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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hazy

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    Laca i like you as a person but the shit you do on this server is not acceptable. This is the millionth time you've done this and you keep saying you did not do anything. Even in this post you talk bs, you start with saying you didnt steal and you're not a thief, later in the post you say sorry for this i will never do it again. Meaning you did do it. It's not my place to make a decision about your ban, but in my opinion you can't be trusted and it will be waiting for you to steal from a next victim when no admin is online.
  4. Same as Maher, but I like the ambition. Good luck!!
  5. Don't forget to mention that I gave you a warning 10 minutes before for blocking. You were playing like this for almost an hour, so I started spectating. Your block on Jap might've not been succesfull, but you're making the game unplayable for others. If I didnt mark you at that moment, Ass would've been blocked next. Gave him a 15 minute mark.
  6. There's no rule against that....
  7. Gameserver: Mix Age: 24 Country of origin: The Netherlands Link to Steam Community profile : http://steamcommunity.com/id/hazepage Discord name : 420//Haze #7402 Ingame name: Haze Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: My name is Reno, 24 years of age and living in the Netherlands (Tilburg). I’m working a fulltime job as Quality Analyst, I enjoy the work and it gives me the chance to work from home. I’ve started playing about 6 years ago, started out playing in the Race server, later switched to the Mix server. In these years I’ve met some great people true different Teams. I’ve been part of CnT/Wanted/420 and now I’m back at the family in CnT. In my spare time I like to play drums or guitar, I also do a lot of indoor snowboarding. I like a festival at its time and during the weekend you can find me in technoclubs. Why would i be a good moderator?: As mentioned before I work from home 90% of the time, this allows me to be active ingame and to keep an eye on the forum. I’ve got good connections with a lot of players, I try to help them out wherever I can. I want to focus on the behavior ingame, maintain quality of the maps, signal bugs and lend service to new players on the how and whereabouts. Sincerely, Haze.
  8. I think all mod's have abused their powers once, though i think you should look at the intention of the person who wants to become a mod. In this case you have someone who knows everything about the server, is respected by all players and wants te best for the server. Even after he quit playing. I think sky is fit for the job. Gl mate.
  9. Ingame nickname : CnT|Haze Mapname : NTS:RandomMarkers
  10. I always thought Jack already was an admin Always explaining everything if someone asks a question. Very nice, good and respected racer and as a person. Knows everything there is to know about this game. Always online. Jack for Admin all the way ! Goodluck friend!
  11. Just wanna say i don't hate you, i hate the things you do.
  12. You're not the only person that get's rammed when he/she is first or close to it, deal with it. That's called being mature. The thing you desire so much.
  13. Well what a cute little defense. 1. One admin told me once, personal problems (as insulting) can be stopped by using the /ignore. 2. If someone buys a map that's his choice, his greencoins. Makes no sense you use a vote kick. 3. Don't get me wrong cuz i don't like it as well, but another admin told me "Ramming is allowed, blocking isn't". So giving a kill for that.. again... makes no sense. I find it weird that an admin acts so childish. Goodluck meg. EDIT : not
  14. Not the first time. They said they will take away his mod if he would do it again. So this would seem to be that time to take it away.
  15. So let's start by saying that i'm am not that active on this forum so it's not for nothing that i'm on here. I've been in the KR clan that has as his leader Megas. I’ve been in that clan for a while now, and I’ve been hesitating for a a couple weeks to leave. It has several reasons, 1. Megas want's to be treated as a hero, might you decide to treat him otherwise you get a kill from him. 2. Whenever megas fails a map the map has got to be deleted. 3. Whenever someone touches his vehicle there will be a vote kick. Well this was a problem for a while now, but given that today i got killed two times in a row. When I requested him not to abuse his admin privileges i got the awnser ”I will” and my second kill. When I think of an admin I think of a person who is dedicated to the server, not someone who makes people leave the server that have been playing by the rules for a couple of years now. I'm not the first with this problem but probably the first to say something about it. I hope this will be taken seriously as this can ruin your server. Greetings Reno. I got a screenshot attached to this post. (PS. sorry for the bad english)
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