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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Braindawg

  1. Version 4/13/2015 right around where Duby left off. The levelling system is not up yet so every loadout perk/weapon is unlocked until further notice. Also Pufulet's gamemode isn't too bad anymore, you guys should give it another try .
  2. oh man, that Deluvas gamemode is probably beyond broken at this point. If anyone took the time to fix/rebuild it I'd play the hell out of it. I'm probably just clouded by nostalgia though, Necro's gamemode ironed out a ton of problems that the 2008-2010 gamemode had with balancing and glitches. The only real big missing features were the lack of un-nailing and prop ghosting.
  3. the code that's been molested over several years is up on github. But an older, unmolested version before anyone else took over probably only exist on Necro's hard-drive at this point.
  4. I honestly just want Ywa to release the older gamemodes at this point :v, he mentioned releasing them in a past thread. If there's a working copy of ZS from 2013-2014 around anywhere still, I'd happily try to stitch it back together as a side project.
  5. At the peak of Deluvas' gamemode, there was an average of ~30 players Necrossins gamemode averaged ~40 Necrossins gamemode caught more traction if anything
  6. Braindawg


    Lets face it, the current version of zombie survival is 100% dead. The only remaining players are Xenomorph and some russians who can't speak english. Mr Green Gaming is one of the oldest existing communities in Source entirely, As long as nox, HellZone, and predating some of the longest standing communities in the world.. And because Ywa is still busy raking in money from MTA he doesn't give a single fuck in the world about GMod anymore. Before you go saying "b-but I didn't code the gamemode!!??". If it's not your responsibility then why do you get the final say in every change in the code that you don't like? Seriously, what compotent/caring community owner drives away the main dev for a gamemode by adding fucking microtransactions, one of the last existing populated fully ground up zombie survival gamemode may I add, installs the most mentally deficient loser weaboo nerd who can't even code besides copy/paste to take over the gamemode, then for the shit icing on the cake of shit, installs someone who can't code at all. and AFTER ALL OF THAT, wraps it up and plans to shut everything down as if nothing ever happened. So congratulations Ywa, you killed one of the most dedicated communities left in Garrys Mod, a community YOU spearheaded to succeed, and in one fell swoop destroyed everything. And you won't even put in a single keystroke of effort that would fix every complaint to save this community which is roll back the gamemode before Duby took over (Duby, you really tried. And thanks for the effort, but nothing will hide the fact that you had no idea what you were doing). Maybe find a dev who knows what he's doing who keeps in touch with what the COMMUNITY wants, not what you want. And you'll get a playerbase back. You haven't touched Garry's Mod in damn near 2 years so why would you get final say over every feature in the gamemode. Adding onto the last part of that previous paragraph, why did you just jump in out of nowhere when Duby/Pufulet/etc. Wanted to add something to the gamemode that the entire community was behind and say "oh I don't like that don't add it", you didn't even make or work on any recent version of the gamemode but you still get the final say for any changes for a gamemode that you never play... The fact of the matter is this Ywa: you don't care about the gamemode, its players, or the legacy that this gamemode carried. Maybe use some of that sweet MTA money to hire a new coder who will listen to the players. The direction for this gamemode is obviously different from any other iteration of ZS, and any coder willing to communicate on the forums could figure out what the players want. Just hand over the gamemode completely to someone compotent instead of having a stranglehold that reminds the dev daily that he doesn't have full control over his own gamemode. Tl;dr gamemode is shit, Mr Green is old, Ywa doesn't care, pls fix
  7. Imagine if Ywa hosted every installment of ZS made starting from the earliest recoverable build.
  8. Reverting the server to any previous installment that actually attracted players would be better than what we have right now. The server is dead 24/7
  9. It's an attempt to clone the gamemode that you played built from a completely different gamemode.
  10. Where were you when zs was kill
  11. something made the gamemode completely unplayable, going from 30-40FPS to 5-6FPS on my laptop
  12. proof I played back in 2011 (I'm in this video)
  13. Am old STEAM_0:1:14133131
  14. Wow I think I just got ass cancer from that
  15. So basically you're saying that there's going to be maps made for Mr. Green and people will download them when they join the server. Maps aren't server-side you know, everyone who joins the server on an "exclusive" map will have that map. Either way Arena is hype, no barricades no places to hide just zombies vs. humans, sounds like a bitch to implement from scratch though.
  16. zs_clav_chaossystem
  17. The current endgame screen is from the old game mode and half of the information and details listed don't pertain to anything currently. most of the hints are outdated (eat flesh to heal, most assists, etc.) Definitely needs revision in the future after the big gameplay balancing stuff is changed imo
  18. make it so if you pick up ammo with a melee weapon out it automatically gives that ammo to either your pistol or primary weapon slot
  19. Sounds fun, I'm in.
  20. so make the prop damage threshold for humans higher? props flung at low velocity by teammates shouldn't deal damage, and because there's no easy way to get around exploiting func_physbox props to damage teammates (if there was an easy solution it would have been researched by now) the best solution right now would probably be to make it harder to damage players with props in general and increase the zombies prop killing potential. Making it harder to kill teammates with props (potentially rendering it next to impossible depending on how much these 2 factors are changed) and still keeping the deadly propkilling we've all come to know and love.
  21. nerf the shit out of howlers, one howler is the death of an entire barricade. Too much damage, too much health, and duration of screams is way too long.
  22. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/687153139794711093/D2F5D85FEE98FCB88105701D307EEA7BC45A3173/ whoops
  23. the majority of the people bitching and moaning haven't even played Mr. Green ZS recently like get on the server with 1-2 other friends and wait for players to join. It's a pretty fun gamemode.
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