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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Stroth

  1. Stroth

    funny videos

  2. I'll eat my shoe if we reach 80 members in 2016.
  3. 100/10
  4. Suchoklates
  5. 10/10
  6. Teleporting is disabled in admin panel before I got access to panel so get your facts correct plz
  7. There are admin who can't handle the adminrights, they are not just flying around with a hydra... What we see here is an admin confusing players in the RACE server. Some players can't probably see where to go. I've seen admins (I won't tell his name to protect him but I don't mean MAD) changing the gamespeed and as result of that some players were gaining 'illegal' tops, that's an other thing. Sep Blatter can't handle being the FIFA boss, and some admins can't handle the adminrights.
  8. Nice, now are all admins allowed to swear with bad words to innocent players, teleporting, changing playersname to 'pooface', blow up and slap a players car and more. Good job adminteam. And give back Megas, Xpro, Moro admin/modrights, they didnt do anything wrong now. Delete all rules. Friendship wins, Justitia is not blind in this case.
  9. Mad have done mistakes but his mistakes isn't something to worry about. Warning him is fine. Too many admins have done it.You probably havent see all the screens, ive never seen an admin doing things like mad, look what you, xpro, megas and moro did, compared with this, its nothing (even all together)
  10. With telling My, Arsteks, Megas', xpro's, Morocanguy's or Jesus' mistakes doesnt mean that MAD didnt do anything wrong. If you want to take my modright away cause of my mistakes, show me the evidence and than take MAD's rights away too, I'm fair enough.
  11. That was not against the rules, the nick was available, megas stole it from 'Thomas' after it was released by SDK As I said earlier: mad is a funny guy and thats the reason why there are useless posts in this topic, the case is too big for an admin to not punish mr. Mad.
  12. Stroth, Don't forget that you were breaking the rules as well and abusing your mod rights. Kali and me have been already talked about you and kali already saw you /k players and they were actually ramming. and usually /k are for campers not rammers.Im not going to walk away from that happening. But you guys must understand (and Kali should know it) that i did not use it for revenge or insulting. It was my mistake because it was a mix between blocking and ramming in my eyes, and it was only 1 incident. 'Breaking the rules and abusing' is not fair to talk about it. You just said that if there's no video or screen to show evidence, than you wont talk about it anymore so stop with this too. Im not angry and i dont want you guys to be angry, but I know it's hard for some people to see the evidence, but we must be fair.
  13. Warning him could be a 1 april joke, look at the list of the different ways of abusing and all the screenshots! He is admin, not a player who connected for the first time, he knows the rules and abused it! I agree that he did many many good things, but if a hero saves a life in real life and kill two people, it doesnt mean he can live his life in freedom.
  14. I know that MADKILLER is a player who's very funny everyday to many people (and even to me) but he can not handle the adminrights.
  15. I don't block reports, I block pointless fights for something like America's ping, and a thread that already has an answer. Useless comment: 1. I did not meant that YOU are locking topics, I meant the whole adminteam because the other post from an other player about MAD's abuse is locked without being able to add the evidence. 2. A thread that already has an answer doesn't mean it should be locked, there could be a better answer to help the starter of the topic better, without locking we can put our posts in 1 topic instead of thousands of topics. 3. We are talking in this topic about MAD's abuse, thanks.
  16. right most of these are on CTFs or when you asked or when we both had no chance of winning so please go on Stop trying to defending yourself with stupid reasons, this topic and the other topic on the forum show enough reasons to take away your adminrights. If you are not abusing, you tell players that you are too lazy to help them. It's better to stop being an admin cause you are not helping the community. I am not beeing lazy I tell them sometimes to talk to a mod as i am winning You can say what you want, but the screenshots show enough evidence. You abused more than megas and MorocanGuy together. Oh look guys, the left hand of F1MADKILLER is speaking to defend MAD from being fired. You guys better create a own server to slap your ass 10 kilometres in the air, all other players don't want to be part of that way of abusing.
  17. right most of these are on CTFs or when you asked or when we both had no chance of winning so please go on Stop trying to defending yourself with stupid reasons, this topic and the other topic on the forum show enough reasons to take away your adminrights. If you are not abusing, you tell players that you are too lazy to help them. It's better to stop being an admin cause you are not helping the community.
  18. You didnt even take the time to check the evidence, and now you are defending yourself without evidence and valid reason.
  19. F1MADKILLER abusing last months: - Spawning vehicles/aircraft without reason on purpose in CTF and other gamemodes. - Slapping players multiple times without any reason, player will get a lower health and the slap will reduce in losing position in for example a nts match. - Changing innocent players name into a disgusting name without reason. - Blowing up players car without reason - Teleporting hisself to an other position on the map. - Giving other players vehicles/aircraft, it will give players advantage/disadvantage in nts/dd/etc. - Freezing players without reason. - Being a racist to a certain group. - Showing very bad behavior as an admin, swearing with bad words. Comments: this abuse happend when I was online in the mix server, some other players also have bad feelings about F1MADKILLER (today's post from an other player wich is locked 5 minutes ago). Link for screenshots (EVIDENCE!!!) Link: http://bbq.to/f1madk..._abuse_a255.zip Seen the way he abuses and the amount of times he is abusing, there is only 1 punishment to be given to him (moderators Megas and MorocanGuy have lost their modrights because of less 'abuse' compared to this): - take away F1MADKILLERS adminrights and never give it back! P.S. Stop locking topics admins!
  20. server:race map: 5lap 8track author: aeron need GM
  21. Stroth


    This is what (MrGreen) calls ramming, it's unfair but allowed. Next time try to trick the player by going left (just before you reach the player), and immediately overtake him on the right side. Works 9 out of 10 times for me.
  22. Stop accepting maps like destiny for race, there's always a bad atmosphere in the server when those maps are being played.
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