york has ALOT of history, which is why its one of the main cities to visit in europe not so good for shopping though, leeds is much better for that but we have bettys and it overpricedness!
heres mine its of whitby, a great seaside town, with a awesome fish & chips restaurant but this is on the beach gotta love whitby dont have much because this computer (crap one) dosent like lots of apps @ ywa - thats basically the atari logo but mr green style, right?
could you have it sort poking out in one of the corners? or have it at the end of left 4 green, but tilted slightly making it look like its rolled across the screen?
wooooooot! muse! the only song from crystal method i like is the bones tv show theme, which is pretty awesome itself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuPLfVH9DZY...feature=related but also royksopp, gotta love some swedish electronica Happy Up Here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL3wZ6tdGOo...feature=channel
i think you need to place the mr green logo elsewhere, otherwise it looks like its saying left green which will undoubtedly confuse a few people, not to be pessimistic or anything
that actually does look good, it dosent draw too much attention to the pictures in the background because of the green overlay/blur, and the most prominent part, it the title, which is clearly distinguished because of the white on green good job!
me thinks we're starting to stray into unknown off-topic conversation here... theres a geforce 1.79gb gddr3 card out: GTX295 and you can get x2 cards which total 2gb, for example; Radeon HD 4870 X2
i can safely say that the beta isnt better, explorer.exe process kept crashing, firefox failed to open on numerous occasions, norton 360 wouldnt work anymore i can go on