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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kodauer

  1. Goodluck
  2. Thanks to anyone who posted support
  3. About time you entered
  4. Kodauer

    Abuse or not?

    Nawh, he was just checking out the base. No need to worry
  5. Well, Mathijs said he'd help me judge, so I guess I'll enter . Here's some pictures of my base in progress, I'm about 40% done, haven't really added any detail yet. Tell me what you think! Our f home: Enchanting table One of our player's rooms MrDarkness made a shower Colored sheep farm! Our base at night from the outside.. walls are a bit bland but that'll change
  6. I don't know what led to the ban, but if it was for mining 300 diamond blocks that's kind of strange.. Wouldn't the xray plugin caught him earlier? 300 diamond blocks is like.. a lot of chunks worth of diamond
  7. You're probably experiencing the Ender Pearl plugin on this server. Basically, it let's you mark spot and then later teleport there using a pearl. I'm sure someone else would be more than happy yo share the details.
  8. Bump- Come on people we need more entries
  9. Yeah, Mathijs told me in game :/. Sorry for the crappy evidence.
  10. I have a video of who did it. Uploading asap. Edit: Here it is, sorry can't video edit worth my life :/
  11. Can't wait to see your bases.
  12. Lost about an hour of work on my base. Admins can't do anything though :/
  13. Hello Everyone, This map, I've decided to go ALL out on building an epic base. I usually just make an obsidian sphere with a castle like surrounding, but I'm completely redoing my style and doing something different. I do find, however, most factions just stick themselves into an ugly water cube or underground obsidian shack and call it a day on their base. This makes the maps dull and boring. This is why I've decided to create a Building Contest for the server! (I won't enter myself). It'll be boring if I'm the only one that makes a big base and everyone just lazes around in water cubes, so I want some competition! Additionally, this will give players a motivation to play (perhaps our long missed admin Clavus who likes building) other than PVP, which will PERHAPS aid our flailing player base. Mathijs will handle rewards. The contest will end halfway during the map, giving players time to build and use their prizes in pvp. Assuming normal maps are 2-3 months, the contest will end April 20th, in which that time I (or a possible admin) will judge your bases. If I end up judging, I will base my decision on the following categories: Outside Apparel: How the base looks from a raider's point of view Inside Apparel: How the base looks from the inside Contraptions: How many cool redstone, mob traps, etc you have, and how they function Functionbility: Is your base all looks or does it do it job? (ie. TNT proof, easy to defend or not, secure) The "X" factor/bonus: Anything that makes your base pop out from the rest To enter, put your faction name and your leader down below. Edit: Mathijs will judge my own base, so I'm entering. -Kodauer Current Entries: Demacia: JBMorion Barbarians: Arild_ Radical: VibeRating Manatee: Monkeybalzac Texas: Procofiev Despicable: Tribalmind
  14. How about you stop spamming posts everywhere....
  15. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/craftbukkit-for-minecraft-1-5-development-build-is-now-available.134872/ Looks like Bukkit's up for 1.5. Tried it on a personal server and didn't see any issues.
  16. Clavus has a custom-made antixray plugin installed. From what I hear its pretty accurate and does its job well. Orbrefusecator takes up a lot of CPU space. Considering the server lags already, it wouldn't be a good idea.
  17. ^^^^^^^^^
  18. Pretty sure this map is staying for awhile. Perhaps the nether will be reset upon 1.5 but I'm not sure
  19. Advertising on the Minecraft forums would help a lot. I'm getting really bored too, there's nothing exciting that goes on. Half the factions have pretty much quit and moved to other servers.
  20. Danke, Middy. I feel especially motivated because of your picture. Thanks Thanks!
  21. I generally use Fraps, along with everyone else. For your information, this video here "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AuFmFLPVuo" shows you how to install fraps for free. This is very bad so don't so it you never heard this from me
  22. Giving people the whole weekend to play is better than one day of the weekend.
  23. Conclusion: Pot spammers and those with a tendency NOT to fall in every water hole in existence will dominate this map. Nice Video!
  24. Misunderstood your sentence, couldn't properly read/reply on my phone. Anyways, I wanted to say that NONE of the current applicants will be accepted anytime soon, trust me.
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