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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hazy

  1. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Shooter Sunday Pt II Dear Legends, This Sunday we will host the second part of the mini event ShooterSunday. Same event, same rules, other maps. Date : 03-05-2019 Time : 20.00 Click Here to convert to local time Maps to be played : [Shooter]-Shadow-ImperialWar [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-BoNd-BondiWondiBorondi [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-Alexander-TheFireOfHell [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-Loliconito-EndlessRunners [Shooter]-Shadow-FenixXiro [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-Haze-HazyShadows [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-H3R0-CasusBelli [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-NITRO-Final-Battle-NxS [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-Leriat-LongNightOfSolace You can register the same way as before. Reply in this topic with your name and preference for super- or megajump. Example : Haze, Megajump
  2. Yuuup, can the clip be sent to [email protected] ?
  3. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Massive thanks to everyone that participated in this mini Event. I hope you all enjoyed
  4. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Warming up has started MTA_ San Andreas 2020-04-26 19-40-09_Trim.mp4
  5. New NTS Online : World On Fire - Haze ft. ~Shadow


  6. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Info Update : Event will start at 20:00 as said before in the Topic. Legends can join the server from 19:30, only the garage lobby will be available then. Click Here to convert to local time You can edit your car before the event, so you will look extra sexy on the video i'm gonna make (we will provide you with enough ingame money to make your car super duper hot) Important !! This event is a SOLO event, teaming is not allowed. I will be filming/spectating, so when players team they will receive one warning. If you decide to keep teaming, you will be kicked out of the server. Sneak Peak ~ Shooter Sunday.mp4
  7. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    @everyone All spots are filled. Final Legends are : Hazy ~Shadow~ Loliconnette ^H3R0 Cloudly Civan Filipy Mekuar AssnTitties Cena H!TM@N Jamaica Quick Peggy Kneelzy Selim LikeMike Goldberg Laris Panzer More info about the server name and password will be provided later in this Topic.
  8. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

  9. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    NEW EVENT : ============================================================================================= OLD!! Dear Mr.Green Legends, Shadow and myself are hosting a mini SH Event, all shadow maps, all mega/superjump (you decide) Would you like to participate in this Event? Leave a reaction with your name and your preference for either Super- or Megajump. Example : "Hazy, Megajump" Act fast, we only have 15 free spots. When : Sunday 26-04-2020 | 20:00 (GMT+2). Click here to convert to local time Maps to be played : [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-Haze-LastHope [Shooter]-Shadow-Zenit [Shooter]-ShadowTheHurricaneHunter [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-SandySweet-BattleOfSoldiers [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-Shyloo-ButterSugarCream [Shooter]-Shadow-InfiniteLife [Shooter]-Shadow-ft-Laura-Infierno [Shooter]-Shadow-Genesis [Shooter]-Shadow-BattleOfColors (New map, never uploaded) Happy dayzzzzz
  10. Recording Day 1 = Succes Ty to @GoldBerg@tyfusjap@LikeyMikey for driving MTA_ San Andreas 2020-04-19 20-37-05_Trim.mp4
  11. Clip is online! (ty @GoldBerg for your clips)


    1. Cena


      I will upload in Mr. Green's channel okay? 

    2. Hazy


      @Cena Ye sure np! :)

    3. Micha3lo


      needs longer version

  12. Working on a new Mr. Green Fail Compilation. Could use some extra content! If anyone has any clips, pls send me a pm :)

    1. Berg


      Noice, then i can get rid of some vids i have of fails from mta, that will taste good for my SSD which has like 10 GB left🤠

    2. V4POR


      Use Kash's block captures,you can even make it to a movie.

  13. Goodluck!
  14. Hazy

    Tournament 2v2

    Me and a friend of mine will be there
  15. 1 day mute seems a minor punishment. (for what you did) Accept it, move on.
  16. Adobe is the best program to use i think, you just need knowledge about it wich i don't have. So i just use the Microsoft Video Editor, it comes with basic filters, effects etc. Very easy to use for noobs like me
  17. There is this new guy... He has been provoking and insulting ppl since day one. Decided to give him a chance before i reported him. But now he was on a roll again today, so here is the report. Maybe a mute would be inplace.
  18. Maybe now you can easily steal a new laptop....no security guards with this corona thing

    1. Micha3lo


      bruh, i will just cough on them

  19. Just the basic video editor that comes with microsoft
  20. Very short clip for you guys
  21. Tnx man! Ye I see what you mean with the NTS part. I tried to build up some tention towards the drop in the song, by starting off with some slow clips.
  22. Nice day of love and peace on MR Green MTA_ San Andreas 2020-02-23 10-23-24.mp4 MTA_ San Andreas 2020-02-23 10-44-56.mp4
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