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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Oh you troll. Yours is fine dear. I approve of Linux.
  2. I am the dissapoint at your choice of OS there Mr.Nut.
  3. Someone clearly didnt read where he's from.
  4. You have to take into account that if there is other life out there, and there probably is, it'll be witnessing light coming from the Earth several hundred or thousands of years ago, which wont show up much light from the surface. Didnt they start that "Space-Hotel" project or something? Or was it just the space flight for tourists? It's just space flight at the cheap price of $1 million per passenger per flight, but even then its not true space, just the outer edges of the atmosphere.
  5. Added more to QTesla's first post. I personally would love to see advancements with NASA's space program which allows people (normal people, you and me) to for instance live on the moon, however this would need serious thinking in terms of long-term management, with things like food and such, but hey this is just me.
  6. Thank you sweetie.
  7. Dear Nobana, Stop being a tard and use the original thread, which I've now closed as reference for discussion in this thread. Yours Sincerely, ERROR 401 EDIT: Youre the one who's being useless by bumping an old topic, people are perfectly fine to put what they think twice, and if theyre feeling lazy about it, they can simply post their original content, and besides the original one was about Religion AND Paranormal Activity. Whereas this one is just about Religion.
  8. Oh you twat Nobana. Discuss Religion in the other thread. Just use this as refrence. Danke. Closed.
  9. This made me heartbroken. </3
  10. You are saying you are an atheist, but that you also believe there is a God or a "higher power". You can't be atheist and still believe, the defintion of atheist is: Personally, I'm an atheist. I just don't believe in a God or a higher power. Nontheless, I do respect other people's religion, as long as they don't flail it around in public and rub it in other peoples faces. I don't do that with atheism either. I approve this entire post. *puts on hat* *walks out of thread*
  11. Now now ladies. Play nice. Play fair. Play to win.
  12. Coming from the person who started this topic
  13. Jerking off to your picture essentially.
  14. Darkstar


    Got rid of the topic in Safehouse.
  15. The music in the second video is really putting me off :/
  16. He does. He's had it for quite a while
  17. Awww. Well, good luck my dear. Ill keep poking you on facebook anyway.
  18. Lol fail assumption, Halo reach isn't the only game on the 360. Well it sure is the best so far. If LEGO Indiana Jones doesnt count. Thats in your own opinion. Gaming review sites/other people might diagree. But im stressing the its your opinion here. Not mine. But mine does count for 9001 Internets.
  19. Anyway, before this starts to get spammed or something. This has been resolved, the ban is no more. TOPIC CLOSED.
  20. ^ Sad Didnt quite catch your comment. Dont know what the first sentence means and didnt realize the 2nd either. He means that the Halo series is becoming like the Call of Duty franchise. e.g. Over-hyped, greedy publishers etc.
  21. The ban has expired apparently. It expired yesterday, you're free to play on the servers again. Just try to remember why you got banned in the first place.
  22. Pfft. All Halo games after 1 are shite. They cant replicate the fucking awesomeness of The Maw level.
  23. Alot. Since you can save things created in notepad into most file extentions (.dll, batch file etc)
  24. You do know The Asteroids Galaxy Tour arent from the 70/80's, they released that song last year Anyway 6/10
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