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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by bastardman

  1. First of all; Windows Movie Maker = piece of shit. Sony Vegas is a much more proffesional programme, plus it has more options. And I've never heard about WeGame Recorder. I use FRAPS (6 minutes = 3,60 GB lol) but it's really good. Great quality. Very well, in Sony Vegas, in order to get HD, you need to render with 1280x960 (or something else with 1280x---) then render as .wmv. I used the 5 Mbps HD 720-25p Video template. It'll become something like this: I made the movie, so I know what's going on. The reason that there are black bars at the edges, is because that I play with 1024x768 in resolution in-game. But when I rendered as 1280x960 (to get HD), those black bars went in there to fill the space. That's all I know. So... if that didn't help, try to search on the internet.
  2. GEEEZ DO WANT Edit: Just the HD4850 is for almost 300 euros
  3. It looks like theres a lack of shadows inside the house. If you fixed that, and some small details, I would like the map.
  4. Type "!shop" in-game without quotes, then select whatever you want to buy. The update just arrived recently, so it works now.
  5. "Title editting" should be called "Title Editor"
  6. Sneaky Clavus has backup plans. Rite? *cough*
  7. Well, my mouse is actually pretty slow at 15 (my normal speed), but at 10 it's even slower... as I said before; If I use 3, I can barely move at all!
  8. Messed up shit. I should play with 10 instead of 15 while playing ZS then...
  9. 15 dorr Edit: Because If I have 3, my aim can barely move.
  10. Well, you could also just make a picture to 256x256 (cause different sizes won't work, as example 256x128, and save as .vtf won't work) and make as .tga. That's the easiest way. Plus if you make a .vtf, a .vmt will automaticly be created, so theres no need to make a .vmt. I recommend to just make them into a .tga.
  11. I love horror movies. The latest I've seen were Mirror's. That one is fucking scary... :S But I don't have nightmares though. I just think of Teletubbies, then it's gone. x'D Edit: I think I've seen too much. :/
  12. bastardman

    Fallout 3

    I downloaded it, but it were an early Xbox 360 verision, ripped for the PC, which sucked. XD Well, I managed to get some footage myself. Edit: ... BUT the YouTube linkz0r thiniges are raped.
  13. I don't think this is the right thread for that question
  14. Our scanner is broken cause my dad kicked it.
  15. She doesn't :< Our scanner is broken, and she is scared that people will take her art and say that they made it. :S
  16. Neh, you can NEVA EVAH beat my sister. No offense Edit: ZOMGU KAVAJJ D: (I did it for the lulz)
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