 'oh shit wtf'. So i can't understand how he still can play on the server with that extreme delay.
  10. Server: mix Map: [NTS] Rap god Reason:
  11. Time again
  12. omg kalra why u here? all u do is not ramming, it's LAGGING!!!! Why can't u realize that u aren't a "pro rammer" like u said even more a huge lagger.
  13. 1. Some of them was your bad. 2. I think you are from South America what means u have 300 ping. For example: i'm in front of u in a race on my screen but it isn't sure my car is in front of u at your screen so if i turn right maybe i crash into you because of the delay.
  14. Sorry if i write too much but you could make a rule what control the maps. That's because there are a lots of map with bad checkpoints. These checkpoints dont give a chance for cut the corner between the lamps and walls for example, so you can't make a good turn.
  15. yeah and if u dislike it says: YOU ARE NOOB. wtf
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