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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hazy

  1. Think it will result in hundreds of reports on the forum of people ramming. It’s also hard to judge. Take Blocking for example, there is no discussion in rather someone blocks or not. Take a screenshot and you have clear proof. With Ramming however it comes down to a human judgement (admin/mod). Human judgements are often influenced. Another risk is that people will get an unfair punishment. Sometimes it happens on accident, but how do you prove it was an accident.
  2. Just some more pic's might they be needed. (keep in mind these are pics of just 2 days, imagine if i would've taken sc's everyday. As you can see : Blocking, Provoking, Capslock, Insulting and so on. (Racism aswell, but i didnt sc it because back then i thought he was joking) The power of MR Green has Always been the community, not the actual game itself. With people like Job, who as soon as they come online start arguing ruin this atmosphere for everyone. This will result in loyal players leaving aswell as making the server less attractive for new players.
  3. Think the pictures below will provide enough info. Faber insulting, blocking and provoking.
  4. Massive thanks for all these years! Filling your shoes won't be easy..Good luck Cena
  5. Well it's worth a shot for sure
  6. I agree something has to change, maybe as I said before by raising the price for purchasing maps all together without making any difference in price per gamemode. Or adjust the discount for a winner. Atm winner gets 50% discount, maybe lowering that to 20% could make a difference. Or go nuts and do both, raise the price for maps to 1500, 1000 for winners.
  7. Same goes for DD All I want to say is that it might be a better option to treat all gamemodes even, since there are fans of every mode and they all deserve the same.
  8. This would've been a good post might the title be 'Excessive Map Buying', since we all know its not only SH. It all depends on who is online, there are just as many days where it's all DD, or all the NTS marathons get bought in a row. To raise the price of only SH seems unfair, why not raise the price of all modes but keep it the same. P.S. CTF is the best game mode
  9. Lol never knew you were Gemini. Goodluck!
  10. Good luck Bondy! You deserve it
  11. I love the idea and lets just see how it goes for the first time. Just one idea for next time : "For example: If CnT is only 3 players and they are against KoM who are 5 players. When it is time for CnT vs KoM. KoM will need to remove 2 of their members. When and if KoM wins and CnT gets disqualified. KoM will qualify to face another team. Lets say they will face "Infinity" who are 5 members. Then KoM can you all of their 5 members who registered." If thats possible maybe next time any team can register all the members they want, so more then 5 players can participate in this event. Then each round the teamleader decides which 5 team members are gonna participate in that round. That way you can use each one's strengths in their element of the game and makes it possible for all teammembers to experience the Clanwar. Grtz.
  12. @F1MADKILLER wanted me to look at something...
  13. Since this player has been warned in the past, the punishment will be a one week mute. Based on : - Reasons to get muted : Provoking, Annoying, Spamming, Insulting - Behaviour in the past
  14. I think he is trying to say they copied our dd script and is now for grabs for other people to use it in their server. I don't think thats a problem tho.
  15. He's on a quest for attention. I found out ignoring him works best
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