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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by HeArTBeaT

  1. i'm not really related to this report, but i just want you guys to remember, that if you ban him TheSys also gets banned...
  2. talked to some members and they also agreed you should join. So welcome, and i will add you next time we meet in game,
  3. That's my boy
  4. 1. Name of the person (exact username) who should be banned: KaioKen2. What server: Mix3. Reason why he/she should be banned : blocking several people before finish He said he doesn't care if he gets banned and called us noobs Instigator has screenies of him blocking as well
  5. I'm going to Ireland next around the middle of next month, and i need a second leader for CnT You will have to buy the clan for 1 month, also after this you will stay as a leader and keep all the good perks . Also keep the clan alive lol.
  6. I'd facepalm , but i just fapped...
  7. bump
  8. 1. Name of the person (exact username) who should be banned: /USA/AcSchnitzer2. What server Mix3. Reason why he/she should be banned block screenshots.rar
  9. Now thats great news.... i think
  10. Nice workshop
  11. I've known you for a while now, and you seem to be a friendly guy, with a decent amount of skill, so tell you what. I will accept you for now (even if your english is meh ) but do your best to get along with the other members, or i will have to remove you from the clan (especially around capo and skynet, they are sensitive LOL ) Accepted
  12. So the first one will be after his dad? its the same thing lol
  13. 1. Name of the person (exact username) who should be banned: MTA[KING]1232. What server: Mix3. Reason why he/she should be banned: he's been trying to block me for a long time now and today i recorded him. block.rar
  14. i expected porn
  15. good job gold, but add a black outline like i did, some of the flags look weird because of the white background. Did u use the site i gave u btw?
  16. HeArTBeaT

    funny videos

    LOL, thats exactly what you should do with a console
  17. Server:MixMap name:[SH]HueHueHueReason: Auto-repair is too fast, i hit a guy 3 times and he repaired instatly
  18. 7/10
  19. please fill this form up: In-game name: Previous clans : Age: Favorite Game Mode: Server you play on the most: Were u banned in the past and why?: How good is your english?: Why do you want to join CnT
  20. ][_, |[]| ][_,
  21. I tested kohl in game, he has decent skills and overall a nice quiet guy. ACCEPTED TO CNT.
  22. i know, but i still need to see who's still active and who is not, thanks for posting btw
  23. Please remember to post here so i may know that you are still active. Also please notify the other members you see in game.
  24. lol you should of copied the for as well... anyway ty for your aplication I will talk with the other members and ask your their oppinion as well, you will get your answer soon, please wait
  25. added new rules and edited the clan topic a bit, also added an application form.
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