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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by neox.

  1. Getting less than 30 FPS (which I consider decent although peasanty) means that your PC is trashy potato. Don't worry if it's about that.. I've had a potato machine not long ago, you can modify some GTA:SA files to make your GTA look a bit worse on graphics and get a better perfomance. GTA Shrinker Win might help: https://www.dropbox.com/home/MTA?preview=GTAShrinkerWin.exe just download it and drop it somewhere in your PC, afterwards write your Grand Theft Auto San Andreas directory (GTA SA, not MTA) and click shrink. Once done that you can close the window and see the difference, you can also undo it. You can modify other GTA files like effects and that, just search out on Google, and if your MTA keeps going slow, then throw your PC out from the window
  2. hallooooooen! my name is the vlad the bald, I work in my little farm in the middle of the city, I have potatoes and I actually just want the vodka from it. Now some pharmaceutical industries have been looking to buy all of my vodka as it's pretty good and they can buy it for an amazing low price compared to the normal alcohol. (it's also very flammable). love? what is love? baby don't hurt me pls (I'm not high on that pic, I just was waiting for the train early last saturday)
  3. Yeah, don't worry about that, I find that pretty entertaining, I just had to drop this text somewhere in the perfect mood, ignore the boat capsizing, it was just to make some fun
  4. Read it if you think it's worth-reading. That's my opinion about how's been the community so far for me
  5. You know.. I hope you all get my point. There's a simple boat on capsize, showing off that the servers are also capsizing. I've been told of that long ago, and I somehow I agreed and disagreed at the same time, agreed because I could appreciate how we were losing players from our community and not random players, we were losing our "all time" players, like if they had enough of playing it, or either because they couldn't play due to scripts that used to kick them and therefore not being able to play.. anyway, let's set this apart. I don't want any offense taken here, it's an objective view, server went improving and growing as the time was passing, new scripts, new interfaces, new forums.. and I really liked these changes, I could appreciate how my most enjoyable server to play was changing to good. Until, like all of the sudden it started to become something boring and then stand there watching how many of the people you knew and you used to enjoy a lot playing with them were leaving. Mappers.. some mappers who used to take effort making their maps, and taking their time to make them, either if it took one week, and then enjoy it without conveniences, their maps were liked by most, and disliked by haters, they didn't have to deal against map managers because their maps were being deleted. Now it really looks like these mappers who have bunch of maps all of the sudden, those mappers who didn't even have a map 3 months ago, now the server is full of them. Do you want to know the reason? it's pretty simple, what we used to call effort now it's hurry up, mate! With that expression I want to show off how mappers lost the concept of taking time, of putting effort into their work; some mappers want to start a map and finish it as fast as possible, then upload it and start a new other to let themselves be known on the server. But you either do your job very fast, decently and end up as a hero, or do it fast, without effort and end up as a villain. Most of these mappers who create a bunch of maps in a day or in a week usually get many maps deleted, since it's just.. bad, no other adjectives are needed.. they are really simple, with parts where people get stuck or bugged due to the loose person who does not even test their own maps before uploading it, then these mappers get triggered by getting their maps deleted. The concept of maps is one of the most popular and most talked, and it might not seem an important thread, but for sure it is, without maps it's like a person without eyes, everything's black, no maps are avaliable to load on a server, so it's pointless. Deathmatch.. oh, that gamemode that many people likes now, and I won't disagree with that, I like DM. In fact, it was the first gamemode I used to play and enjoy. But what happened there? some people tried to fit this gamemode into a server that wasn't for that, most of the players can't finish a DM map.. WHY? OH GOD TELL US WHY? because they like destruction derby, never the same, shooter; simple gamemodes that don't require many skills, neither it's about skills, it's about having fun, the concept of calling yourself pro because you can finish DM is hypocrite, and also applies to NTS, my favourite gamemode, it's about luck and having two hands, come on.. because this server wasn't made for that, neither I'd agree with the famous map 'A Great Adventure' but if you want to know the real thing behind this map is the battle between me and @besweeet, it's only about that, without him I would actually be AFK like I do on every new DM map that is being uploaded. A brief review of all what I said.. this server was meant to have fun, not to be skilled, a place where casual players can play peacefully, and either for those who really like it and decide to stay, just like me and many others. Maps used to take author's effort, now it's about re-upload a DM and add your name or finishing it as fast as possible. I don't blame your idea, @r0cK, there always have to be ideas, but I just found the perfect moment to say what's happening. I won't talk about the race server, although it seems to be alright, dunno at all, race players might know that better than me. I've certainly stopped enjoying what old days used to be, and I'm sure many others who I know as well. After all of this bible written, either way if you've read it or not, I hope you get the point. Apologies in advance for those who always hate opinions and disagree with everything that isn't their opinion. (doesn't mean it has to be you, so calm your tits down).
  6. pls
  7. y'all stalkers
  8. Well, this left me speechless, scripting is the main thing that a server needs to grow, and we arrived to a point that we've lost most of them, SDK (still not retired at all, but he's not active), KaliBwoy (I was really hyped with his lobby concept.. till he suddenly left), and then you. We can always look for others, but no one scripts as good as a greener, so I'll just thank all of you, and in this case, you, Aleks. I have seen that you've recently upgraded your PC, and obviously you'd choose other games that require better GPU, now it's your time. With the "community is kinda outdated and dead" I will sadly agree, some years ago, not that long, there was a lot of activity, now it seems like everyone's getting out from MTA, even me, being active two or three times a week, when I check MIX players list I am pretty sad we lost many players who we used to play with and enjoy a lot, now I just see a lot of players who complain, who have no respect at all that they can't even add the word 'please' on a simple question. This might sound really exaggerated, bit in fact it's true.. where are our old days where we all used to spend many hours playing greens? because the gameplay wasn't it all, it was all about the friends you had there and the great moments you were having with them. Although I've said all of this, greens is the only community I'd stay on, no other server has the same scripts and variety in one server as we do. After writing the bible, enjoy life @AleksCore, see you around on discord!
  9. I wouldn't like to add FPS gamemodes on MIX server. If that happened, I'd put it on another server, but I'd play CSGO instead
  10. Same, best GPUs imo, MSI probably used to be bad long ago, but now is great
  11. So we've got a clear winner, we all agree that Aleks' one is the most attractive design. @Ywa shall add it if everything goes as expected
  12. I definetely go for Aleks' one, we might change and use others someday, as they aren't that bad imo.
  13. As you might know, we're currently looking for a new forum header. We have three designs already, made by @Bob_Taylor, @AleksCore and me. There's still chance to make a new one if you want, but meanwhile, we'd like to know which header you like the most, so we can use it. Bob_Taylor's header AleksCore's header neox's header
  14. @Ywa Here it is. If you want more changes tell me
  15. Fine, I'll make the changes when I'm back from the weekend
  16. Here's mine, let me know if I can improve, add/remove anything!
  17. Very useful, thanks!
  18. Sure! That'd be great
  19. Let me review, - Zombie Survival - Minecraft - MTA - CS 1.6 - Garry's mod - TF2? - KF2 Am I forgetting anything?
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