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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Stroth

  1. LOL, u just became the best idiot ever. Thx for all the good times we've had X) Cya PS : I love how u started hating me cuz I disliked ur idiotic map LOL Look this is why u shouldnt be admin. Even my 6 year old cousin has a better attitude.
  2. He doesn't change attitude (according to this http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/16288-krmegas-killing-players-for-nothing/?hl=reno#entry134650),this http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/16282-megas-abusing-admin-privileges/?hl=reno and this Nowadays he's still complaining almost every map using his binds: DISLIKE, DELETE!!!, 11111111 and more. If you ram him accidently he gets very frustrated and he turns into a badass. No moderator for Megas
  3. New map: Today I created a new map, Stroth Offroad Bayside Vehicle : Sandking Time to complete map: ≈ 2 minutes Nitro and Repair pickups added I hope it will be uploaded soon: Stroth-Offroad-Bayside.rar
  4. Too much mta MIX screenshots/vids here, so here you guys get some RACE screens
  5. Isn't it possible to create HUD windows wich are able to drag in any position and to close them on the screen? The game Asetto Corsa uses it too. So you can drag for example the greencoins-counter in an other position you want, or close that window.
  6. Stroth StreetRacing Los Santos disappeared from the map system after yesterday's crash. I removed the link in my previous post, so admins (Kalibwoy) couldn't add it again during the process of fixing the server. I decided to update my map Los Santos map: - bigger checkpoints - map description - greater finish location - well known 'stroth billboards' - and some other small things It would be nice if it could be uploaded soon. Download link: Stroth-StreetRacing-LS-v2.rar
  7. I'm serious, all maps uploaded after March 2015 get this when playing for the first time after server back up: Conclusion: likes/dislikes, description and times played are lost (and old tops). and Author
  8. Map description, likes/dislikes and times played are lost
  9. Rankboard is not working (enabled in settings) for me and other players (race server). I'm talking about this board: (picture taken away from screenshot topic) Would be nice if somebody could fix it soon.
  10. I finished to create a new map today, I hope it will be uploaded soon. Stroth StreetRacing Las Venturas, it's bigger and better than my previous maps . Stroth-StreetRacing-LV.rar Vehicle : Comet Checkpoints: 50 Time to complete map: ≈ 3 minutes Nitro and Repair pickups added More maps will follow.
  11. Is het alweer 1 april?
  12. I'll never forget this 'Turbo-Sandy' when playing MTA, Everyday topping maps and 1sec after the race started u were already driving 10km in front of me, When I was driving on 1st position and I saw you in my back, you stressed the shit out of me. Thx for the great moments Sandy! Now you dont make me sweat anymore SANDY POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. This is the new topic for all my new (upcoming) maps. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective: to create more race maps than Pachanga (there are 96 mapnames starting with 'Pachanga'). Created maps: RACE server 1. Stroth StreetRacing Los Santos v2.0 2. Stroth StreetRacing San Fierro 3. Stroth StreetRacing Las Venturas 4. Stroth StreetRacing Vinewood 5. Stroth Offroad Bayside 6. Stroth Offroad Desert 7. Stroth Nine Years MrGreen 8. Stroth GTA V Franklin 9. Stroth GTA V Michael 10. Stroth Drift San Fierro Airport 11. Stroth GTA V Police 12. Stroth GTA V Trevor * 13. Stroth Ameno * 14. Stroth Bus Simulator * 15. Stroth Carbage Run 16. Stroth Power * 17. Stroth Truck Simulator * 18. Stroth Survival 19. Stroth GTA IV Niko 20. Stroth M&M Factory 21. Stroth GTA IV Playboy X 22. Stroth Stunt Driver 23. Stroth Barrel Blast 24. Stroth Burj El Arab 25. Stroth Flight Simulator Deleted (on my request): - Stroth Broken Bridge - Stroth Dubai - Stroth Sheikh Style I - Stroth Industrial Airport * - Stroth CoreMania * - Stroth Motor Speedway MIX server 1. [NTS] Stroth StreetRacing San Fierro 2. [NTS] Stroth Nine Years MrGreen 3. [NTS] Stroth The Desert * 4. [NTS] Stroth Motor Speedway 5. [NTS] Stroth Burj El Arab 6. [DD] Stroth Merry Christmas * = Core Markers included! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stroth-StreetRacing-SF.rar
  14. Here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1qqdzzywt1yvmvr/Stroth-StreetRacing-LS.zip
  15. Made my first map, for race server. Map name : Stroth StreetRacing LS Type of game : RACE Nitro : YES Vehicle: Sultan
  16. Buying a map costs 1000gc since 9 july 2015, in my opinion it's too much. What do guys you think about it?
  17. Only a thousand greencoins have been restored in my account. I dont know how much coins I had before the crash but it could between 10.000 and 15.000 coins. How is this possible?
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